Number of subscriptions registration failed for
because you do not have access or credentials are wrong: 1
Total VMs Found: 10
VMs Already registered: 1
Number of VMs registered successfully: 4
Number of VMs failed to register due to error: 1
Number of VMs skipped as VM or the guest agent on VM is not running: 3
Number of VMs skipped as they are not running SQL Server On Windows: 1
Please find the detailed report in file RegisterSqlVMScriptReport1571314821.txt
Please find the error details in file VMsNotRegisteredDueToError1571314821.log
在單一訂用帳戶中的所有 VM
使用下列 Cmdlet,在單一訂用帳戶中註冊所有 SQL Server 的虛擬機器:
Register-SqlVMs -Subscription SubscriptionId1
Total VMs Found: 10
VMs Already registered: 1
Number of VMs registered successfully: 5
Number of VMs failed to register due to error: 1
Number of VMs skipped as VM or the guest agent on VM is not running: 2
Number of VMs skipped as they are not running SQL Server On Windows: 1
Please find the detailed report in file RegisterSqlVMScriptReport1571314821.txt
Please find the error details in file VMsNotRegisteredDueToError1571314821.log
在多個資源群組中的所有 VM
使用下列 Cmdlet,在單一訂用帳戶內的多個資源群組中註冊所有 SQL Server 的虛擬機器:
Total VMs Found: 4
VMs Already registered: 1
Number of VMs registered successfully: 1
Number of VMs failed to register due to error: 1
Number of VMs skipped as they are not running SQL Server On Windows: 1
Please find the detailed report in file RegisterSqlVMScriptReport1571314821.txt
Please find the error details in file VMsNotRegisteredDueToError1571314821.log
Total VMs Found: 4
VMs Already registered: 1
Number of VMs registered successfully: 1
Number of VMs failed to register due to error: 1
Number of VMs skipped as VM or the guest agent on VM is not running: 1
Please find the detailed report in file RegisterSqlVMScriptReport1571314821.txt
Please find the error details in file VMsNotRegisteredDueToError1571314821.log
Total VMs Found: 3
VMs Already registered: 0
Number of VMs registered successfully: 1
Number of VMs skipped as VM or the guest agent on VM is not running: 1
Number of VMs skipped as they are not running SQL Server On Windows: 1
Please find the detailed report in file RegisterSqlVMScriptReport1571314821.txt
Please find the error details in file VMsNotRegisteredDueToError1571314821.log
Total VMs Found: 1
VMs Already registered: 0
Number of VMs registered successfully: 1
Please find the detailed report in file RegisterSqlVMScriptReport1571314821.txt
本文說明 SQL Server IaaS 代理程式延伸模組如何協助自動化 Azure Windows VM 上 SQL Server 特定系統管理工作的管理。 其中包括自動備份、自動修補、Azure Key Vault 整合、授權管理、儲存體設定,以及集中管理所有 SQL Server VM 執行個體等功能。