Create custom addresslist in Exchange 2007
In a first glance to the Address List creation Wizard it seem's that a old fashion query is missing from it, as usual we use Powershell to solve the issue.
The new way to create a custom address list has been simplified in Powershell, instead of the old headache that the LDAP queries in Exchange 2003 were we have now a simple syntax were we can choose all attributes that will filter our Custom address list.
In the following syntax we are creating a new address list that includes all users enabled mailbox that their offices is in Lisbon:
New-AddressList -Name Teste -RecipientFilter {((RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox') -and ((office -eq 'Lisbon')))}
The full command description can be found here:
And the full list of Filterable properties can be found here:
- Anonymous
January 01, 2003
Outlook 2007: Sync error 0x80190194 (OAB synchronization) Single Instance Storage Exchange when moving