

Overview of PropertyandCasualtyDataModel

Property and Casualty Data Model CDM entity definitions


Name Description
Account Business that represents a customer or potential customer. The company that is billed in business transactions.
Affiliation A company that contracted the Insurer (sometime via an Agency/Agent) to issue policies under a set of product’s terms and conditions.
Agency An office or intermediary where insurance is sold and can be independent or an Insurer office.
Agent Information about the Agent, or other insurance representative who has responsibility for selling insurance.
AgentAgency Information about the relationship between the Agency and the Agent.
AgentInsurer Information about the relationship between the Insurer and the Agent.
AssetDetail Details (attributes) extensions to an Insured Asset which varies based on Line of business. e.g., vehicle for Auto insurance, apartment for home insurance.
AssetDetailCatalog A definition of an asset detail (attribute) which is later used when extending a Policy Insured Asset’s detail.
AuthorizedJurisdiction Country and State where business is authorized/not authorized to be conducted.
BrokerAgency Information about the relationship between the broker and its Agency.
CauseOfLoss The perils that can trigger damage or loss. Relates to Policy's Coverages, Exclusions and Inclusions.
CauseOfLossCatalog The inventory of all cause of loss.
CauseOfLossLOB Definition of cause of loss related to Coverages/Exclusions/Inclusion for a Line of business. One or more LOBs comprise a product which is subsequently used to create a Policy.
Claim A demand raised by a customer with an active Insurance Policy to recover in the event of a loss that is covered under their Policy.
ClaimRevision Captures any updates that happen to the claim incident.
Contact Person with whom a business unit has a relationship, such as customer, supplier, and colleague.
Country Generic country table.
Coverage Protection provided by the Insurer and the level of indemnification provided under an Insurance Policy, example include liability, earthquake, or collision.
CoverageCatalog Inventory of all Coverages which are subsequently used to create the Line of business.
CoverageDetail Details (attributes) extensions to a Coverage which varies based on Line of business.
CoverageDetailCatalog A definition of a Coverage detail (attribute) which is later used when extending a Policy Coverages detail.
CoverageLOB Definition of Coverage for a Line of business. One or more LOBs comprise a product which is subsequently used to create a Policy.
DetailType The details type provides additional semantics to the Coverage/Insured Assets details, to be used when performing analytics on the details extended information.
Document Correspondence document between insurance personas about insurance items.
DocumentPartyContract Information about the relationship between the contract (e.g., Policy) and a party, including the party role relating to the document.
ExclusionInclusion A provision related to hazards, circumstances, or specific property not covered by the Insurance Policy (related to a Coverage).
ExclusionInclusionCatalog Inventory of all Exclusions/Inclusions which are subsequently used to create the Line of business.
ExclusionInclusionLOB Definition of provisions related to Coverages for a Line of business. One or more LOBs comprise a product which is subsequently used to create a Policy.
InsuredAssetClaim Information about the relationship between the Insured Asset/location and a claim.
InsuredAssetLocation Information about an Insured Asset's location. In many cases the asset's location (e.g., car parking lot, mall) are also insured with the asset.
InsuredAssetLocationAsset Information about the relationship between the Insured Asset and its location.
InsuredAutoAsset Information of an Insured Auto.
InsuredGenericAsset Information on a generic insurable item. Insured cars and Homes have specialized tables. The model can be extended by adding other specialized Insured Asset tables.
InsuredHomeAsset Information of an Insured Home.
Insurer Information about the business that insures or carries the insurance policies. e.g., insurance company. An Insurer can relate to a parent Insurer as in the case of subsidiaries.
InsurerAgency Information about the relationship between an Insurer and an Agency.
LOB A Line of business definition (Coverages, exclusions, Inclusions, cause of loss, details). One or more LOBs comprise a product which is subsequently used to create a Policy.
LOBAssetDetailCatalog Information about the relationship between a Line of business and a detail in the details catalog. This information is subsequently used, in conjunction with Insured Asset/location categories, to create the details extensions for the Insured Assets in the generated Policy.
LOBCatalog Inventory of all LOBs which are subsequently used to create the Line of business.
Payment Any payment that relates to a Policy, e.g., Policy monthly premium payment from the insured to the Insurer, claim payment from the Insurer to the insured, payment to the tow company for towing a damaged car.
PaymentParty Participants of a payment transaction.
Policy A contract of insurance between the customer and the Insurer. The Policy relates to a parent Policy. This provides support to different scenarios, e.g., handling Policy amendments (add only the new amendments to a child Policy record) or handling collective policies.
PolicyAgency Information about the relationship between an Insurance Policy and Agency.
PolicyAgent Information about the relationship between the Agent and a Policy he handles.
PolicyProduct Definitions of Policy product. A product is comprised of one or more Line of business.
PolicyProductLOB Information about the relationship between a Policy product and one or more lines of business.
PolicyTransaction A Policy transaction provides information of each transaction (e.g., amendment) of the Policy.
ProfessionalLicense A permit from an authority for insurance professionals, for example to sell insurance policies.
RelatedPartyContract A related party having an agreement with an insurance party on a contract. 1. Party:an insurance entity (Insurer, Agent...) 2. Related party:either a 1st party (a law office being insured), or a 3rd party (a law office handling a claim). 3. Contract part - Policy, claim...
StateProvince Generic State/Province table.
TermDocumentCatalog Reference to terms and conditions applicable to various catalog parts.
TermDocumentPolicyPart A helper table to define the relationship between a term document and its Policy part.