
How do I change my Duet metadata server location?

When the Duet Client is installed, one of the setup options is to ask where the medataservice is located.  An admin typically puts in a link like this:

However, if for some reason the admin changes the Duet Server to a different name or IP address, this needs to be updated.  To do that, we have provided a tool in the framework directory.  The name of the utility is Microsoft.OBA.Tools.ConfigSettings.exe.  Running the utility from a command prompt without any command line parameters will give the following output:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Information Bridge\1.8\Framework>Microsoft.OBA.Tools.ConfigSettings.exe

Usage: Microsoft.OBA.Tools.ConfigSettings <verb> [<options>]


     /update - Updates configuration settings with specified values.

      /defaults - Resets configuration settings to the default settings.

      /display - Prints all configuration settings.


      /mds:<metadata service URL> - Specifies the location of the metadata service. An example of a metadata service URL is: localhost:8081/DuetReadService.asmx

      /caching: true|false - Sets whether or not the volatile metadata cache is used.

      /persistentcache:true|false - Sets whether or not the local persistent metadata cache is used.

      /offlinemode:true|false - Sets whether or not the offline mode is used. 

      /cachefirst:volatile|persistent - Sets which metadata cache (persistent or volatile) is used first when executing metadata.

      /cachesize:<number of MB> - Specifies the maximum size (in megabytes) of the volatile metadata cache.

      /refresh:true|false - Sets whether or not the volatile metadata cache is refreshed automatically.

      /days:<number of days or random> - Sets the time interval (in days) when the automatic refresh checks for updated metadata. The value range is 0 through 99. Use the * wildcard character to specify a random value.

     /hours:<number of hours or random> - Sets the time interval (in hours) when the automatic refresh checks for updated metadata. The value range is 0 through 23. Use the * wildcard character to specify a random value.

      /mins:<number of minutes or random> - Sets the time interval (in minutes) when the automatic refresh checks for updated metadata. The value range is 0 through 59. Use the * wildcard character to specify a random value.

      /secs:<number of seconds or random> - Sets the time interval (in seconds) when the automatic refresh checks for updated metadata. The value range is 0 through 59. Use the * wildcard character to specify a random value.

      /validation:true|false - Sets whether or not internal XSD schema validation of the XML data is used at run time.

      /threads:<number of threads> - Specifies the number of threads that are used by the execution engine. This value must be greater than 1. The hardware characteristics limit the maximum value.

      /timeout:<number of seconds> - Specifies the length of time (in seconds) before a timeout occurs for an operation.

      /embed: true|false - Sets whether or not smart tags are embedded.

      /spooler: true|false - Sets whether or not the error spooler is used.

      /menu:<menu size> - Specifies the maximum number of menu items for smart tag menus.

      /protocolhandler: true|false - Sets whether or not the protocol handler is used.

      /insertcopymode:SmartTagOnly|HyperlinkOnly|SmartTagAndHyperlink - Specifies if the smart tags and/or hyperlinks can be inserted or copied.

      /currentuiculture:<ui culture name> - Sets the current user interface culture. This value must be the code of the culture (EN-US for English-United States).

To make the change, the verb would be /update and the option would be /mds.  For example, if the server IP address changed from to, then the following command line would be used:

Microsoft.OBA.Tools.ConfigSettings.exe /update /mds: DuetReadService.Asmx

The output should look like this:

The configuration settings were updated successfully.
To apply the changes, please log off and then log on to your computer.

However, if you do not have write permissions to the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Information Bridge\1.8\Framework directory, then the following output will be observed:

The Metadata service URL Property cannot be updated because it is either not present in the configuration file, or the property is configured by a Group Policy setting. If the administrator has set Group Policy settings for this property, the settings cannot
be changed by the local user.


Where did the change get stored?

To investigate what files were updated, you can use the built in tool findstr.exe to search for which file contains the new IP address or name of the server.  In the same command line window that the ConfigSettings tool was run, execute the following command:

findstr /i /s /c:”192.168” *.*

You can replace the 192.168 with the beginning of the ip address or name of of your Duet server.

Happy Dueting!