
JDBC: This driver is not configured for integrated authentication

I’ve had about 4 cases in the last two months that centered around the following error when trying to use Windows Integrated authentication with JDBC.

java.sql.SQLException: This driver is not configured for integrated authentication

The key environment point on this was that they were trying to do this on a Linux platorm and not a Windows platform.  Specifically they were running WebSphere on a Linux platform.  The last one I worked on was running WebSphere 8.5. There is only one location within the JDBC Driver where this particular error is raised.  It is when we are trying to use Kerberos and the Authentication Scheme is set to NativeAuthentication, which is the default setting for this property. Starting in the JDBC 4.0 driver, you can use the authenticationScheme connection property to indicate how you want to use Kerberos to connect to SQL.  There are two settings here.

NativeAuthentication (default) – This uses the sqljdbc_auth.dll and is specific to the Windows platform.  This was the only option prior to the JDBC 4.0 driver. JavaKerberos – Makes use of the Java API’s to invoke kerberos and does not rely on the Windows Platform.  This is java specific and not bound to the underlying operating system, so this can be used on both Windows and Linux platforms.

So, if you are receiving the error above, there are three possibilities that could be causing it to show up.  First, you actually specified authenticationScheme=NativeAuthentication in your connection string and you are on a Linux Platform.  Second, you specified integratedSecurity and omitted authenticationScheme, which defaulted to NativeAuthentication, and you are on a Unix/Linux Platform.  Third, you are using a version of the JDBC Driver prior to the 4.0 driver and trying to use Integrated Authentication on a Unix/Linux platform.  In the third case, even if you specify authenticationScheme=JavaKerberos, it won’t help as the older drivers aren’t aware of it, so it is ignored. The following document outlines how to use Kerberos with the JDBC Driver and walks through what is needed to get JavaKerberos working properly.

Using Kerberos Integrated Authentication to Connect to SQL Server https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg558122%28v=sql.110%29.aspx

Another aspect that was discovered was the that it appears that the WebSphere 8.5 release comes with the 3.0 version of the SQL JDBC Driver.  This will not honor the JavaKerberos setting and you will get the error listed above.


So, you will need to make sure your driver is updated to the 4.0 driver or later.  After that is done, you will need to make sure that the Kerberos Configuration file (krb5.ini or krb5.conf) is configured properly on your platform.  In the above referenced documentation we have a sample of what that should look like.  You will also need to generate keytab files for the platform to reference.  A login configuration file also needs to be setup.  If you don’t have one, the driver will automatically configure it using the Krb5LoginModule.  If you need to use a different Login Module, you will need to make sure that is configured for your environment.  Assuming all of that is in place, the driver should work using JavaKerberos to connect. The following blog does a good job of walking through the steps to get this setup for Java.  It indicates Weblogic, but really it just goes through the java aspects.  It walks through how to create the keytab files and what to do with the krb5.ini file.

Configure Kerberos with Weblogic Server (really just a Java reference) https://blogbypuneeth.wordpress.com/configure-kerberos-with-weblogic-server/

Known Limitation

If you have a multiple domain environment with SQL Servers in different domains that you are trying to hit, you will run into issues.  We found that in order to get it to work properly, you need to set the default domain within the Kerberos configuration file, to the domain that the SQL Server resides in.  You can only have one default domain, so if you have multiple SQL Servers in different domains, you are going to have to pick one.

SQL JDBC Driver Versioning and Files

I’ve also heard a lot of questions and seen confusion on the file versioning, file name and system requirements.  Here is a table where I tried to highlight what comes with what driver for reference.

JDBC Driver Version

JAR Files

JDBC API Support

Supported JVM







1.6 or later







1.6 or later







1.6 or later







1.6 or later



1.7 or later

Also, we have documentation regarding the System Requirements that you can look at that goes a little further into this.

System Requirements for the JDBC Driver https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms378422(v=sql.110).aspx

Hopefully this will help clear things up for you when using the SQL JDBC Driver on a Unix/Linux Platform.   Adam W. Saxton | Microsoft SQL Server Escalation Services https://twitter.com/awsaxton