

iMIS, a purpose-built Engagement Management System for associations and non-profit organizations.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Computer System Innovations, Inc.
URL https://csiinc.com/support
Email support@csiinc.com
Connector Metadata
Publisher Computer System Innovations, Inc.
Website https://www.csiinc.com/
Privacy policy https://www.csiinc.com/privacy
Categories Data;Sales and CRM

iMIS is the world’s only Engagement Management System (EMS), purpose-built to meet the unique needs of your organization and to support your continuous performance improvement. Extend your iMIS data - contacts, activities, panels, IQAs, and more - into the Power Automate and Logic Apps ecosystem with the triggers and actions available in this connector.


You will need an active iMIS instance, and a subscription to use this connector. For more information, please see: https://csi.ms/paprerequisites

How to get credentials

You will need an API key to use this connector. (Note: This is not the same as your iMIS API credentials.) For instructions on obtaining your API key, please see: https://csi.ms/paapikey

Get started with your connector

You can follow our simple guide to getting started with iMIS and Power Automate here: https://csi.ms/pagettingstarted

Once you have successfully established a connection, browse our Automation Idea Library for ideas on automations that you can build with iMIS and Power Automate: http://csi.ms/paideas

Known issues and limitations

For a complete list of known limitations and current issues, please refer to: https://csi.ms/palimitations

Common errors and remedies

401 Unauthorized

When this status code is returned, inspect the response body and look for an X-CSI-Error-Msg custom header. This will help to diagnose what the problem is.

For a complete list of common troubleshooting steps, please see: https://csi.ms/palimitations

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
CSI API Key securestring Please enter your CSI API Key, found in the CSI Cloud Dashboard. True

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Create a contact

Creates a contact (person) record in iMIS.

Create a multi-instance panel record

Creates a multi instance panel record in iMIS.

Create an activity

Create a new activity record in iMIS

Create an organization

Creates a contact (organization) record in iMIS.

Delete a multi-instance panel record

Deletes a multi instance panel record in iMIS.

Delete a single-instance panel record

Deletes a single instance panel record in iMIS.

Execute an IQA

Executes an iMIS IQA at the supplied path.

Find activities

Search for activities by type, iMIS ID, and more

Find contacts

Finds iMIS contact records by various criteria. Most search fields support search filters, like "startsWith:x" or "contains:x". Refer to the documentation for a complete list.

Find panel records

Finds iMIS panel records by various criteria. Most search fields support search filters, like "startsWith:x" or "contains:x". Refer to the documentation for a complete list.

Get a contact

Retrieves a single contact record by their iMIS ID.

Get a contact's picture

Retrieves a contact's profile picture by their iMIS ID.

Get a multi-instance panel record

Gets a multi instance panel record in iMIS.

Get a single-instance panel record

Gets a single instance panel record in iMIS.

Get all addresses for a contact

Retrieves a list of addresses for a contact.

Get an activity by sequence

Fetches a single Activity record by its sequence (SEQN) value

Get an address for a contact

Retrieves an address for a contact.

Update a contact

Updates a contact (person) record in iMIS. The iMIS ID is required in the request body, and will be used to find the contact to update. Only fields with values will be updated. If a field is left blank, it will not be updated.

Update a contact's mailing address

Updates a contact's mailing address in iMIS.

Update a multi-instance panel record

Updates a multi instance panel record in iMIS.

Update a single-instance panel record

Update a single instance panel record in iMIS.

Update an activity

Update an activity record in iMIS

Update an organization

Updates a contact (organization) record in iMIS.

Create a contact

Creates a contact (person) record in iMIS.


Name Key Required Type Description
Name Prefix
namePrefix string

The contact's name prefix (e.g. "Mrs.")

First Name
firstName string

The contact's first name

Informal Name
informalName string

The contact's informal name (or nickname)

Middle Name
middleName string

The contact's middle name

Last Name
lastName string

The contact's last name

Name Suffix
nameSuffix string

The contact's name suffix (e.g. "Jr.")

Functional Title
functionalTitle string

The contact's functional title code value

Parent Organization ID
parentOrganizationId string

Specify the iMIS ID of a parent organization to link this person to

Organization Name
organizationName string

The name of the organization that this contact belongs to (not used if Parent Organization ID is set)

email string

The contact's primary e-mail address

Work Phone
workPhone string

The contact's work phone number

Home Phone
homePhone string

The contact's home phone number

Mobile Phone
mobilePhone string

The contact's mobile phone number

fax string

The contact's fax number

gender string

The contact's gender code (e.g. "M", "F", or any other defined codes)

Member Type
memberType string

The contact's member type code (e.g. "NM" or "WEB")

Billing Category
billingCategory string

The contact's billing category name

Major Key
majorKey string

The contact's major key field

status string

The contact's status code (e.g. "A", "D", "X")

Birth Date
birthDate date

The contact's birth date

Join Date
joinDate date

The contact's join date



Create a multi-instance panel record

Creates a multi instance panel record in iMIS.


Name Key Required Type Description
Panel Name
panelNameMultiCreate string

The name of the panel to create into.

body dynamic

Schema generated by GetPanelCreateSchema.


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Create an activity

Create a new activity record in iMIS


Name Key Required Type Description
Action Codes
actionCodes string
Activity Type
activityType True string
amount double
Attachment Sequence
attachSeqn integer
Attachment Total
attachTotal double
Batch Number
batchNum string
Campaign Code
campaignCode string
category string
coId string
description string
Effective Date
effectiveDate date
Grace Period
gracePeriod integer
id True string
Intent To Edit
intentToEdit string
Memorial/Tribute Code
memTribCode string
Member Type
memberType string
Next Install Date
nextInstallDate date
note string
Note 2
note2 string
object string
Org Code
orgCode string
Originating Trans Number
originatingTransNum integer
Other Code
otherCode string
Other ID
otherId string
Pay Method
payMethod string
Product Code
productCode string
quantity double
Recurring Request
recurringRequest boolean
Solicitor ID
solicitorId string
Source Code
sourceCode string
Source System
sourceSystem string
Status Code
statusCode string
Taxable Value
taxableValue double
Thru Date
thruDate date
Tickler Date
ticklerDate date
Transaction Date
transactionDate date
uF1 string

User Field 1 (String)

uF2 string

User Field 2 (String)

uF3 string

User Field 3 (String)

uF4 double

User Field 4 (Decimal)

uF5 double

User Field 5 (Decimal)

uF6 date

User Field 6 (Date)

uF7 date

User Field 7 (Date)

units double


Create an organization

Creates a contact (organization) record in iMIS.


Name Key Required Type Description
Organization Name
organizationName string

The name of this organization

Website URL
websiteUrl string

The website URL for this organization's homepage

email string

The organization's primary e-mail address

Work Phone
workPhone string

The organization's work phone number

fax string

The organization's fax number

Member Type
memberType string

The organization's member type code (e.g. "NM" or "WEB")

Billing Category
billingCategory string

The organization's billing category name

Major Key
majorKey string

The organization's major key field

status string

The organization's status code (e.g. "A", "D", "X")

Join Date
joinDate date

The organization's join date



Delete a multi-instance panel record

Deletes a multi instance panel record in iMIS.


Name Key Required Type Description
Panel Name
panelNameMultiDelete string

The name of the panel to delete from.

body dynamic

Schema generated by GetPanelDeleteSchema.


Delete a single-instance panel record

Deletes a single instance panel record in iMIS.


Name Key Required Type Description
Panel Name
panelNameSingleDelete string

The name of the panel to delete from.

body dynamic

Schema generated by GetPanelDeleteSchema.


Execute an IQA

Executes an iMIS IQA at the supplied path.


Name Key Required Type Description
IQA Path
iqaPath string

The path of the IQA to execute.

body dynamic

Iqa filters.


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Find activities

Search for activities by type, iMIS ID, and more


Name Key Required Type Description
Activity Type
activityType string

The activity type code

imisId string


Product Code
productCode string

The product code

category string

The category

Transaction Date On or Before
transactionDateBefore date

Transaction date on or before

Transaction Date After
transactionDateAfter date

Transaction date after

Effective Date On or Before
effectiveDateBefore date

Effective date on or before

Effective Date After
effectiveDateAfter date

Effective date after

Thru Date On or Before
thruDateBefore date

Thru date on or before

Thru Date After
thruDateAfter date

Thru date after

Sort By
sortBy string

The property name to sort by

Sort Descending
sortDesc boolean

If the sort order should be descending (default is ascending)


Find contacts

Finds iMIS contact records by various criteria. Most search fields support search filters, like "startsWith:x" or "contains:x". Refer to the documentation for a complete list.


Name Key Required Type Description
First Name
firstName string

Contact's first name (supports filters)

Last Name
lastName string

Contact's last name (supports filters)

Full Name
fullName string

Contact's full name (supports filters)

Primary Email
email string

Contact's primary email address (supports filters)

Member Type Code
memberType string

Contact's member type code (supports filters)

Company Name
organization string

Contact's organization name (supports filters)

Filter Record Types
recordType string

Filter record types (people, organizations)

Filter Deleted Status
deleteType string

Filter deleted status (marked for deletion)


Find panel records

Finds iMIS panel records by various criteria. Most search fields support search filters, like "startsWith:x" or "contains:x". Refer to the documentation for a complete list.


Name Key Required Type Description
Panel Name
panelNameFindPost string

The name of the panel to query.

body dynamic

Schema generated by GetPanelSchema.


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Get a contact

Retrieves a single contact record by their iMIS ID.


Name Key Required Type Description
contactId True string




Get a contact's picture

Retrieves a contact's profile picture by their iMIS ID.


Name Key Required Type Description
contactId True string



Represents a contact's profile picture

Get a multi-instance panel record

Gets a multi instance panel record in iMIS.


Name Key Required Type Description
Panel Name
panelNameMultiGet string

The name of the panel to retrieve from.

body dynamic

Schema generated by GetPanelGetSchema.


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Get a single-instance panel record

Gets a single instance panel record in iMIS.


Name Key Required Type Description
Panel Name
panelNameSingleGet string

The name of the panel to retrieve from.

body dynamic

Schema generated by GetPanelGetSchema.


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Get all addresses for a contact

Retrieves a list of addresses for a contact.


Name Key Required Type Description
contactId True string

The iMIS ID to get the addresses for


Get an activity by sequence

Fetches a single Activity record by its sequence (SEQN) value


Name Key Required Type Description
Sequence Number
sequenceNumber True integer

Sequence number


Get an address for a contact

Retrieves an address for a contact.


Name Key Required Type Description
contactId True string

The iMIS ID to get the address for

Address Purpose
addressPurpose True string

Must be a well-defined address purpose name in iMIS



Update a contact

Updates a contact (person) record in iMIS. The iMIS ID is required in the request body, and will be used to find the contact to update. Only fields with values will be updated. If a field is left blank, it will not be updated.


Name Key Required Type Description
id True string

The iMIS ID (Also referred to as: Contact ID, Party ID)

Name Prefix
namePrefix string

The contact's name prefix (e.g. "Mrs.")

First Name
firstName string

The contact's first name

Informal Name
informalName string

The contact's informal name (or nickname)

Middle Name
middleName string

The contact's middle name

Last Name
lastName string

The contact's last name

Name Suffix
nameSuffix string

The contact's name suffix (e.g. "Jr.")

Functional Title
functionalTitle string

The contact's functional title code value

Parent Organization ID
parentOrganizationId string

Specify the iMIS ID of a parent organization to link this person to

email string

The contact's primary e-mail address

Work Phone
workPhone string

The contact's work phone number

Home Phone
homePhone string

The contact's home phone number

Mobile Phone
mobilePhone string

The contact's mobile phone number

fax string

The contact's fax number

gender string

The contact's gender code (e.g. "M", "F", or any other defined codes)

Member Type
memberType string

The contact's member type code (e.g. "NM" or "WEB")

Billing Category
billingCategory string

The contact's billing category name

Major Key
majorKey string

The contact's major key field

status string

The contact's status code (e.g. "A", "D", "X")



Update a contact's mailing address

Updates a contact's mailing address in iMIS.


Name Key Required Type Description
id True string

The iMIS ID of the address to update

Address 1
address1 string

Address Line 1

Address 2
address2 string

Address Line 2

City Name
city string

City name on the address

State/Province Code
stateProvinceCode string

Abbreviated code for the state/province

Postal Code
postalCode string

Postal or ZIP code

Country Code
countryCode string

Abbreviated country code

Phone Number
phone string

Formatted phone number for this address

Email Address
email string

Email for this address

Address 3
address3 string

Address Line 3

Fax Number
fax string

Formatted fax number for this address



Update a multi-instance panel record

Updates a multi instance panel record in iMIS.


Name Key Required Type Description
Panel Name
panelNameMultiUpdate string

The name of the panel to update.

body dynamic

Schema generated by GetPanelUpdateSchema.


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Update a single-instance panel record

Update a single instance panel record in iMIS.


Name Key Required Type Description
Panel Name
panelNameSingleUpdate string

The name of the panel to update.

body dynamic

Schema generated by GetPanelSchema.


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Update an activity

Update an activity record in iMIS


Name Key Required Type Description
Action Codes
actionCodes string
Activity Type
activityType string
amount double
Attachment Sequence
attachSeqn integer
Attachment Total
attachTotal double
Batch Number
batchNum string
Campaign Code
campaignCode string
category string
coId string
description string
Effective Date
effectiveDate date
Grace Period
gracePeriod integer
Intent To Edit
intentToEdit string
Memorial/Tribute Code
memTribCode string
Member Type
memberType string
Next Install Date
nextInstallDate date
note string
Note 2
note2 string
object string
Org Code
orgCode string
Originating Trans Number
originatingTransNum integer
Other Code
otherCode string
Other ID
otherId string
Pay Method
payMethod string
Product Code
productCode string
quantity double
Recurring Request
recurringRequest boolean
seqn True integer
Solicitor ID
solicitorId string
Source Code
sourceCode string
Source System
sourceSystem string
Status Code
statusCode string
Taxable Value
taxableValue double
Thru Date
thruDate date
Tickler Date
ticklerDate date
Transaction Date
transactionDate date
uF1 string

User Field 1 (String)

uF2 string

User Field 2 (String)

uF3 string

User Field 3 (String)

uF4 double

User Field 4 (Decimal)

uF5 double

User Field 5 (Decimal)

uF6 date

User Field 6 (Date)

uF7 date

User Field 7 (Date)

units double


Update an organization

Updates a contact (organization) record in iMIS.


Name Key Required Type Description
id True string

The iMIS ID (Also referred to as: Contact ID, Party ID)

Organization Name
organizationName string

The name of this organization

Website URL
websiteUrl string

The website URL for this organization's homepage

email string

The organization's primary e-mail address

Work Phone
workPhone string

The organization's work phone number

fax string

The organization's fax number

Member Type
memberType string

The organization's member type code (e.g. "NM" or "WEB")

Billing Category
billingCategory string

The organization's billing category name

Major Key
majorKey string

The organization's major key field

status string

The organization's status code (e.g. "A", "D", "X")




When an activity is added

When an activity is added

When an order is added

When an order is added

When an activity is added

When an activity is added


When an order is added

When an order is added




Name Path Type Description
Action Codes
actionCodes string
Activity Type
activityType string
amount double
Attachment Sequence
attachSeqn integer
Attachment Total
attachTotal double
Batch Number
batchNum string
Campaign Code
campaignCode string
category string
coId string
description string
Effective Date
effectiveDate date
Grace Period
gracePeriod integer
id string
Intent To Edit
intentToEdit string
Memorial/Tribute Code
memTribCode string
Member Type
memberType string
Next Install Date
nextInstallDate date
note string
Note 2
note2 string
object string
Org Code
orgCode string
Originating Trans Number
originatingTransNum integer
Other Code
otherCode string
Other ID
otherId string
Pay Method
payMethod string
Product Code
productCode string
quantity double
Recurring Request
recurringRequest boolean
Solicitor ID
solicitorId string
Source Code
sourceCode string
Source System
sourceSystem string
Status Code
statusCode string
Taxable Value
taxableValue double
Thru Date
thruDate date
Tickler Date
ticklerDate date
Transaction Date
transactionDate date
uF1 string

User Field 1 (String)

uF2 string

User Field 2 (String)

uF3 string

User Field 3 (String)

uF4 double

User Field 4 (Decimal)

uF5 double

User Field 5 (Decimal)

uF6 date

User Field 6 (Date)

uF7 date

User Field 7 (Date)

units double
seqn integer

The activity's sequence value (primary key)


Name Path Type Description
Activity List
value array of ActivityDTO

The list of activity records


Name Path Type Description
Address ID
addressId string

Unique ID for this address record.

Address Lines
addressLines string

Newline-separated address street lines.

City Name
city string

City name on the address.

State/Province Code
stateProvinceCode string

Abbreviated code for the state/province.

Postal Code
postalCode string

Postal or ZIP code.

Country Code
countryCode string

Abbreviated country code.

Phone Number
phone string

Formatted phone number for this address.

Email Address
email string

Email for this address.

Full Address
fullAddress string

Full computed address with newlines.

Name and Full Address
nameAndFullAddress string

Full computed address with the contact's name on the first line.

Address Purpose
addressPurpose string

Address purpose (category) name.

Communication Preference List
communicationPreferences array of string

List of communication preference types.


Name Path Type Description
Address List
addresses array of AddressDTO

The list of address objects for the specified contact


Name Path Type Description
Contact Type
contactType string

The type of contact (organization or person)

id string

The iMIS ID (Also referred to as: Contact ID, Party ID)

name string

The computed person's full name, or organization name, of the contact

Name Prefix
namePrefix string

The contact's name prefix (e.g. "Mrs.")

First Name
firstName string

The contact's first name

Informal Name
informalName string

The contact's informal name (or nickname)

Middle Name
middleName string

The contact's middle name

Last Name
lastName string

The contact's last name

Name Suffix
nameSuffix string

The contact's name suffix (e.g. "Jr.")

Functional Title
functionalTitle string

The contact's functional title, including any designations

Is Member
isMember boolean

Flag that specifies if this contact is a member of the organization

Is Active
isActive boolean

Flag that specifies if this contact is marked as active (i.e. not marked for deletion, deceased, etc)

Organization Name
organizationName string

The name of the organization that this contact belongs to

Organization ID
organizationId string

For person types, specifies the parent organization ID that is linked

email string

The contact's primary e-mail address

Work Phone
workPhone string

The contact's work phone number

Home Phone
homePhone string

The contact's home phone number

Mobile Phone
mobilePhone string

The contact's mobile phone number

fax string

The contact's fax number

gender string

The contact's gender code (e.g. "M", "F", or any other defined codes)

Member Type
memberType string

The contact's member type code (e.g. "NM" or "WEB")

Billing Category
billingCategory string

The contact's billing category name

Major Key
majorKey string

The contact's major key field

status string

The contact's status code (e.g. "A", "D", "X")

Contact Key
contactKey string

The contact's key, sometimes referred to as the "Net ID" (a Guid)

Birth Date
birthDate date

The contact's birth date

Join Date
joinDate date

The contact's join date

Paid Thru
paidThruDate date

The contact's membership paid thru date (if a member)

Renewed Thru
renewedThruDate date

The contact's renewed thru date


Name Path Type Description
Contact List
value array of ContactDTO

The list of contact records


Represents a contact's profile picture

Name Path Type Description
id string

The iMIS ID associated with this picture

Picture Data
pictureData byte

The picture data


Name Path Type Description
Ship To Address Line 1
address1 string
Ship To Address Line 2
address2 string
Ship To Address Line 3
address3 string
Ship To Address Format Code
addressFormat integer
Balance Amount
balance double
Batch Number
batchNumber string
Bill To iMIS ID
billToId string
Ship To Address City
city string
Company iMIS ID
companyId string
Company Member Type
companyMemberType string
Company Name
company string
Company Sort Code
companySort string
Ship To Address Country
country string
Customer Reference
customerReference string
Ship To Email Address
email string
Freight 1 Amount
freight1 double
Freight 2 Amount
freight2 double
Shipp To Full Address
fullAddress string
Ship To Full Name
fullName string
Handling 1 Amount
handling1 double
Handling 2 Amount
handling2 double
Hold Code
holdCode string
Hold Comment
holdComment string
Is Held?
holdFlag boolean
Invoice Reference Number
invoiceReferenceNumber integer
Ship To Member Type
memberType string
Order Notes
notes string
Order Date
orderDate date
Order Number
orderNumber double
Order Type Code
orderTypeCode string
Entity Code
entityCode string
Pay Type
payType string
Ship To Phone
phone string
Source Code
sourceCode string
Ship To iMIS ID
shipToId string
Order Stage
stage string
Ship To State/Province
stateProvince string
Order Status
status string
Tax 1 Amount
tax1 double
Tax 2 Amount
tax2 double
Tax 3 Amount
tax3 double
Tax 1 Rate
taxRate1 double
Tax 2 Rate
taxRate2 double
Tax 3 Rate
taxRate3 double
Order Title
title string
Order Total Charges
totalCharges double
Order Total Payments
totalPayments double
Total Quantity Backordered
totalQuantityBackordered integer
Total Quantity Ordered
totalQuantityOrdered integer
Ship To Postal Code
zip string
Source System
sourceSystem string
Discount Code
discountCode string
VAT Tax Code
vatTaxCodeFh string
Undiscounted Total
undiscountedTotal double
Terms Code
termsCode string
Tax Rate
taxRateFh double
Tax 1 Author
taxAuthor1 string
Tax 2 Author
taxAuthor2 string
Tax 3 Author
taxAuthor3 string
Tax Exempt
taxExempt string
Affects Inventory?
affectInventory boolean
Freight Tax Amount
freightTax double
Handling Tax Amount
handlingTax double
Invoice Date
invoiceDate date
Invoice Number
invoiceNumber integer
Line Total Amount
lineTotal double
Shipping Method
shipMethod string
Ship Papers Date
shipPapersDateTime date
Shipped Date
shippedDateTime date
Total Weight
totalWeight double
Entered By
enteredBy string
Entered Date/Time
enteredDateTime date


Name Path Type Description
Order List
value array of OrderDTO

The list of order records