
A New Era - Visual Studio Team System

After two years on the Microsoft.com Community Technologies Team I have decided that I needed a new challenge. During the past couple years I was able to transition my development team onto Visual Studio Team System, and Team Foundation Server. I had a great time with it and we learned a lot. Now the cross-discipline team uses VSTS for all project related tasks - work item tracking, source control, unit testing, development, load testing, bug tracking, etc. I feel very good about our achievement with this.

This experience has made me quite passionate about VSTS. I have presented (mostly) on the unit testing features of VSTS, but also on how VSTS can be used for Agile development, and how TFS can be used for source control and automated builds. I love VSTS, and can't wait to talk about what is coming in the future.

This prodded me to make a career change. Effective yesterday I am now the Senior Product Manager for Visual Studio Team System (Team Suite). In typical Microsoft fashion, my first day in the role was spent "drinking from the fire hose." I spent most of the day in meetings, being introduced to the VSTS Program Managers, and in my spare time, learning about the next release's.

I am excited, and I look forward to sharing a lot of technical information about getting the most out of VSTS. Expect that I will be talking a lot about Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), or what I prefer to call Collaborative Development.

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Technorati tags: Visual Studio Team System, VSTS, Microsoft, ALM, Team Foundation Server, TFS