
Version 1.8 of PerfView is now on the Download Center

 This is to let you know that the PerfView Download Site has been updated to version 1.8 today.   The pervious version (1.7) id about 10 months old, so this one has 10 months of updates.   Some of the highlights in that time are show below.  

The most important aspects of this version are that it supports various changes for Win 10 (if you use an older version of PerfView on Win10 (or Win10 profiles), you may encounter various deficiencies.    In addition to the win10 updates here are some of the other highlights. 

  • Support for opening VS2015 .DiagSession files
  • Suppport for new Self-describing ETW format.
  • Ability to look display the size of a IL DLL or EXE as a Heap in the viewer to understand why it is as big as it is
  • Support for resolving types and GC dumps for .NET Native executables.
  • Support for new symbol server format
  • Fixed issues displaying numbers HTML in non-english locals.
  • Support for showing the size of disk for a Directory in the stack viewer. 
  • Added IIS checkbox to make collecting traces with detailed IIS information easy. 
  • Overweight Analysis for determining why two traces differ quickly.  
  • Support for EventSource V4.6 causality Tracking
  • Ability to capture every .NET Call being made (see .Net Calls in collection dialog)

You can see the 'Help->Release notes' for more details on some of these.  

I will be bloggoing about some of the new features shortly, so stay tuned. 
