

In professions where experience based certification has emerged as necessary, board certification is the mechanism of choice. Board certification involves interviewing candidates based on the professional experience. The interviews are conducted by practicing certified IT Architect professionals to expose the actual capabilities of the candidate. Professions such as medicine and engineering use board certification to ensure that individuals cannot reach full professional status without significant experience. IASA has chosen to offer board certification for the Professional level identified in the IT architect career path.


Board CITA-Professional is the first truly vendor independent and professionally run board certification which includes all IT architects. Some of the distinguishing factors to Board CITA-Professional are:

  • Local delivery and recognition - Board CITA-Professional is run at IASA chapters all over the world (see chapter offerings).
  • Localization allows for benefits such as Local language and culture support (imagine if doctors could only be certified in English!)
  • Lower costs of getting certified (no travel) Local recognition by employers
  • Full specialization recognition (i.e. Software, Infrastructure & Information) - No other certifications recognize or certify all specialists in a connected body of knowledge like IASA
  • International recognition - Although value is delivered locally, IASA fully recognizes IT architects on a global level giving them unmatched industry support
  • Individual influence - Only IASA is controlled solely by its members who are IT Architect Practitioners that control the growth instead of IT vendors or corporations

Assessment Format:

  • Apply for a certification board (locations and times available online)
  • Develop board documentation
    • Case Studies
    • Skills Experience
    • Resume
    • Professional References
  • Optional
    • Attend Mock-Board or Board Preparation Courses
    • Participate in mentoring sessions
  • Board Certification
    • 30 minute candidate presentation
    • 120 minute question and answer session
    • 15 minute break