

Quickstart: Use the Bing Autosuggest .NET client library

Get started with the Bing Autosuggest client library for .NET. Follow these steps to install the package and try out the example code for basic tasks.

Use the Bing Autosuggest client library for .NET to get search suggestions based on partial query strings.

Reference documentation | Library source code | Package (NuGet) | Sample code


Create environment variables


The endpoints for resources created after July 1, 2019 use the custom subdomain format shown below. For more information and a complete list of regional endpoints, see Custom subdomain names for Cognitive Services.

Using your key and endpoint from the resource you created, create two environment variables for authentication:

  • AUTOSUGGEST_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY: The resource key for authenticating your requests.
  • AUTOSUGGEST_ENDPOINT: The resource endpoint for sending API requests. It should look like this: https://<your-custom-subdomain>.api.cognitive.microsoft.com.

Use the instructions for your operating system.

setx AUTOSUGGEST_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY <replace-with-your-autosuggest-api-key>
setx AUTOSUGGEST_ENDPOINT <replace-with-your-autosuggest-api-endpoint>

After you add the environment variable, restart the console window.

Create a new C# application

Create a new .NET Core application in your preferred editor or IDE.

In a console window (such as cmd, PowerShell, or Bash), use the dotnet new command to create a new console app with the name bing-autosuggest-quickstart. This command creates a simple "Hello World" C# project with a single source file: program.cs.

dotnet new console -n bing-autosuggest-quickstart

Change your directory to the newly created app folder. You can build the application with:

dotnet build

The build output should contain no warnings or errors.

Build succeeded.
 0 Warning(s)
 0 Error(s)

From the project directory, open the program.cs file in your preferred editor or IDE. Add the following using directives:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

In the Program class, create variables for your resource's Azure endpoint and key. If you created the environment variable after you launched the application, you'll need to close and reopen the editor, IDE, or shell running it to access the variable.

private const string key_var = "AUTOSUGGEST_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY";
private static readonly string subscription_key = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(key_var);

// Note you must use the same region as you used to get your subscription key.
private const string endpoint_var = "AUTOSUGGEST_ENDPOINT";
private static readonly string endpoint = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(endpoint_var);

In the application's Main method, add the following method calls, which you'll define later.

static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");

Install the client library

Within the application directory, install the Bing Autosuggest client library for .NET with the following command:

dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Search.AutoSuggest --version 2.0.0

If you're using the Visual Studio IDE, the client library is available as a downloadable NuGet package.

Code examples

These code snippets show you how to do the following tasks with the Bing Autosuggest client library for .NET:

Authenticate the client


This quickstart assumes you've created an environment variable for your Bing Autosuggest key, named AUTOSUGGEST_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY, and one for your endpoint, named AUTOSUGGEST_ENDPOINT.

In a new asynchronous method, instantiate a client with your endpoint and key. Create an ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials object with your key, and use it with your endpoint to create an AutosuggestClient object.

async static Task RunQuickstart()
    // Generate the credentials and create the client.
    var credentials = new Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Search.AutoSuggest.ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(subscription_key);
    var client = new AutoSuggestClient(credentials, new System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler[] { })
        Endpoint = endpoint

Send an Autosuggest request

In the same method, use the client's AutoSuggestMethodAsync method to send a query to Bing. Then, iterate over the Suggestions response, and print the first suggestion.

var result = await client.AutoSuggestMethodAsync("xb");
var groups = result.SuggestionGroups;
if (groups.Count > 0) {
    var group = groups[0];
    Console.Write("First suggestion group: {0}\n", group.Name);
    var suggestions = group.SearchSuggestions;
    if (suggestions.Count > 0)
        Console.WriteLine("First suggestion:");
        Console.WriteLine("Query: {0}", suggestions[0].Query);
        Console.WriteLine("Display text: {0}", suggestions[0].DisplayText);
        Console.WriteLine("No suggestions found in this group.");
    Console.WriteLine("No suggestions found.");

Run the application

Run the application from your application directory with the dotnet run command.

dotnet run

Next steps

See also