
容器深入解析會監視部署到受控或自我管理 Kubernetes 叢集的容器工作負載效能。 為了警示重要事項,本文說明如何使用 Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) 叢集建立下列情況的記錄型警示:

  • 當叢集節點上的 CPU 或記憶體使用率超過閾值時
  • 當控制器內任何容器的CPU或記憶體使用率超過臨界值時,與對應資源上設定的限制相比
  • NotReady 狀態節點計數
  • FailedPendingUnknownRunning、 或 Succeeded Pod 階段計數
  • 當叢集節點上的可用磁碟空間超過閾值時

若要針對高 CPU 或記憶體使用率或叢集節點上的可用磁碟空間不足發出警示,請使用提供的查詢來建立計量警示或計量測量警示。 計量警示的延遲比記錄搜尋警示低,但記錄搜尋警示可提供進階查詢和更高的複雜度。 記錄搜尋警示查詢會使用 now 運算符比較日期時間與目前,並返回一小時。 (容器深入解析會以國際標準時間 [UTC] 格式儲存所有日期。


本文中的查詢取決於容器深入解析所收集的數據,並儲存在Log Analytics工作區中。 如果您已修改預設數據收集設定,查詢可能不會傳回預期的結果。 最值得注意的是,如果您已停用收集效能數據,因為您已為叢集啟用 Prometheus 計量,則任何使用 Perf 數據表的查詢都不會傳回結果。

如需預設設定,請參閱 使用數據收集規則 在容器深入解析中設定數據收集,包括停用效能數據收集。 如需進一步的數據收集選項,請參閱 使用 ConfigMap 在容器深入解析中設定數據收集。

如果您不熟悉 Azure 監視器警示,請參閱 Microsoft Azure 中的警示概觀,再開始。 若要深入瞭解使用記錄查詢的警示,請參閱 Azure 監視器中的記錄搜尋警示。 如需計量警示的詳細資訊,請參閱 Azure 監視器中的計量警示。


記錄搜尋警示 可以測量兩個不同的專案,可用來監視不同案例中的虛擬機:

  • 結果計數:計算查詢傳回的資料列數目,並可用於處理 Windows 事件記錄、Syslog 和應用程式例外狀況等事件。
  • 值的計算:根據數值資料行進行計算,可用於包含任意數目的資源。 例如 CPU 百分比。


您可以使用一個規則來監視多個實例的值,方法是使用維度。 例如,如果您想要監視執行網站或應用程式的多個實例上的CPU使用量,並建立超過80%的CPU使用量警示,請使用維度。

若要為訂用帳戶或資源群組大規模建立以資源為中心的警示,您可以 依維度分割。 當您想要在多個 Azure 資源上監視相同的條件時,依維度分割會將警示分割成個別的警示,方法是使用數值或字串數據行來分組唯一的組合。 分割 Azure 資源識別碼數據行會使指定的資源進入警示目標。

當您想要範圍中的多個資源有條件時,您也可以決定不要分割。 例如,如果資源群組範圍中至少有五部機器有超過 80% 的 CPU 使用量,您可能會想要建立警示。


您可能會想要查看受影響的電腦警示清單。 您可以使用使用自訂資源圖形的自訂活頁簿來提供此檢視。 使用下列查詢來顯示警示,並使用活頁簿中的數據源 Azure Resource Graph


若要使用入口網站建立記錄搜尋警示規則,請參閱 此記錄搜尋警示範例,其中提供完整的逐步解說。 您可以使用這些相同的程式來建立 AKS 叢集的警示規則,方法是使用類似本文中的查詢。

若要使用 Azure Resource Manager (ARM) 範本建立查詢警示規則,請參閱 Azure 監視器中記錄搜尋警示規則的 Resource Manager 範例。 您可以使用這些相同的程式,為本文中的記錄查詢建立ARM範本。


每個分鐘成員節點的 CPU 使用率平均平均 CPU 使用率 (計量測量):

let endDateTime = now();
let startDateTime = ago(1h);
let trendBinSize = 1m;
let capacityCounterName = 'cpuCapacityNanoCores';
let usageCounterName = 'cpuUsageNanoCores';
| where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
| where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
// cluster filter would go here if multiple clusters are reporting to the same Log Analytics workspace
| distinct ClusterName, Computer
| join hint.strategy=shuffle (
  | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
  | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
  | where ObjectName == 'K8SNode'
  | where CounterName == capacityCounterName
  | summarize LimitValue = max(CounterValue) by Computer, CounterName, bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize)
  | project Computer, CapacityStartTime = TimeGenerated, CapacityEndTime = TimeGenerated + trendBinSize, LimitValue
) on Computer
| join kind=inner hint.strategy=shuffle (
  | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime + trendBinSize
  | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime - trendBinSize
  | where ObjectName == 'K8SNode'
  | where CounterName == usageCounterName
  | project Computer, UsageValue = CounterValue, TimeGenerated
) on Computer
| where TimeGenerated >= CapacityStartTime and TimeGenerated < CapacityEndTime
| project ClusterName, Computer, TimeGenerated, UsagePercent = UsageValue * 100.0 / LimitValue
| summarize AggValue = avg(UsagePercent) by bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize), ClusterName

平均記憶體使用率作為成員節點每分鐘記憶體使用率的平均 (計量度量):

let endDateTime = now();
let startDateTime = ago(1h);
let trendBinSize = 1m;
let capacityCounterName = 'memoryCapacityBytes';
let usageCounterName = 'memoryRssBytes';
| where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
| where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
// cluster filter would go here if multiple clusters are reporting to the same Log Analytics workspace
| distinct ClusterName, Computer
| join hint.strategy=shuffle (
  | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
  | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
  | where ObjectName == 'K8SNode'
  | where CounterName == capacityCounterName
  | summarize LimitValue = max(CounterValue) by Computer, CounterName, bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize)
  | project Computer, CapacityStartTime = TimeGenerated, CapacityEndTime = TimeGenerated + trendBinSize, LimitValue
) on Computer
| join kind=inner hint.strategy=shuffle (
  | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime + trendBinSize
  | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime - trendBinSize
  | where ObjectName == 'K8SNode'
  | where CounterName == usageCounterName
  | project Computer, UsageValue = CounterValue, TimeGenerated
) on Computer
| where TimeGenerated >= CapacityStartTime and TimeGenerated < CapacityEndTime
| project ClusterName, Computer, TimeGenerated, UsagePercent = UsageValue * 100.0 / LimitValue
| summarize AggValue = avg(UsagePercent) by bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize), ClusterName


下列查詢會使用佔位元元值 <your-cluster-name> 和 <your-controller-name> 來代表您的叢集和控制器。 當您設定警示時,請將它們取代為您環境特有的值。


let endDateTime = now();
let startDateTime = ago(1h);
let trendBinSize = 1m;
let capacityCounterName = 'cpuLimitNanoCores';
let usageCounterName = 'cpuUsageNanoCores';
let clusterName = '<your-cluster-name>';
let controllerName = '<your-controller-name>';
| where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
| where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
| where ClusterName == clusterName
| where ControllerName == controllerName
| extend InstanceName = strcat(ClusterId, '/', ContainerName),
         ContainerName = strcat(controllerName, '/', tostring(split(ContainerName, '/')[1]))
| distinct Computer, InstanceName, ContainerName
| join hint.strategy=shuffle (
    | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
    | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
    | where ObjectName == 'K8SContainer'
    | where CounterName == capacityCounterName
    | summarize LimitValue = max(CounterValue) by Computer, InstanceName, bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize)
    | project Computer, InstanceName, LimitStartTime = TimeGenerated, LimitEndTime = TimeGenerated + trendBinSize, LimitValue
) on Computer, InstanceName
| join kind=inner hint.strategy=shuffle (
    | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime + trendBinSize
    | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime - trendBinSize
    | where ObjectName == 'K8SContainer'
    | where CounterName == usageCounterName
    | project Computer, InstanceName, UsageValue = CounterValue, TimeGenerated
) on Computer, InstanceName
| where TimeGenerated >= LimitStartTime and TimeGenerated < LimitEndTime
| project Computer, ContainerName, TimeGenerated, UsagePercent = UsageValue * 100.0 / LimitValue
| summarize AggValue = avg(UsagePercent) by bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize) , ContainerName


let endDateTime = now();
let startDateTime = ago(1h);
let trendBinSize = 1m;
let capacityCounterName = 'memoryLimitBytes';
let usageCounterName = 'memoryRssBytes';
let clusterName = '<your-cluster-name>';
let controllerName = '<your-controller-name>';
| where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
| where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
| where ClusterName == clusterName
| where ControllerName == controllerName
| extend InstanceName = strcat(ClusterId, '/', ContainerName),
         ContainerName = strcat(controllerName, '/', tostring(split(ContainerName, '/')[1]))
| distinct Computer, InstanceName, ContainerName
| join hint.strategy=shuffle (
    | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
    | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
    | where ObjectName == 'K8SContainer'
    | where CounterName == capacityCounterName
    | summarize LimitValue = max(CounterValue) by Computer, InstanceName, bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize)
    | project Computer, InstanceName, LimitStartTime = TimeGenerated, LimitEndTime = TimeGenerated + trendBinSize, LimitValue
) on Computer, InstanceName
| join kind=inner hint.strategy=shuffle (
    | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime + trendBinSize
    | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime - trendBinSize
    | where ObjectName == 'K8SContainer'
    | where CounterName == usageCounterName
    | project Computer, InstanceName, UsageValue = CounterValue, TimeGenerated
) on Computer, InstanceName
| where TimeGenerated >= LimitStartTime and TimeGenerated < LimitEndTime
| project Computer, ContainerName, TimeGenerated, UsagePercent = UsageValue * 100.0 / LimitValue
| summarize AggValue = avg(UsagePercent) by bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize) , ContainerName


狀態為 Ready 和 NotReady 的節點和計數(計量度量):

let endDateTime = now();
let startDateTime = ago(1h);
let trendBinSize = 1m;
let clusterName = '<your-cluster-name>';
| where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
| where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
| distinct ClusterName, Computer, TimeGenerated
| summarize ClusterSnapshotCount = count() by bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize), ClusterName, Computer
| join hint.strategy=broadcast kind=inner (
    | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
    | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
    | summarize TotalCount = count(), ReadyCount = sumif(1, Status contains ('Ready'))
                by ClusterName, Computer,  bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize)
    | extend NotReadyCount = TotalCount - ReadyCount
) on ClusterName, Computer, TimeGenerated
| project   TimeGenerated,
            ReadyCount = todouble(ReadyCount) / ClusterSnapshotCount,
            NotReadyCount = todouble(NotReadyCount) / ClusterSnapshotCount
| order by ClusterName asc, Computer asc, TimeGenerated desc

下列查詢會根據所有階段傳回 Pod 階段計數: FailedPendingUnknownRunningSucceeded

let endDateTime = now(); 
let startDateTime = ago(1h);
let trendBinSize = 1m;
let clusterName = '<your-cluster-name>';
    | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
    | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
    | where ClusterName == clusterName
    | distinct ClusterName, TimeGenerated
    | summarize ClusterSnapshotCount = count() by bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize), ClusterName
    | join hint.strategy=broadcast (
        | where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
        | where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
        | summarize PodStatus=any(PodStatus) by TimeGenerated, PodUid, ClusterName
        | summarize TotalCount = count(),
                    PendingCount = sumif(1, PodStatus =~ 'Pending'),
                    RunningCount = sumif(1, PodStatus =~ 'Running'),
                    SucceededCount = sumif(1, PodStatus =~ 'Succeeded'),
                    FailedCount = sumif(1, PodStatus =~ 'Failed')
                by ClusterName, bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize)
    ) on ClusterName, TimeGenerated
    | extend UnknownCount = TotalCount - PendingCount - RunningCount - SucceededCount - FailedCount
    | project TimeGenerated,
              TotalCount = todouble(TotalCount) / ClusterSnapshotCount,
              PendingCount = todouble(PendingCount) / ClusterSnapshotCount,
              RunningCount = todouble(RunningCount) / ClusterSnapshotCount,
              SucceededCount = todouble(SucceededCount) / ClusterSnapshotCount,
              FailedCount = todouble(FailedCount) / ClusterSnapshotCount,
              UnknownCount = todouble(UnknownCount) / ClusterSnapshotCount
| summarize AggValue = avg(PendingCount) by bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize)


若要在特定 Pod 階段發出警示,例如 PendingFailedUnknown,請修改查詢的最後一行。 例如,若要在上 FailedCount發出警示,請使用 | summarize AggValue = avg(FailedCount) by bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize)

下列查詢會傳回已使用超過90%可用空間的叢集節點磁碟。 若要取得叢集識別碼,請先執行下列查詢,然後從 ClusterId 屬性複製值:

| extend Tags = todynamic(Tags)            
| project ClusterId = Tags['container.azm.ms/clusterId']   
| distinct tostring(ClusterId)   
let clusterId = '<cluster-id>';
let endDateTime = now();
let startDateTime = ago(1h);
let trendBinSize = 1m;
| where TimeGenerated < endDateTime
| where TimeGenerated >= startDateTime
| where Origin == 'container.azm.ms/telegraf'            
| where Namespace == 'container.azm.ms/disk'            
| extend Tags = todynamic(Tags)            
| project TimeGenerated, ClusterId = Tags['container.azm.ms/clusterId'], Computer = tostring(Tags.hostName), Device = tostring(Tags.device), Path = tostring(Tags.path), DiskMetricName = Name, DiskMetricValue = Val   
| where ClusterId =~ clusterId       
| where DiskMetricName == 'used_percent'
| summarize AggValue = max(DiskMetricValue) by bin(TimeGenerated, trendBinSize)
| where AggValue >= 90

當個別系統容器重新啟動計數超過過去 10 分鐘的閾值時,個別容器重新啟動(結果數目)警示:

let _threshold = 10m; 
let _alertThreshold = 2;
let Timenow = (datetime(now) - _threshold); 
let starttime = ago(5m); 
| where TimeGenerated >= starttime
| where Namespace in ('default', 'kube-system') // the namespace filter goes here
| where ContainerRestartCount > _alertThreshold
| extend Tags = todynamic(ContainerLastStatus)
| extend startedAt = todynamic(Tags.startedAt)
| where startedAt >= Timenow
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Name
