
快速入門:使用 Bicep 部署 Azure Nexus Kubernetes 叢集

  • 使用 Bicep 部署 Azure Nexus Kubernetes 叢集。

Bicep 是使用宣告式語法來部署 Azure 資源的特定領域語言 (DSL)。 其提供簡潔的語法、可靠的類型安全,並支援程式碼重複使用。 Bicep 能夠為您在 Azure 中的基礎結構即程式碼解決方案,提供最佳的製作體驗。


如果您沒有 Azure 訂用帳戶,請在開始之前先建立 Azure 免費帳戶

  • 安裝最新版本的必要 Azure CLI 延伸模組

  • 本文需要 Azure CLI 2.49.0 版或更新版本。 如果您是使用 Azure Cloud Shell,就已安裝最新版本。

  • 如果您有多個 Azure 訂用帳戶,則請使用 az account 命令選取應該從中針對資源計費的適當訂用帳戶識別碼。

  • 如需支援的 VM SKU 清單,請參閱參考區段中的 VM SKU 資料表。

  • 如需支援的 Kubernetes 版本清單,請參閱支援的 Kubernetes 版本

  • 使用 az group create 命令建立資源群組。 Azure 資源群組是部署及管理 Azure 資源所在的邏輯群組。 建立資源群組時,系統會提示您指定位置。 此位置是資源群組中繼資料的儲存位置,如果您未在資源建立期間指定另一個區域,此位置也會是您在 Azure 中執行資源的位置。 下列範例會在 eastus 位置建立名為 myResourceGroup 的資源群組。

    az group create --name myResourceGroup --location eastus


      "id": "/subscriptions/<guid>/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup",
      "location": "eastus",
      "managedBy": null,
      "name": "myResourceGroup",
      "properties": {
        "provisioningState": "Succeeded"
      "tags": null
  • 若要部署 Bicep 檔案或 ARM 範本,您需要對即將進行部署的資源具備寫入存取權,並可存取 Microsoft.Resources/部署資源類型上的所有作業。 例如,若要部署叢集,您需要 Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesclusters/write 和 Microsoft.Resources/deployments/* 權限。 如需角色與權限的清單,請參閱 Azure 內建角色

  • 您需要您的 Azure Operator Nexus 叢集的 custom location 資源識別碼。

  • 您必須根據特定的工作負載需求建立各種網路,而且必須為您的工作負載提供適當的 IP 位址。 為確保順利實作,建議您諮詢相關的支援小組以取得協助。

  • 本快速入門假設您已有 Kubernetes 概念的基本知識。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) 的 Kubernetes 核心概念

檢閱 Bicep 檔案

在部署 Kubernetes 範本之前,讓我們先檢閱內容以了解其結構。

// Azure parameters

@description('The name of Nexus Kubernetes cluster')
param kubernetesClusterName string

@description('The Azure region where the cluster is to be deployed')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

@description('The custom location of the Nexus instance')
param extendedLocation string

@description('The metadata tags to be associated with the cluster resource')
param tags object = {}

@description('The username for the administrative account on the cluster')
param adminUsername string = 'azureuser'

@description('The object IDs of Azure Active Directory (AAD) groups that will have administrative access to the cluster')
param adminGroupObjectIds array = []

// Networking Parameters

@description('The Azure Resource Manager (ARM) id of the network to be used as the Container Networking Interface (CNI) network')
param cniNetworkId string

@description('The ARM id of the network to be used for cloud services network')
param cloudServicesNetworkId string

@description('The CIDR blocks used for Nexus Kubernetes PODs in the cluster')
param podCidrs array = ['']

@description('The CIDR blocks used for k8s service in the cluster')
param serviceCidrs array = ['']

@description('The IP address of the DNS service in the cluster')
param dnsServiceIp string = ''

@description('The Layer 2 networks associated with the initial agent pool')
param agentPoolL2Networks array = []
// {
//   networkId: 'string'
//   pluginType: 'SRIOV|DPDK|OSDevice|MACVLAN|IPVLAN'
// }

@description('The Layer 3 networks associated with the initial agent pool')
param agentPoolL3Networks array = []
// {
//   ipamEnabled: 'True/False'
//   networkId: 'string'
//   pluginType: 'SRIOV|DPDK|OSDevice|MACVLAN|IPVLAN'
// }

@description('The trunked networks associated with the initial agent pool')
param agentPoolTrunkedNetworks array = []
// {
//   networkId: 'string'
//   pluginType: 'SRIOV|DPDK|OSDevice|MACVLAN|IPVLAN'
// }

@description('The Layer 2 networks associated with the cluster')
param l2Networks array = []
// {
//   networkId: 'string'
//   pluginType: 'SRIOV|DPDK|OSDevice|MACVLAN|IPVLAN'
// }

@description('The Layer 3 networks associated with the cluster')
param l3Networks array = []
// {
//   ipamEnabled: 'True/False'
//   networkId: 'string'
//   pluginType: 'SRIOV|DPDK|OSDevice|MACVLAN|IPVLAN'
// }

@description('The trunked networks associated with the cluster')
param trunkedNetworks array = []
// {
//   networkId: 'string'
//   pluginType: 'SRIOV|DPDK|OSDevice|MACVLAN|IPVLAN'
// }

@description('The LoadBalancer IP address pools associated with the cluster')
param ipAddressPools array = []
// {
//   addresses: [
//     'string'
//   ]
//   autoAssign: 'True/False'
//   name: 'string'
//   onlyUseHostIps: 'True/False'
// }

// Cluster Configuration Parameters

@description('The version of Kubernetes to be used in the Nexus Kubernetes cluster')
param kubernetesVersion string = 'v1.24.9'

@description('The number of control plane nodes to be deployed in the cluster')
param controlPlaneCount int = 1

@description('The zones/racks used for placement of the control plane nodes')
param controlPlaneZones array = []
// "string" Example: ["1", "2", "3"]

@description('The zones/racks used for placement of the agent pool nodes')
param agentPoolZones array = []
// "string" Example: ["1", "2", "3"]

@description('The size of the control plane nodes')
param controlPlaneVmSkuName string = 'NC_G6_28_v1'

@description('The number of worker nodes to be deployed in the initial agent pool')
param systemPoolNodeCount int = 1

@description('The size of the worker nodes')
param workerVmSkuName string = 'NC_P10_56_v1'

@description('The configurations for the initial agent pool')
param initialPoolAgentOptions object = {}
// {
//   "hugepagesCount": integer,
//   "hugepagesSize": "2M/1G"
// }

@description('The SSH public key that will be associated with the "azureuser" user for secure remote login')
param sshPublicKey string = ''

@description('The labels to assign to the nodes in the cluster for identification and organization')
param labels array = []
// {
//   key: 'string'
//   value: 'string'
// }
@description('The taints to apply to the nodes in the cluster to restrict which pods can be scheduled on them')
param taints array = []
// {
//   key: 'string'
//   value: 'string:NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute'
// }

resource kubernetescluster 'Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters@2023-07-01' = {
  name: kubernetesClusterName
  location: location
  tags: tags
  extendedLocation: {
    name: extendedLocation
    type: 'CustomLocation'
  properties: {
    kubernetesVersion: kubernetesVersion
    managedResourceGroupConfiguration: {
      name: '${uniqueString(resourceGroup().name)}-${kubernetesClusterName}'
      location: location
    aadConfiguration: {
      adminGroupObjectIds: adminGroupObjectIds
    administratorConfiguration: {
      adminUsername: adminUsername
      sshPublicKeys: [
          keyData: sshPublicKey
    initialAgentPoolConfigurations: [
        name: '${kubernetesClusterName}-nodepool-1'
        administratorConfiguration: {}
        count: systemPoolNodeCount
        vmSkuName: workerVmSkuName
        mode: 'System'
        labels: empty(labels) ? null : labels
        taints: empty(taints) ? null : taints
        agentOptions: empty(initialPoolAgentOptions) ? null : initialPoolAgentOptions
        attachedNetworkConfiguration: {
          l2Networks: empty(agentPoolL2Networks) ? null : agentPoolL2Networks
          l3Networks: empty(agentPoolL3Networks) ? null : agentPoolL3Networks
          trunkedNetworks: empty(agentPoolTrunkedNetworks) ? null : agentPoolTrunkedNetworks
        availabilityZones: empty(agentPoolZones) ? null : agentPoolZones
        upgradeSettings: {
          maxSurge: '1'
    controlPlaneNodeConfiguration: {
      administratorConfiguration: {}
      count: controlPlaneCount
      vmSkuName: controlPlaneVmSkuName
      availabilityZones: empty(controlPlaneZones) ? null : controlPlaneZones
    networkConfiguration: {
      cniNetworkId: cniNetworkId
      cloudServicesNetworkId: cloudServicesNetworkId
      dnsServiceIp: dnsServiceIp
      podCidrs: podCidrs
      serviceCidrs: serviceCidrs
      attachedNetworkConfiguration: {
        l2Networks: empty(l2Networks) ? null : l2Networks
        l3Networks: empty(l3Networks) ? null : l3Networks
        trunkedNetworks: empty(trunkedNetworks) ? null : trunkedNetworks
      bgpServiceLoadBalancerConfiguration: {
        ipAddressPools: empty(ipAddressPools) ? null : ipAddressPools

檢閱並儲存名為 kubernetes-deploy.bicep 的範本檔案之後,請繼續進行下一節以部署範本。

部署 Bicep 檔案

  1. 建立名為 kubernetes-deploy-parameters.json 的檔案,並以 JSON 格式新增必要的參數。 您可以使用下列範例作為起點。 使用您自己的值加以取代。
  "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentParameters.json#",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
      "value": "myNexusK8sCluster"
    "adminGroupObjectIds": {
      "value": [
    "cniNetworkId": {
      "value": "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resource_group>/providers/Microsoft.NetworkCloud/l3Networks/<l3Network-name>"
    "cloudServicesNetworkId": {
      "value": "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resource_group>/providers/Microsoft.NetworkCloud/cloudServicesNetworks/<csn-name>"
    "extendedLocation": {
      "value": "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<managed_resource_group>/providers/microsoft.extendedlocation/customlocations/<custom-location-name>"
    "location": {
      "value": "eastus"
    "sshPublicKey": {
      "value": "ssh-rsa AAAAB...."
  1. 部署範本。
    az deployment group create \
      --resource-group myResourceGroup \
      --template-file kubernetes-deploy.bicep \
      --parameters @kubernetes-deploy-parameters.json


部署完成之後,您可以使用 CLI 或 Azure 入口網站檢視資源。

若要檢視 myResourceGroup 資源群組中 myNexusK8sCluster 叢集的詳細資料,請執行下列 Azure CLI 命令:

az networkcloud kubernetescluster show \
  --name myNexusK8sCluster \
  --resource-group myResourceGroup

此外,若要取得與 myResourceGroup 資源群組中 myNexusK8sCluster 叢集相關聯的代理程式集區名稱清單,您可以使用下列 Azure CLI 命令。

az networkcloud kubernetescluster agentpool list \
  --kubernetes-cluster-name myNexusK8sCluster \
  --resource-group myResourceGroup \
  --output table


現在 Nexus Kubernetes 叢集已成功建立並連線到 Azure Arc,您可以使用叢集連線功能來輕鬆地與其連線。 叢集連線可讓您從任何地方安全地存取和管理叢集,進而方便進行互動式開發、偵錯和叢集管理工作。

如需可用選項的詳細資訊,請參閱連線到 Azure Operator Nexus Kubernetes 叢集


建立 Nexus Kubernetes 叢集時,Nexus 會自動建立專用於儲存叢集資源的受控資源群組,並在此群組內建立 Arc 連線的叢集資源。

若要存取叢集,您必須設定叢集連線 kubeconfig。 在使用相關的 Microsoft Entra 實體登入 Azure CLI 後,便可以取得從任何位置 (甚至在其周圍的防火牆之外) 與叢集通訊所需的 kubeconfig


    SUBSCRIPTION_ID=<set the correct subscription_id>
  2. 使用 az 來查詢受控資源群組,並將其儲存在 MANAGED_RESOURCE_GROUP

     az account set -s $SUBSCRIPTION_ID
     MANAGED_RESOURCE_GROUP=$(az networkcloud kubernetescluster show -n $CLUSTER_NAME -g $RESOURCE_GROUP --output tsv --query managedResourceGroupConfiguration.name)
  3. 下列命令會啟動 connectedk8s Proxy,以讓您連線到指定 Nexus Kubernetes 叢集的 Kubernetes API 伺服器。

    az connectedk8s proxy -n $CLUSTER_NAME  -g $MANAGED_RESOURCE_GROUP &
  4. 使用 kubectl 將要求傳送至叢集:

    kubectl get pods -A



如果您看到錯誤訊息「無法將存取權杖張貼至用戶端 proxyFailed 以連線到 MSI」,則可能需要執行 az login 以向 Azure 重新驗證。


上一個步驟中建立的叢集有單一節點集區。 讓我們使用 Bicep 範本新增第二個代理程式集區。 下列範例會建立名為 myNexusK8sCluster-nodepool-2 的代理程式集區:

  1. 檢閱範本。


// Azure Parameters
@description('The name of Nexus Kubernetes cluster')
param kubernetesClusterName string

@description('The Azure region where the cluster is to be deployed')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

@description('The custom location of the Nexus instance')
param extendedLocation string

@description('Tags to be associated with the resource')
param tags object = {}

@description('The username for the administrative account on the cluster')
param adminUsername string = 'azureuser'

@description('The SSH public key that will be associated with the "azureuser" user for secure remote login')
param sshPublicKey string = ''

// Cluster Configuration Parameters
@description('Number of nodes in the agent pool')
param agentPoolNodeCount int = 1

@description('Agent pool name')
param agentPoolName string = 'nodepool-2'

@description('VM size of the agent nodes')
param agentVmSku string = 'NC_P10_56_v1'

@description('The zones/racks used for placement of the agent pool nodes')
param agentPoolZones array = []
// "string" Example: ["1", "2", "3"]

@description('Agent pool mode')
param agentPoolMode string = 'User'

@description('The configurations for the initial agent pool')
param agentOptions object = {}
// {
//   "hugepagesCount": integer,
//   "hugepagesSize": "2M/1G"
// }

@description('The labels to assign to the nodes in the cluster for identification and organization')
param labels array = []
// {
//   key: 'string'
//   value: 'string'
// }
@description('The taints to apply to the nodes in the cluster to restrict which pods can be scheduled on them')
param taints array = []
// {
//   key: 'string'
//   value: 'string:NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute'
// }

// Networking Parameters
@description('The Layer 2 networks to connect to the agent pool')
param l2Networks array = []
// {
//   networkId: 'string'
//   pluginType: 'SRIOV|DPDK|OSDevice|MACVLAN|IPVLAN'
// }

@description('The Layer 3 networks to connect to the agent pool')
param l3Networks array = []
// {
//   ipamEnabled: 'True/False'
//   networkId: 'string'
//   pluginType: 'SRIOV|DPDK|OSDevice|MACVLAN|IPVLAN'
// }

@description('The trunked networks to connect to the agent pool')
param trunkedNetworks array = []
// {
//   networkId: 'string'
//   pluginType: 'SRIOV|DPDK|OSDevice|MACVLAN|IPVLAN'
// }

resource agentPools 'Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters/agentPools@2023-07-01' = {
  name: '${kubernetesClusterName}/${kubernetesClusterName}-${agentPoolName}'
  location: location
  tags: tags
  extendedLocation: {
    name: extendedLocation
    type: 'CustomLocation'
  properties: {
    administratorConfiguration: sshPublicKey != '' ? {
      adminUsername: adminUsername
      sshPublicKeys: [
          keyData: sshPublicKey
    }: {}
    attachedNetworkConfiguration: {
      l2Networks: empty(l2Networks) ? null : l2Networks
      l3Networks: empty(l3Networks) ? null : l3Networks
      trunkedNetworks: empty(trunkedNetworks) ? null : trunkedNetworks
    count: agentPoolNodeCount
    mode: agentPoolMode
    vmSkuName: agentVmSku
    labels: empty(labels) ? null : labels
    taints: empty(taints) ? null : taints
    agentOptions: empty(agentOptions) ? null : agentOptions
    availabilityZones: empty(agentPoolZones) ? null : agentPoolZones
    upgradeSettings: {
      maxSurge: '1'

檢閱並儲存名為 kubernetes-add-agentpool.bicep 的範本檔案之後,請繼續進行下一節以部署範本。

  1. 建立名為 kubernetes-nodepool-parameters.json 的檔案,並以 JSON 格式新增必要的參數。 您可以使用下列範例作為起點。 使用您自己的值加以取代。
    "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentParameters.json#",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {
        "value": "myNexusK8sCluster"
      "extendedLocation": {
        "value": "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resource_group>/providers/microsoft.extendedlocation/customlocations/<custom-location-name>"
  1. 部署範本。
    az deployment group create \
      --resource-group myResourceGroup \
      --template-file kubernetes-add-agentpool.bicep \
      --parameters @kubernetes-nodepool-parameters.json


您可以使用初始代理程式集區設定,在您的叢集本身的初始建立期間新增多個代理程式集區。 不過,如果您想要在初始建立之後新增代理程式集區,您可以使用上述命令為您的 Nexus Kubernetes 叢集建立其他代理程式集區。


$ az networkcloud kubernetescluster agentpool list --kubernetes-cluster-name myNexusK8sCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup --output table
This command is experimental and under development. Reference and support levels: https://aka.ms/CLI_refstatus
Count    Location    Mode    Name                          ProvisioningState    ResourceGroup    VmSkuName
-------  ----------  ------  ----------------------------  -------------------  ---------------  -----------
1        eastus      System  myNexusK8sCluster-nodepool-1  Succeeded            myResourceGroup  NC_P10_56_v1
1        eastus      User    myNexusK8sCluster-nodepool-2  Succeeded            myResourceGroup  NC_P10_56_v1


不再需要資源群組時,請加以刪除。 將刪除資源群組和資源群組中的所有資源。

使用 az group delete 命令來移除資源群組、Kubernetes 叢集,以及Operator Nexus 網路資源以外的所有相關資源。

az group delete --name myResourceGroup --yes --no-wait


您現在可以直接透過叢集連線或透過 Azure 操作員服務管理員來部署 CNF。