
使用 Bicep 管理適用於 Gremlin 的 Azure Cosmos DB 資源

適用於: Gremlin

在本文中,您將瞭解如何使用 Bicep 來部署及管理適用於 Gremlin 的 Azure Cosmos DB 帳戶、資料庫和圖表。

本文說明適用於 API for Gremlin 帳戶的 Bicep 範例。 您也可以找到適用於 SQLCassandraMongoDB資料表 API 的 Bicep 範例。


  • 帳戶名稱限制為 44 個字元,全部小寫。
  • 若要變更輸送量值,請使用已更新的 RU/秒重新部署範本。
  • 您在新增或移除 Azure Cosmos DB 帳戶的位置時,無法同時修改其他屬性。 這些作業必須個別執行。

若要建立下列任何 Azure Cosmos DB 資源,請將下列範例複製到新的 Bicep 檔案中。 當您使用不同的名稱和值來部署相同資源的多個執行個體時,可以選擇建立參數檔案以供使用。 部署 Azure Resource Manager 範本的方式有很多種,包括 Azure CLIAzure PowerShellCloud Shell

具有自動調整佈建輸送量的 API for Gremlin

建立適用於 API for Gremlin 的 Azure Cosmos DB 帳戶,其中包含具有自動調整輸送量的資料庫和圖表。

@description('Cosmos DB account name')
param accountName string = 'gremlin-${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}'

@description('Location for the Cosmos DB account.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

@description('The primary replica region for the Cosmos DB account.')
param primaryRegion string

@description('The secondary replica region for the Cosmos DB account.')
param secondaryRegion string

@description('The default consistency level of the Cosmos DB account.')
param defaultConsistencyLevel string = 'Session'

@description('Max stale requests. Required for BoundedStaleness. Valid ranges, Single Region: 10 to 2147483647. Multi Region: 100000 to 2147483647.')
param maxStalenessPrefix int = 100000

@description('Max lag time (seconds). Required for BoundedStaleness. Valid ranges, Single Region: 5 to 84600. Multi Region: 300 to 86400.')
param maxIntervalInSeconds int = 300

@description('Enable system managed failover for regions')
param systemManagedFailover bool = true

@description('The name for the Gremlin database')
param databaseName string

@description('The name for the Gremlin graph')
param graphName string

@description('Maximum autoscale throughput for the graph')
param autoscaleMaxThroughput int = 1000

var consistencyPolicy = {
  Eventual: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Eventual'
  ConsistentPrefix: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'ConsistentPrefix'
  Session: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Session'
  BoundedStaleness: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'BoundedStaleness'
    maxStalenessPrefix: maxStalenessPrefix
    maxIntervalInSeconds: maxIntervalInSeconds
  Strong: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Strong'
var locations = [
    locationName: primaryRegion
    failoverPriority: 0
    isZoneRedundant: false
    locationName: secondaryRegion
    failoverPriority: 1
    isZoneRedundant: false

resource account 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2022-05-15' = {
  name: toLower(accountName)
  location: location
  kind: 'GlobalDocumentDB'
  properties: {
    capabilities: [
        name: 'EnableGremlin'
    consistencyPolicy: consistencyPolicy[defaultConsistencyLevel]
    locations: locations
    databaseAccountOfferType: 'Standard'
    enableAutomaticFailover: systemManagedFailover

resource accountName_databaseName 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/gremlinDatabases@2022-05-15' = {
  name: '${account.name}/${databaseName}'
  properties: {
    resource: {
      id: databaseName

resource graph 'Microsoft.DocumentDb/databaseAccounts/gremlinDatabases/graphs@2022-05-15' = {
  name: '${accountName_databaseName.name}/${graphName}'
  properties: {
    resource: {
      id: graphName
      indexingPolicy: {
        indexingMode: 'consistent'
        includedPaths: [
            path: '/*'
        excludedPaths: [
            path: '/myPathToNotIndex/*'
      partitionKey: {
        paths: [
        kind: 'Hash'
    options: {
      autoscaleSettings: {
        maxThroughput: autoscaleMaxThroughput

具有標準佈建輸送量的 API for Gremlin

建立適用於 API for Gremlin 的 Azure Cosmos DB 帳戶,其中包含具有標準佈建輸送量的資料庫和圖表。

@description('Cosmos DB account name')
param accountName string = uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)

@description('Location for the Cosmos DB account.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

@description('The primary replica region for the Cosmos DB account.')
param primaryRegion string

@description('The secondary replica region for the Cosmos DB account.')
param secondaryRegion string

@description('The default consistency level of the Cosmos DB account.')
param defaultConsistencyLevel string = 'Session'

@description('Max stale requests. Required for BoundedStaleness. Valid ranges, Single Region: 10 to 1000,000. Multi Region: 100,000 to 2,147,483,647.')
param maxStalenessPrefix int = 100000

@description('Max lag time (seconds). Required for BoundedStaleness. Valid ranges, Single Region: 5 to 84,600. Multi Region: 300 to 86,400.')
param maxIntervalInSeconds int = 300

@description('Enable system managed failover for regions')
param systemManagedFailover bool = true

@description('The name for the Gremlin database')
param databaseName string = 'database1'

@description('The name for the Gremlin graph')
param graphName string = 'graph1'

@description('Throughput for the Gremlin graph')
param throughput int = 400

var consistencyPolicy = {
  Eventual: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Eventual'
  ConsistentPrefix: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'ConsistentPrefix'
  Session: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Session'
  BoundedStaleness: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'BoundedStaleness'
    maxStalenessPrefix: maxStalenessPrefix
    maxIntervalInSeconds: maxIntervalInSeconds
  Strong: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Strong'
var locations = [
    locationName: primaryRegion
    failoverPriority: 0
    isZoneRedundant: false
    locationName: secondaryRegion
    failoverPriority: 1
    isZoneRedundant: false

resource account 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2022-05-15' = {
  name: toLower(accountName)
  location: location
  kind: 'GlobalDocumentDB'
  properties: {
    capabilities: [
        name: 'EnableGremlin'
    consistencyPolicy: consistencyPolicy[defaultConsistencyLevel]
    locations: locations
    databaseAccountOfferType: 'Standard'
    enableAutomaticFailover: systemManagedFailover

resource database 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/gremlinDatabases@2022-05-15' = {
  name: '${account.name}/${databaseName}'
  properties: {
    resource: {
      id: databaseName

resource graph 'Microsoft.DocumentDb/databaseAccounts/gremlinDatabases/graphs@2022-05-15' = {
  name: '${database.name}/${graphName}'
  properties: {
    resource: {
      id: graphName
      indexingPolicy: {
        indexingMode: 'consistent'
        includedPaths: [
            path: '/*'
        excludedPaths: [
            path: '/myPathToNotIndex/*'
      partitionKey: {
        paths: [
        kind: 'Hash'
      options: {
        throughput: throughput

