
Release Candidate of Microsoft Drivers 4.0 for PHP for SQL Server Released!

Dear PHP Community,

Over the last few weeks our team has been working diligently towards fixing existing bugs on the Github repository and improving test coverage for the driver. Today. We are announcing the Release Candidate of the Microsoft Driver 4.0 for PHP for SQL Server. The new driver enables access to SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL DW from any PHP 7 application.

The major highlights of this release is bug fixes and better test coverage.

Here is a summary of issues that we fixed:

  • Added ability to connect to Microsoft ODBC Driver 13.
  • Fixed some memory leaks in data retrieval.
  • Fixed issue with error handling in bound stream parameters when send_stream_at_exec option is set to false.
  • Fixed issue with when connecting twice when Sqlsrv_errors configured to only WARNINGS.
  • Fixed issue with double and string as input-output parameters in PDO_SQLSRV driver.
  • Fixed a heap corruption in PDO_SQLSRV connection.

Future Plans

Going forward we plan on a Linux port, expand SQL 16 Feature Support (example: Always Encrypted), build verification/fundamental tests, bug fixes

Getting the Release Candidate

You can find the latest bits on our Github repository, at our existing address. We provide limited support while in preview on our Github Issues page. As always, we welcome contributions of any kind, be they Pull Requests, or Feature Enhancements. I’d like to thank everyone on behalf of the team for supporting us in our endeavors to provide you with a high-quality driver. Happy downloading!

Meet Bhagdev (meetb@microsoft.com)