Scripts for resolving issues in on-premises environments

This article serves as a central repository for scripts that you can use to fix issues in on-premises environments. These scripts must usually be run as predeployment or post-deployment scripts.

For more information about how to resolve issues in on-premises environments, see Troubleshoot on-premises deployments.

Prepare your environment for script execution

  1. Configure the execution of predeployment and post-deployment scripts. For more information, see Local agent predeployment and post-deployment scripts.

  2. Add the following code to your Predeployment.ps1 script.

    # This has to be filled out
    # $agentShare = '<Agent-share path>' # E.g '\\LBDContosoShare\agent''
    $agentShare = '\\servername\D365FFOAgent'
    Write-Output "AgentShare is set to $agentShare"
    # The scripts make the assumption that the wp folder only contains one folder for the environment name.
    # If you have multiple folders in there from older deployments, then please remove those.
    # It is not recommended to use the same agent share for multiple environments.
    #& $agentShare\scripts\TSG_UpdateFRDeployerConfig.ps1 -agentShare $agentShare
    #& $agentShare\scripts\TSG_WindowsAzureStorage.ps1 -agentShare $agentShare
    #& $agentShare\scripts\TSG_SysClassRunner.ps1 -agentShare $agentShare
    #& $agentShare\scripts\TSG_RemoveFilesFromZip.ps1 -agentShare $agentShare -filesToRemove 'Packages\TaxEngine\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics365.ElectronicReportingMapping.dll','Packages\TaxEngine\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics365.ElectronicReportingMapping.pdb','Packages\TaxEngine\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics365.ElectronicReportingServiceContracts.dll','Packages\TaxEngine\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics365.ElectronicReportingServiceContracts.pdb','Packages\TaxEngine\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.ElectronicReporting.Instrumentation.dll','Packages\TaxEngine\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.ElectronicReporting.Instrumentation.pdb','Packages\TaxEngine\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics365.LocalizationFrameworkCore.dll','Packages\TaxEngine\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics365.LocalizationFrameworkCore.pdb','Packages\TaxEngine\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics365.LocalizationFrameworkForAx.dll','Packages\TaxEngine\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics365.LocalizationFrameworkForAx.pdb'
    #& $agentShare\scripts\TSG_EnableGMSAForAOS.ps1 -agentShare $agentShare -gmsaAccount contoso\svc-AXSF$
    #& $agentShare\scripts\TSG_EnableDixfService.ps1 -agentShare $agentShare -gmsaAccount contoso\svc-Dixf$ -DMFShare "\\servername\dixf-share"
    # The following script (when enabled) configures HTTPS for SSRS, and enables reporting services to run under a gMSA account.
    # NOTE!!! If you have used an IP address in LCS for your SSRS server, update the IP address to a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the reporting server. This can be changed on the Environment page. Go to Maintain > Update settings.
    #& $agentShare\scripts\TSG_SSRSEnableHTTPS.ps1 -agentShare $agentShare -ssrsSslCertificateThumbprint "<ssrshttcertthumbprint>" -principalUserAccountName contoso\svc-reportsvc$
  3. From the relevant section of this article, copy the code that you require to fix your issue, and paste it into a new file. Save this file in the same folder where your Predeployment.ps1 script is stored. The file name must match the title of the section that you copied the code from. Repeat this step for other issues that you must fix.

  4. In the Predeployment.ps1 script, in the code that you added earlier, uncomment the lines that invoke the scripts that you want to use.


The following script is used to fix an issue that occurs when SysClassRunner is run in some versions of the platform. For more information about this issue, see SysClassRunner doesn't run successfully.

param (
    $agentShare = ''

$delete = @("Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.TraceEvent.dll", "Microsoft.AI.Agent.Intercept.dll", "Microsoft.AI.DependencyCollector.dll", "Microsoft.AI.DependencyCollector.xml", "Microsoft.AI.PerfCounterCollector.dll", "Microsoft.AI.ServerTelemetryChannel.dll", "Microsoft.AI.ServerTelemetryChannel.xml", "Microsoft.AI.Web.dll", "Microsoft.AI.Web.xml", "Microsoft.AI.WindowsServer.dll","Microsoft.AI.WindowsServer.xml", "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.dll", "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.xml")

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

$basePath = Get-ChildItem $agentShare\wp\*\StandaloneSetup-*\Apps |
    Select-Object -First 1 -Expand FullName

#Some customers experience an unexpected behavior with the previous command.
if($basePath -notmatch "\AOS")
    $basePath = Join-Path $basePath -ChildPath "\AOS" 

$basePath = Join-Path $basePath -ChildPath "AXServiceApp\AXSF\Code" 

if(!(Test-Path $basePath))
    Write-Error "Basepath: $basePath , not found" -Exception InvalidOperation

foreach( $file in $delete)
    if(Test-Path -Path "$basePath\$file")
        Remove-Item -Path "$basePath\$file"

$axConfig = Join-Path $basePath -ChildPath "AXService.exe.config"

if(!(Test-Path $axConfig))
    Write-Error "Unable to find AxService.exe.config in path: $axConfig" -Exception InvalidOperation

Write-Output "Found config: $axConfig"

[xml]$xml = get-content $axConfig
$xml.SelectNodes("//*[@name = 'Microsoft.AI.Agent.Intercept']/..") | ForEach-Object {
    $_.bindingRedirect.oldVersion = ""
    $_.bindingRedirect.newVersion = ""

if($xml.SelectNodes("//*[@name = 'Microsoft.ApplicationInsights']").Count -eq 0)
    [xml]$newNode = @"
    <dependentAssembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
        <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.ApplicationInsights" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
    $xml.configuration.runtime.assemblyBinding.AppendChild($xml.ImportNode($newNode.dependentAssembly, $true))


Write-Output "TSG SysClassRunner script succeeded"


The following script is used to fix an issue that occurs when Financial Reporting is deployed in some versions of the platform. For more information about this issue, see Couldn't load file or assembly EntityFramework.

param (
    $agentShare = ''

$frConfig = Get-ChildItem $agentShare\wp\*\StandaloneSetup-*\Apps\FR\Deployment\FinancialReportingDeployer.exe.config |
    Select-Object -First 1 -Expand FullName

if( -not $frConfig)
    Write-Output "Unable to find FinancialReportingDeployer.exe.Config"

Write-Output "Found config: $frConfig"

[xml]$xml = get-content $frConfig

$nodeList = $xml.GetElementsByTagName("loadFromRemoteSources")

if($nodeList.Count -eq 0)
    # Create the node 
    $newNode = $xml.CreateNode("element","loadFromRemoteSources","")
    # Find the parent
    $nodeList = $xml.GetElementsByTagName("runtime")
    $runtimeNode = $nodeList[0]
    # Save doc
    Write-Output "Inserted new node: "$newNode.Name
    $node = $nodeList[0]

    $attribute = $node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("enabled")

    if($attribute.Value -eq "true")
        Write-Output "Node already exists: "$node.Name

        Write-Output "Node already exists but attribute is incorrect: " $attribute.Name "is" $attribute.Value


The following script is used to fix an issue where files can't be downloaded or exported in some versions of the platform. This script shouldn't be used from Application version 10.0.35 or later.

param (
    $agentShare = ''
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

$delete = @("Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll", "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.xml")

$basePath = Get-ChildItem $agentShare\wp\*\StandaloneSetup-*\Apps |
    Select-Object -First 1 -Expand FullName

#Some customers experience an unexpected behavior with the previous command.
if($basePath -notmatch "\AOS")
    $basePath = Join-Path $basePath -ChildPath "\AOS" 

$basePath = Join-Path $basePath -ChildPath "AXServiceApp\AXSF\Code" 

if(!(Test-Path $basePath))
    Write-Error "Basepath: $basePath , not found" -Exception InvalidOperation

foreach( $file in $delete)
    if(Test-Path -Path "$basePath\$file")
        Remove-Item -Path "$basePath\$file"

Write-Output "TSG WindowsAzureStorage script succeeded"


The following script is used to fix an issue that occurs for some customers who were previously on versions 10.0.5 through 10.0.9. Due to how the prepare process works, there are some older versions of DLLs that remain in the TaxEngine folder, which in newer releases have been moved to different module folders. This script ensures that these DLLs are removed from the downloaded asset, before being deployed to the AOS nodes.

    [ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path $_ })]
    [string] $agentShare,


#requires -Version 5
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$InformationPreference = 'Continue'
$files = @()


if(! (Test-Path $AgentShare))
    throw "The path provided for the agentshare is not valid/accessible."

ForEach($file in $FilesToRemove)
        throw "The path of $file does not start with Packages."
    $files += $file.Replace('\', '/')

$basePath = Get-ChildItem $AgentShare\wp\*\StandaloneSetup-*\Apps | Select-Object -First 1 -Expand FullName

#Some customers experience an unexpected behavior with the previous command.
if($basePath -notmatch "\AOS")
    $basePath = Join-Path $basePath -ChildPath "\AOS" 

$basePath = Join-Path $basePath -ChildPath "AXServiceApp\AXSF\Code"
$zipfile = Join-Path $basePath -ChildPath ""

    $stream = New-Object IO.FileStream($zipfile, [IO.FileMode]::Open)
    $mode   = [IO.Compression.ZipArchiveMode]::Update
    $zip    = New-Object IO.Compression.ZipArchive($stream, $mode)

    ($zip.Entries | ? { $files -contains $_.FullName }) | % { $_.Delete() } | Write-Output
    throw 'An Error Occurred'


The following script is used to change the account the AOS runs under from an Active Directory (AD) user to a group Managed Service Account (gMSA).


This script can only be used starting with version 10.0.17. You need to reinstall the printers on each AOS node as they are not available to the gMSA account. For more information, see Install network printer devices in on-premises environments. This script has been updated to work with Application version 10.0.32, but also works with older Application versions.

param (
    [ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path $_ })]
    [string] $agentShare,


$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

$basePath = Get-ChildItem $agentShare\wp\*\StandaloneSetup-*\ |
    Select-Object -First 1 -Expand FullName

if(!(Test-Path $basePath))
    Write-Error "Basepath: $basePath , not found" -Exception InvalidOperation

$configJsonPath = "$basePath\config.json"

$configJson = Get-Content $configJsonPath | ConvertFrom-Json

$updatedComponents = @()
foreach ($component in $configJson.components)
    if($ -eq "AOS")
        $component.parameters.infrastructure.principalUserAccountType.value = "ManagedServiceAccount"
        $component.parameters.infrastructure.principalUserAccountName.value = $gmsaAccount

    if($ -eq "Bootstrap" -and $component.parameters.infrastructure)
        $component.parameters.infrastructure.principalUserAccountType.value = "ManagedServiceAccount"
        $component.parameters.infrastructure.principalUserAccountName.value = $gmsaAccount

    if($ -eq "ReportingServices")
        $component.parameters.accountListToAccessReports.value = $gmsaAccount

    $updatedComponents += $component

$configJson.components = $updatedComponents

$configJson | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $configJsonPath

Write-Output "Successfully updated the configuration for AOS gMSA execution."


The following script is used to enable the Data Management Framework service for your environment.


This script can only be used starting with version 10.0.32. Additionally, at least version 2.18.0 of the infrastructure scripts is required.

param (

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

$basePath = Get-ChildItem $AgentShare\wp\*\StandaloneSetup-*\ |
    Select-Object -First 1 -Expand FullName

if(!(Test-Path $basePath))
    Write-Error "Basepath: $basePath , not found" -Exception InvalidOperation

$configJsonPath = "$basePath\config.json"

$configJson = Get-Content $configJsonPath | ConvertFrom-Json

$updatedComponents = @()
foreach ($component in $configJson.components)
    if($ -eq "AOS")
        $ = "True"
        $ = $DMFShare

        $gatewayComponent = $configJson.components | Where-Object { $ -eq "Gateway" }
        $dmfUrl = "https://$($component.parameters.infrastructure.hostName.value):$($gatewayComponent.parameters.internalServiceEndpointPort.value)/DixfApplication/DixfService/DMFService/DMFServiceHelper.svc"

        $ = $dmfUrl
    elseif($ -eq "Dixf")
        $component.isEnabled = "True"
        $component.parameters.infrastructure.principalUserAccountType.value = "ManagedServiceAccount"
        $component.parameters.infrastructure.principalUserAccountName.value = $GmsaAccount

    $updatedComponents += $component

$configJson.components = $updatedComponents

$configJson | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $configJsonPath

Write-Output "Successfully updated the configuration and enabled DixfService."


The following script is used to prevent the Financial Reporting service from being deployed.

param (

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

$basePath = Get-ChildItem $AgentShare\wp\*\StandaloneSetup-*\ |
    Select-Object -First 1 -Expand FullName

if(!(Test-Path $basePath))
    Write-Error "Basepath: $basePath , not found" -Exception InvalidOperation

$modulesJsonPath = "$basePath\SetupModules.json"

$modulesJson = Get-Content $modulesJsonPath | ConvertFrom-Json

Write-Host "Disabling FinancialReporting component..."
$modulesJson.components = $modulesJson.components | Where-Object name -ne "financialreporting"
$modulesJson | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Out-File $modulesJsonPath
Write-Host "Finished Disabling FinancialReporting component."


The following script can be used for older environments to configure SSRS with HTTPS and enbable the gMSA account that is used in new configurations.


If you have used an IP address in LCS for your SSRS server, you'll need to change that to the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the reporting server. This can be changed on the Environment page then Maintain > Update Settings

param (
    [ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path $_ })]
    [string] $agentShare,


$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

$basePath = Get-ChildItem $agentShare\wp\*\StandaloneSetup-*\ |
    Select-Object -First 1 -Expand FullName

if(!(Test-Path $basePath))
    Write-Error "Basepath: $basePath , not found" -Exception InvalidOperation

$configJsonPath = "$basePath\config.json"

$configJson = Get-Content $configJsonPath | ConvertFrom-Json

$updatedComponents = @()
foreach ($component in $configJson.components)

    if($ -eq "AOS")
        $component.parameters.biReporting.reportingServers.value = $component.parameters.biReporting.persistentVirtualMachineIPAddressSSRS.value
        $component.parameters.biReporting.ssrsUseHttps.value = $true
		$component.parameters.biReporting.ssrsHttpsPort.value = 443

    if($ -eq "ReportingServices")
        $component.parameters.enableSecurity.value = $true
        $component.parameters.ssrsSslCertificateThumbprint.value = $ssrsSslCertificateThumbprint
		$component.parameters.ssrsHttpsPort.value = 443
		$component.parameters.reportingServers.value = $component.parameters.ssrsServerFqdn.value
		$component.parameters.infrastructure.principalUserAccountType = "ManagedServiceAccount"
		$component.parameters.infrastructure.principalUserAccountName = $principalUserAccountName

    $updatedComponents += $component

$configJson.components = $updatedComponents

$configJson | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $configJsonPath

Write-Output "Successfully updated the configuration HTTPS (443) for Reporting Services"