
OneNote and Outlook harmony

I've been playing around with Microsoft OneNote again recently. I have to admit that when I first tried this application I couldn't see enough value to justify the initial learning curve. And this, from a card-carrying member of the Tablet PC Owners Group...

But having toyed with the new 2007 version of OneNote Beta 2, and seen the extraordinary power of the application when used in combination with Outlook, I'm a convert. I find it really useful being able to create tasks directly from the notes I write during meetings, and embedding links to information from different sources, including meeting information from my Outlook Calendar, is really helpful.

Of course, the 2007 version of OneNote is not yet publicly available, but take a look at some of the tips on https://office.microsoft.com/en-us/assistance/HA011429321033.aspx to see if you too could get value from becoming a OneNotes convert.

Have a great weekend!