
Service Factory now available for download!

Before I get ahead of myself, which comes pretty easy for me J, here’s the link to learn more about and download the Service Factory.

Wow, I’ve been waiting 8 months to write this blog entry. After months of planning, arguing, development, sleep deprivation, testing, writing, and making sure all of that wasn’t in vain, the Service Factory has actually made it onto MSDN. Since this is MY blog, I feel like I can be more personal than the other announcements I’ve written recently. This release actually means quite a lot to me. Not only is it the first p&p deliverable I’ve been involved in from the VERY beginning, but I truly believe it will revolutionize the way organizations build services. I believe it can have this impact because the deliverable has seen a huge amount of customer and community involvement and it has a very solid future. We’ve been building the next version, which will include WCF guidance, since we started this [ASMX] release. AND we already have a good idea what the v3 will look like.

If you’re building services today and don’t know what I’m talking about, I would STRONGLY encourage you to spend some time evaluating Service Factory. Not only will it give you confidence that you are building services the right way today, but you’ll have all of the guidance you need to ensure you’re on the right track to build or migrate to WCF services in the future. I’m tellin’ ya, this is bigtime!

I’m working on some hands-on labs right now that I hope to have done within a week. This will really help you get up to speed quickly. I’ll post another entry once I’ve posted them on the community workspace. For now the webcast and the arcast should be good enough to get you started. Let me know if you have any questions.


  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2006
    Awesome stuff. I see a reference to a HOL but can't find the download for it. Any pointers?

  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2006
    Where is the Hands On Lab? The link takes me to gotdotnet site but I am not able to find it there.


  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2006
    Ooops, I see somebody else has already asked the question. Wasn't quick enough to realize what HOL meant ;-)

  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2006
    Congrats on the release.  This comes at a great time for me because I need to build a web service infrastructure and I don't have time to learn how to do this from scratch.  Looking forward to the release of those hands on labs!

  • Anonymous
    July 31, 2006
    I wanted to congratulate the Patterns & Practices Team, for releasing the first version of the Web...

  • Anonymous
    July 31, 2006
    Don Smith made the announcement on his blog yesterday. If you're writing web services with .NET at

  • Anonymous
    August 01, 2006
    Hey everyone, sorry about the the delay and confusion around the hands-on labs. I really thought I would have them ready by the time we shipped, but prodution tasks just kept blocking me (I'm very synchronous :) I hope to have them out by the end of the week. Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    August 02, 2006
    Another one of the patterns & practices teams has released the guidance and software they have been...

  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
    Sorry for the delay, but I've just posted the HOL on the community workspace over at http://practices.gotdotnet.com/svcfactory. Have at it! :)

  • Anonymous
    October 09, 2006
    Hai, First of all, very good stuff, the service factory. It looks a lot like I structured my projects ( I used to use xsdobjectgen to generate my data types and bussiness entities with a pre-build event). What I miss in the documentation is the link between the bussiness actions and the repository. Of course this can be found in the reference implementation. I also miss the implementation for transactions, or did I miss that one?How do you think this factory fits into to whole domain driven thinking. Generating from a database is the wrong way though very practical now. Will the factory support domain driven design (DSL?) in the future? Another architectural question is do you say that every client (even you are building one app) uses the service interface. If you look at CSLA or DevForce (IdeaBlade) they promote distibuted(mobile) business objects. Keep up the good work, Greetings, Rudi van den Belt

  • Anonymous
    October 31, 2006
    Hey Rudi, thanks. Let's see if this response works: Link b/w business actions and the repository: looking at the reference implementation is exactly where you should find this. That is why it is not necessarily in the written documentation. Is it needed in both? Transactions: The guidance here is to create a System.Transactions.TransactionScope object from the business action and then invoke your repositories to perform all the necessary work. Domain Driven thinking: I actually think it fits very nicely. All of our developers have read and apply domain driven design. Generating from a database: The guidance is not that you should generate your entities from your data model, but the reality is that we know that in the beginning stages, there are similarities b/w the data model and the domain model. We know the structures are ultimately different (and certainly can evolve differently), but it can be reasonable to perform the initial generation from the data model. DSLs in the future: Absolutely! Check out Tom Hollander's blog (http://blogs.msdn.com/tomholl) for more information. Distributed objects: Organizations should be building services to achieve specific goals. Distributed objects and frameworks like CSLA and DevForce are not motivated by the same goals as those promoted by servie orientation. Met vriendelijke groeten, Don