
PowerShell Script to Query UserAccountControl Flags

One of the services I provide as a Premier Field Engineer is performing health and security assessments in a customer’s environment and providing them a detailed report.  Recently I was performing an Offline Assessment for Active Directory Security for a customer and several accounts were flagged that had some non-standard userAccountControl flags set.

The user userAccountControl flags set various account settings for user/computer accounts in Active Directory.  One flag sets the account to “Password Never Expires” while another flag indicates the “Account is Disabled”.  Multiple flags can be set for an account.  The full list and additional information can be found here.

While many of these settings can searched using the PowerShell Get-ADUser cmdlets others are not readily exposed.  Most of our security tools reference the individual UserAccountControl flag represented as a decimal number (e.g. 65536 indicates password never expires).  When I’m onsite I will usually help them find these accounts by performing a quick PowerShell query. 

This weekend I decided I would build quick easy to use script to help customers find these accounts and dump them to a file.

When you run the script you are presented with a menu asking which flag you want to query for as shown below.  You can query for standard values using the menu or select option 23 and enter a customer decimal value to query for.


Once you make a selection the query is performed and the results are displayed to the screen.


You are then prompted to save your results to a file by selecting Y or N.


So there it is pretty simple script for people who don’t do a lot of scripting.  More experienced scripters can dissect this script and build one more advanced.  As always let me know if you have any comments or found this post useful.

The script code is shown below and there is a download link at the bottom of the page.

##############   BEGIN SCRIPT #########################################

#PURPOSE: Dump accounts that match UserAccountControl value selected
#          or you can enter customer value
#    DATE: March 29, 2014
# REVISON: 1.1


#Import ActiveDirectory Module if not loaded
$Module = Get-Module ActiveDIrectory
If ($Module -eq $Null) {Import-Module ActiveDirectory}

# Requires -modules ActiveDirectory

#display Options Menu
Write-Host ""
Write-Host -foregroundcolor green "Select the UserAccountControl setting you want to query for:"
Write-Host "1    SCRIPT     (1, 0x0001)"
Write-Host "2    ACCOUNTDISABLE     (2, 0x0002)"
Write-Host "3    HOMEDIR_REQUIRED     (8, 0x0008)"
Write-Host "4    LOCKOUT     (16, 0x0010)"
Write-Host "5    PASSWD_NOTREQD     (32, 0x0020)"
Write-Host "6    PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE     (64, 0x0040)"
Write-Host "7    ENCRYPTED_TEXT_PWD_ALLOWED     (128, 0x0080)"
Write-Host "8    TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT     (256, 0x0100)"
Write-Host "9    NORMAL_ACCOUNT     (512, 0x0200)"
Write-Host "10   INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT     (2048, 0x0800)"
Write-Host "11   WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT     (4096, 0x1000)"
Write-Host "12   SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT     (8192, 0x2000)"
Write-Host "13   DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWORD     (65536, 0x10000)"
Write-Host "14   MNS_LOGON_ACCOUNT     (131072, 0x20000)"
Write-Host "15   SMARTCARD_REQUIRED     (262144, 0x40000)"
Write-Host "16   TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION     (524288, 0x80000)"
Write-Host "17   NOT_DELEGATED     (1048576, 0x100000)"
Write-Host "18   USE_DES_KEY_ONLY     (2097152, 0x200000)"
Write-Host "19   DONT_REQ_PREAUTH     (4194304, 0x400000)"
Write-Host "20   PASSWORD_EXPIRED     (8388608, 0x800000)"
Write-Host "21   TRUSTED_TO_AUTH_FOR_DELEGATION     (16777216, 0x1000000)"
Write-Host "22   PARTIAL_SECRETS_ACCOUNT     (67108864, 0x04000000 )"
Write-Host "23   Custom USerAccountControl value"
Write-host ""
Write-host ""

#PROMPT user for input
[int]$a = Read-Host -prompt "Please Select an Option 1-23"

# Make sure number entered is not greater than 23 -Show error message
If ($a -gt 23)  {Write-host -foregroundcolor red "Number must be between 1-23"}

Write-host ""
Write-host ""

[int]$uacValue = 0

switch ($a)
1  {[int]$uacvalue = 1}
2  {[int]$uacvalue = 2}
3  {[int]$uacvalue = 8}
4  {[int]$uacvalue = 16}
5  {[int]$uacvalue = 32}
6  {[int]$uacvalue = 64}
7  {[int]$uacvalue = 128}
8  {[int]$uacvalue = 256}
9  {[int]$uacvalue = 512}
10  {[int]$uacvalue = 2048}
11  {[int]$uacvalue = 4096}
12  {[int]$uacvalue = 8192}
13  {[int]$uacvalue = 65536}
14  {[int]$uacvalue = 131072}
15  {[int]$uacvalue = 262144}
16  {[int]$uacvalue = 524288}
17  {[int]$uacvalue = 1048576}
18  {[int]$uacvalue = 2097152}
19  {[int]$uacvalue = 4194304}
20  {[int]$uacvalue = 8388608}
21  {[int]$uacvalue = 16777216}
22  {[int]$uacvalue = 67108864}
23  {$b = Read-Host -prompt "Enter custom UserAccountControl value (e.g. 514) "; [int]$uacvalue = $b}

# you can customize the properties displayed for each user by adding properties
# to Format-Table command (e.g. name,distinguishedname
$results = Get-ADUser -Filter 'useraccountcontrol -band $uacvalue' -Properties useraccountcontrol | Format-Table name
IF ($results -eq $Null) {Write-Host "No accounts match this criteria";EXIT}

$fileSave = Read-Host -prompt "Do you want to save results to a file? Press Y or N"
IF ($filesave -eq "y") {out-file -filepath .\UAC_VALUE_$uacvalue.TXT -inputobject $results -encoding ASCII;Write-host"";Write-host"";Write-Host -foregroundcolor green "Output Saved to UAC_VALUE_$uacvalue.TXT" }

##############   END SCRIPT #########################################


How to use the UserAccountControl flags to manipulate user account properties


How to Query Individual Properties of the "userAccountControl" Active Directory User property using LDAP




  • Anonymous
    September 09, 2014
    Thank you for the script. It's very helpful.  I tried to add an additional output field like LastLogon but the result came back blank.  Any suggestions?

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2017
    Thanks very much Wyatt great post