
Add-ons, Installation Experiences, and User Consent

As discussed in previous blog posts, add-ons can have a material impact on browser performance. IE measures the performance of add-ons so that users can make informed decisions about them. It is important to understand how add-ons arrive on a user’s system to begin with because browser performance is so important to site developers and to consumers. The notification and control that users have around the add-on installation process is equally important because add-ons can also have an impact on user privacy and information sharing. This blog post surveys the current installation experience for different kinds of add-ons in different browsers and how the add-on installation experience can be more robust for consumers.

First, let’s look at mark-up based add-ons in IE. These add-ons describe their functionality without any executable code, typically using XML. Examples are OpenSearch providers, Web Slices, and Accelerators. There is no code in the add-on itself and no code involved when the add-on is installed. Consumers install these add-ons from within the browser. There is clear consumer consent as part of that in-browser installation experience:

Accelerator installation consent dialog from IE8

Binary add-ons, like Toolbars and BHOs, are full Windows programs that run within the browser. The installers for these Windows programs are other Windows programs that run outside the browser. Some add-on installations are the result of a user explicitly seeking them out and installing them. Other add-on installations are bundled with other software. These can be a surprise to users, and are often installed without explicit consent.  Technically, browsers can only detect that an add-on was installed, not what consent the user gave during installation. We hope you’ll share your favorite examples of software installation surprises in the comments. It is not clear from within the browser what consent (if any) a consumer has given when one of these add-ons is installed. It is clear that the next time the user starts IE, the new add-ons will affect browser performance and reliability, and possibly privacy.

Add-ons can also affect privacy. Additional code running in the browser can send user information to websites. (You can read more about an add-on that sent user information inappropriately here.) For this reason, when users start IE8’s InPrivate Browsing feature, IE runs without toolbars and BHOs. The user expects an InPrivate session to be private, and there is no way for IE to know what information add-ons save on the user’s system or send to websites. 

Because many add-on setup experiences surprise users, some browsers today seek user conformation before they run newly installed add-ons. For example, here’s the dialog that Firefox 3.6 shows the first time the user starts it after installing an add-on:

Firefox add-on installation consent dialog

Note that before seeing this prompt, the user initiated the add-on installation explicitly and clicked two prompts within the browser to install the add-on.

On today’s web, consumers face many different threats to browser security, reliability, performance, and privacy. We work closely with other software vendors to make experiences within IE better for consumers. For example, we exchange feedback with toolbar vendors about their work and the IE Add-on Guidelines and Requirements. Many times, these conversations result in improvements to add-ons. Microsoft treats all add-ons and software vendors consistently with respect to these guidelines and requirements. Given the ambiguities and risks around add-ons, consumers benefit from having more information and more control over how add-ons are installed.

Herman Ng

Program Manager, Internet Explorer