WebTest Plugin : SetMaxMinThinkTime
WebTest Plugin that dynamically Sets the Maximum or Minimum think time value for each request. Options to throw exception if it encounters a think time larger than your max value so it can help to track down tests that have requests with large think times. Overrides the PreRequest event
[Description("WebTest Plugin that dynamically Sets the Maximum or Minimum think time value for each request. Overrides the PreRequest event")]
public class SetMaxMinThinkTime : WebTestPlugin
public SetMaxMinThinkTime()
MaxThinkTime = 60;
MinThinkTime = 0;
OutputComments = false;
Enabled = true;
ThrowExceptionIfThresholdExceeded = false;
public override void PreRequest(object sender, PreRequestEventArgs e)
//if plugin is disabled output a comment and return
if (Enabled == false)
if (OutputComments)
e.WebTest.AddCommentToResult(this.ToString() + " Plugin is Disabled, no processing occured.");
//determine if threshold values exceeded and throw if exception enabled
if (((e.Request.ThinkTime > MaxThinkTime) || (e.Request.ThinkTime < MinThinkTime)) && (ThrowExceptionIfThresholdExceeded))
e.WebTest.AddCommentToResult(this.ToString() + " Think Time Threshold value exceeded. Think Time = " + e.Request.ThinkTime.ToString());
throw new Exception("A Think Time threshold value was exceeded.");
//update think time if greater than MaxThinkTime
if (e.Request.ThinkTime > MaxThinkTime)
e.Request.ThinkTime = MaxThinkTime;
//update think time if less than MinThinkTime
if (e.Request.ThinkTime < MinThinkTime)
e.Request.ThinkTime = MinThinkTime;
if (OutputComments)
e.WebTest.AddCommentToResult("SetMaxMinThinkTime value = " + e.Request.ThinkTime.ToString());
[Description("Maximum Think Time value for any request")]
public int MaxThinkTime { get; set; }
[Description("Minimum Think Time value for any request")]
public int MinThinkTime { get; set; }
[Description("Enable output comments added to the test results view. Default is false")]
public bool OutputComments { get; set; }
[Description("Enable or Disable the plugin execution. Default is Enabled (true)")]
public bool Enabled { get; set; }
[Description("Throw exception when encountering Min or Max values that exceed threshold value. Default is false")]
public bool ThrowExceptionIfThresholdExceeded { get; set; }