

此指令碼會根據容器名稱中的前置詞來刪除 Azure Blob 儲存體中的容器。

此範例需要 Azure PowerShell。 執行 Get-Module -ListAvailable Az 以尋找版本。 如果您需要安裝或升級,請參閱安裝 Azure PowerShell 模組

執行 Connect-AzAccount Cmdlet 以連線到 Azure。

如果您沒有 Azure 訂用帳戶,請在開始之前先建立 Azure 免費帳戶


# this script will show how to delete containers with a specific prefix 
# the prefix this will search for is "image". 
# before running this, you need to create a storage account, create some containers,
#    some having the same prefix so you can test this
# note: this retrieves all of the matching containers in one command 
#       if you are going to run this against a storage account with a lot of containers
#       (more than a couple hundred), use continuation tokens to retrieve
#       the list of containers. We will be adding a sample showing that scenario in the future.

# these are for the storage account to be used
#   and the prefix for which to search
$resourceGroup = "containerdeletetestrg"
$storageAccountName = "containerdeletetest"
$prefix = "image"

# get a reference to the storage account and the context
$storageAccount = Get-AzStorageAccount `
  -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup `
  -Name $storageAccountName
$ctx = $storageAccount.Context 

# list all containers in the storage account 
Write-Host "All containers"
Get-AzStorageContainer -Context $ctx | select Name

# retrieve list of containers to delete
$listOfContainersToDelete = Get-AzStorageContainer -Context $ctx -Prefix $prefix

# write list of containers to be deleted 
Write-Host "Containers to be deleted"
$listOfContainersToDelete | select Name

# delete the containers; this pipes the result of the listing of the containers to delete
#    into the Remove-AzStorageContainer command. It handles all of the containers in the list.
Write-Host "Deleting containers"
$listOfContainersToDelete | Remove-AzStorageContainer -Context $ctx 

# show list of containers not deleted 
Write-Host "All containers not deleted"
Get-AzStorageContainer -Context $ctx | select Name



Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name containerdeletetestrg


此指令碼使用下列命令,根據容器名稱前置詞來刪除容器。 下表中的每個項目都會連結至特定命令的文件。

Command 注意
Get-AzStorageAccount 取得資源群組中或訂用帳戶中指定的儲存體帳戶或所有儲存體帳戶。
Get-AzStorageContainer 列出與儲存體帳戶關聯的儲存體容器。
Remove-AzStorageContainer 移除指定的儲存體容器。


如需有關 Azure PowerShell 模組的詳細資訊,請參閱 Azure PowerShell 文件

Azure Blob 儲存體的 PowerShell 範例中,提供了其他儲存體 PowerShell 指令碼範例。