
在 Power BI 視覺效果中醒目提示資料點

本文說明如何醒目提示 Power BI 視覺效果上的資料。

根據預設,每當選取元素時,dataView 物件中的 values 陣列都會篩選為只顯示選取的值。 篩選 values 陣列時,頁面上所有其他視覺效果只會顯示選取的資料。

如果您將 capabilities.json 檔案中的 supportsHighlight 屬性設定為 true,則會導致未篩選的完整 values 陣列以及 highlights 陣列。 highlights 陣列與值陣列的長度相同,且任何未選取的值都會設定為 null。 啟用此屬性後,視覺效果中的適當資料會藉由比較 values 陣列與 highlights 數位來醒目提示。


  • 若無醒目提示支援,則選取項目是 values 陣列中唯一的值,也是資料檢視中顯示的唯一長條。
  • 如有醒目提示支援,所有值都在 values 陣列中。 highlights 陣列包含非醒目提示元素的 null 值。 所有長條都會出現在資料檢視中,醒目提示的長條是不同的色彩。

也可以有多個選取項目和部分醒目提示。 醒目提示的值會呈現在資料檢視中。




對於具有類別資料檢視對應的視覺效果,請將 "supportsHighlight": true 新增至 capabilities.json 檔案。 例如:

    "dataRoles": [
            "displayName": "Category",
            "name": "category",
            "kind": "Grouping"
            "displayName": "Value",
            "name": "value",
            "kind": "Measure"
    "dataViewMappings": [
            "categorical": {
                "categories": {
                    "for": {
                        "in": "category"
                "values": {
                    "for": {
                        "in": "value"
    "supportsHighlight": true


"use strict";

// ... default imports list

import { FormattingSettingsService } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-formattingmodel";

import DataViewCategorical = powerbi.DataViewCategorical;
import DataViewCategoryColumn = powerbi.DataViewCategoryColumn;
import PrimitiveValue = powerbi.PrimitiveValue;
import DataViewValueColumn = powerbi.DataViewValueColumn;

import { VisualFormattingSettingsModel } from "./settings";

export class Visual implements IVisual {
    private target: HTMLElement;
    private formattingSettings: VisualFormattingSettingsModel;
    private formattingSettingsService: FormattingSettingsService;

    constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions) {
        console.log('Visual constructor', options);
        this.formattingSettingsService = new FormattingSettingsService();
        this.target = options.element;
        this.host = options.host;

    public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
        this.formattingSettings = this.formattingSettingsService.populateFormattingSettingsModel(VisualFormattingSettingsModel, options.dataViews);
        console.log('Visual update', options);


    // Returns properties pane formatting model content hierarchies, properties and latest formatting values, Then populate properties pane. 
    // This method is called once every time we open properties pane or when the user edit any format property. 
    public getFormattingModel(): powerbi.visuals.FormattingModel {
        return this.formattingSettingsService.buildFormattingModel(this.formattingSettings);

匯入必要的介面,以處理來自 Power BI 的資料:

import DataViewCategorical = powerbi.DataViewCategorical;
import DataViewCategoryColumn = powerbi.DataViewCategoryColumn;
import PrimitiveValue = powerbi.PrimitiveValue;
import DataViewValueColumn = powerbi.DataViewValueColumn;

建立類別值的根 div 元素:

export class Visual implements IVisual {
    private target: HTMLElement;
    private formattingSettings: VisualFormattingSettingsModel;
    private formattingSettingsService: FormattingSettingsService;

    private div: HTMLDivElement; // new property

    constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions) {
        console.log('Visual constructor', options);
        this.formattingSettingsService = new FormattingSettingsService();
        this.target = options.element;
        this.host = options.host;

        // create div element
        this.div = document.createElement("div");

    // ...

在轉譯新資料之前,請先清除 div 元素的內容:

// ...
public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
    this.formattingSettings = this.formattingSettingsService.populateFormattingSettingsModel(VisualFormattingSettingsModel, options.dataViews);
    console.log('Visual update', options);

    while (this.div.firstChild) {
    // ...

dataView 物件取得類別和量值:

public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
    this.formattingSettings = this.formattingSettingsService.populateFormattingSettingsModel(VisualFormattingSettingsModel, options.dataViews);
    console.log('Visual update', options);

    while (this.div.firstChild) {

    const dataView: DataView = options.dataViews[0];
    const categoricalDataView: DataViewCategorical = dataView.categorical;
    const categories: DataViewCategoryColumn = categoricalDataView.categories[0];
    const categoryValues = categories.values;

    const measures: DataViewValueColumn = categoricalDataView.values[0];
    const measureValues = measures.values;
    const measureHighlights = measures.highlights;
    // ...

其中 categoryValues 是類別值的陣列,measureValues 是量值的陣列,而 measureHighlights 則是值的醒目提示部分。


如果 measureHighlights 屬性值小於 categoryValues 屬性值,則會部分醒目提示此值。

列舉 categoryValues 陣列,並取得對應的值和醒目提示:

// ...
const measureHighlights = measures.highlights;

categoryValues.forEach((category: PrimitiveValue, index: number) => {
    const measureValue = measureValues[index];
    const measureHighlight = measureHighlights && measureHighlights[index] ? measureHighlights[index] : null;
    console.log(category, measureValue, measureHighlight);


建立 divp 元素,以顯示視覺效果 DOM 中的資料檢視值並將其視覺化:

categoryValues.forEach((category: PrimitiveValue, index: number) => {
    const measureValue = measureValues[index];
    const measureHighlight = measureHighlights && measureHighlights[index] ? measureHighlights[index] : null;
    console.log(category, measureValue, measureHighlight);

    // div element. it contains elements to display values and visualize value as progress bar
    let div = document.createElement("div");

    // div element to visualize value of measure
    let barValue = document.createElement("div");
    barValue.style.width = +measureValue * 10 + "px";
    barValue.style.display = "flex";

    // element to display category value
    let bp = document.createElement("p");
    bp.innerText = category.toString();

    // div element to visualize highlight of measure
    let barHighlight = document.createElement("div");
    barHighlight.style.backgroundColor = "blue";
    barHighlight.style.width = +measureHighlight * 10 + "px";

    // element to display highlighted value of measure
    let p = document.createElement("p");
    p.innerText = `${measureHighlight}/${measureValue}`;



套用元素所需的樣式,以使用 flexbox 並定義 div 元素的色彩:

div.vertical {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;

div.horizontal {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;

div.highlight {
    background-color: blue

div.value {
    background-color: red;
    display: flex;




對於具有矩陣資料檢視對應的視覺效果,請將 "supportsHighlight": true 新增至 capabilities.json 檔案。 例如:

    "dataRoles": [
            "displayName": "Columns",
            "name": "columns",
            "kind": "Grouping"
            "displayName": "Rows",
            "name": "rows",
            "kind": "Grouping"
            "displayName": "Value",
            "name": "value",
            "kind": "Measure"
    "dataViewMappings": [
            "matrix": {
                "columns": {
                    "for": {
                        "in": "columns"
                "rows": {
                    "for": {
                        "in": "rows"
                "values": {
                    "for": {
                        "in": "value"
    "supportsHighlight": true


Row1 Row2 Row3 資料行1 資料行2 資料行3
R1 R11 R111 C1 C11 C111 1
R1 R11 R112 C1 C11 C112 2
R1 R11 R113 C1 C11 C113 3
R1 R12 R121 C1 C12 C121 4
R1 R12 R122 C1 C12 C122 5
R1 R12 R123 C1 C12 C123 6
R1 R13 R131 C1 C13 C131 7
R1 R13 R132 C1 C13 C132 8
R1 R13 R133 C1 C13 C133 9
R2 R21 R211 C2 C21 C211 10
R2 R21 R212 C2 C21 C212 11
R2 R21 R213 C2 C21 C213 12
R2 R22 R221 C2 C22 C221 13
R2 R22 R222 C2 C22 C222 14
R2 R22 R223 C2 C22 C223 16
R2 R23 R231 C2 C23 C231 17
R2 R23 R232 C2 C23 C232 18
R2 R23 R233 C2 C23 C233 19

建立預設的視覺效果專案,並套用 capabilities.json 檔案的範例。


"use strict";

// ... default imports

import { FormattingSettingsService } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-formattingmodel";
import { VisualFormattingSettingsModel } from "./settings";

export class Visual implements IVisual {
    private target: HTMLElement;
    private formattingSettings: VisualFormattingSettingsModel;
    private formattingSettingsService: FormattingSettingsService;

    constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions) {
        console.log('Visual constructor', options);
        this.formattingSettingsService = new FormattingSettingsService();
        this.target = options.element;
        this.host = options.host;

    public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
        this.formattingSettings = this.formattingSettingsService.populateFormattingSettingsModel(VisualFormattingSettingsModel, options.dataViews);
        console.log('Visual update', options);


     * Returns properties pane formatting model content hierarchies, properties and latest formatting values, Then populate properties pane.
     * This method is called once every time we open properties pane or when the user edit any format property. 
    public getFormattingModel(): powerbi.visuals.FormattingModel {
        return this.formattingSettingsService.buildFormattingModel(this.formattingSettings);

匯入必要的介面,以處理來自 Power BI 的資料:

import DataViewMatrix = powerbi.DataViewMatrix;
import DataViewMatrixNode = powerbi.DataViewMatrixNode;
import DataViewHierarchyLevel = powerbi.DataViewHierarchyLevel;

建立兩個用於視覺效果配置的 div 元素:

constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions) {
    // ...
    this.rowsDiv = document.createElement("div");

    this.colsDiv = document.createElement("div");
    this.target.style.overflowY = "auto";

檢查 update 方法中的資料,以確保視覺效果會取得資料:

public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
    this.formattingSettings = this.formattingSettingsService.populateFormattingSettingsModel(VisualFormattingSettingsModel, options.dataViews);
    console.log('Visual update', options);

    const dataView: DataView = options.dataViews[0];
    const matrixDataView: DataViewMatrix = dataView.matrix;

    if (!matrixDataView ||
        !matrixDataView.columns ||
        !matrixDataView.rows ) {
    // ...

在轉譯新資料之前,請先清除 div 元素的內容:

public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
    // ...

    // remove old elements
    // to better performance use D3js pattern:
    // https://d3js.org/#enter-exit
    while (this.rowsDiv.firstChild) {
    const prow = document.createElement("p");
    prow.innerText = "Rows";

    while (this.colsDiv.firstChild) {
    const pcol = document.createElement("p");
    pcol.innerText = "Columns";
    // ...

建立 treeWalker 函式以周遊矩陣資料結構:

public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
    // ...
    const treeWalker = (matrixNode: DataViewMatrixNode, index: number, levels: DataViewHierarchyLevel[], div: HTMLDivElement)  => {

    // ...

其中 matrixNode 是目前的節點,levels 是此階層層級的中繼資料行,div 是子 HTML 元素的父元素。

treeWalker 是遞迴函式,需要建立 div 元素和 p 作為標頭的文字,並為節點的子項目呼叫此函式:

public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
    // ...
    const treeWalker = (matrixNode: DataViewMatrixNode, index: number, levels: DataViewHierarchyLevel[], div: HTMLDivElement)  => {
        // ...

        if (matrixNode.children) {
            const childDiv = document.createElement("div");

            const p = document.createElement("p");
            const level = levels[matrixNode.level]; // get current level column metadata from current node
            p.innerText = level.sources[level.sources.length - 1].displayName; // get column name from metadata

            childDiv.appendChild(p); // add paragraph element to div element
            matrixNode.children.forEach((node, index) => treeWalker(node, levels, childDiv, ++levelIndex));
    // ...


public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
    // ...
    const treeWalker = (matrixNode: DataViewMatrixNode, index: number, levels: DataViewHierarchyLevel[], div: HTMLDivElement)  => {
        // ...
    // ...
    // remove old elements
    // ...

    // ...
    const rowRoot: DataViewMatrixNode = matrixDataView.rows.root;
    rowRoot.children.forEach((node) => treeWalker(node, matrixDataView.rows.levels, this.rowsDiv));

    const colRoot = matrixDataView.columns.root;
    colRoot.children.forEach((node) => treeWalker(node, matrixDataView.columns.levels, this.colsDiv));

為節點產生 selectionID,並建立按鈕以顯示節點:

public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
    // ...
    const treeWalker = (matrixNode: DataViewMatrixNode, index: number, levels: DataViewHierarchyLevel[], div: HTMLDivElement)  => {
        const selectionID: ISelectionID = this.host.createSelectionIdBuilder()
            .withMatrixNode(matrixNode, levels)

        let nodeBlock = document.createElement("button");
        nodeBlock.innerText = matrixNode.value.toString();

        nodeBlock.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
            // call select method in the selection manager

        nodeBlock.addEventListener("contextmenu", (event) => {
            // call showContextMenu method to display context menu on the visual
            this.selectionManager.showContextMenu(selectionID, {
                x: event.clientX,
                y: event.clientY
        // ...
    // ...



JSON.stringify(options.dataViews[0].matrix.rows.root.children[0].children[0].children[0], null, " ");
 "level": 2,
 "levelValues": [
   "value": "R233",
   "levelSourceIndex": 0
 "value": "R233",
 "identity": {
  "identityIndex": 2
 "values": {
  "0": {
   "value": null,
   "highlight": null
  "1": {
   "value": 19,
   "highlight": 19

其中 value 代表節點的值,且不套用來自其他視覺效果的選取項目,highlight 會指出資料的哪個部分已醒目提示。


如果 highlight 的值小於 value 的值,則會部分醒目提示 value

新增程式碼以處理節點的 values 陣列 (如果有的話):

public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
    // ...
    const treeWalker = (matrixNode: DataViewMatrixNode, index: number, levels: DataViewHierarchyLevel[], div: HTMLDivElement)  => {
        // ...

        if (matrixNode.values) {
            const sumOfValues = Object.keys(matrixNode.values) // get key property of object (value are 0 to N)
                .map(key => +matrixNode.values[key].value) // convert key property to number
                .reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr) // sum of values

            let sumOfHighlights = sumOfValues;
            sumOfHighlights = Object.keys(matrixNode.values) // get key property of object (value are 0 to N)
                .map(key => matrixNode.values[key].highlight ? +matrixNode.values[key].highlight : null ) // convert key property to number if it exists
                .reduce((prev, curr) => curr ? prev + curr : null) // convert key property to number

            // create div container for value and highlighted value
            const vals = document.createElement("div");
            vals.classList.replace("vertical", "horizontal");
            // create paragraph element for label
            const highlighted = document.createElement("p");
            // Display complete value and highlighted value
            highlighted.innerText = `${sumOfHighlights}/${sumOfValues}`;

            // create div container for value
            const valueDiv = document.createElement("div");
            valueDiv.style.width = sumOfValues * 10 + "px";

            // create div container for highlighted values
            const highlightsDiv = document.createElement("div");
            highlightsDiv.style.width = sumOfHighlights * 10 + "px";

            // append button and paragraph to div containers to parent div
        } else {

        if (matrixNode.children) {
            // ...
    // ...

結果是含有按鈕和值的視覺效果,例如 highlighted value/default value
