
<complex> 運算子



template <class Type>
bool operator!=(
    const complex<Type>& left,
    const complex<Type>& right);

template <class Type>
bool operator!=(
    const complex<Type>& left,
    const Type& right);

template <class Type>
bool operator!=(
    const Type& left,
    const complex<Type>& right);





true 如果數位不相等則為 ; false 如果數字相等,則為 。


唯有在其實數部分相等且虛數部分也相等時,兩個複數才為相等。 反之則為不相等。



// complex_op_NE.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;

   // Example of the first member function
   // type complex<double> compared with type complex<double>
   complex <double> cl1 ( polar (3.0, pi / 6 ) );
   complex <double> cr1a ( polar (3.0, pi /6 ) );
   complex <double> cr1b ( polar (2.0, pi / 3 ) );

   cout << "The left-side complex number is cl1 = " << cl1 << endl;
   cout << "The 1st right-side complex number is cr1a = " << cr1a << endl;
   cout << "The 2nd right-side complex number is cr1b = " << cr1b << endl;
   if ( cl1 != cr1a )
      cout << "The complex numbers cl1 & cr1a are not equal." << endl;
      cout << "The complex numbers cl1 & cr1a are equal." << endl;
   if ( cl1 != cr1b )
      cout << "The complex numbers cl1 & cr1b are not equal." << endl;
      cout << "The complex numbers cl1 & cr1b are equal." << endl;
   cout << endl;

   // Example of the second member function
   // type complex<int> compared with type int
   complex <int> cl2a ( 3, 4 );
   complex <int> cl2b ( 5,0 );
   int cr2a =3;
   int cr2b =5;

   cout << "The 1st left-side complex number is cl2a = " << cl2a << endl;
   cout << "The 1st right-side complex number is cr2a = " << cr2a << endl;
   if ( cl2a != cr2a )
      cout << "The complex numbers cl2a & cr2a are not equal." << endl;
      cout << "The complex numbers cl2a & cr2a are equal." << endl;

   cout << "The 2nd left-side complex number is cl2b = " << cl2b << endl;
   cout << "The 2nd right-side complex number is cr2b = " << cr2b << endl;
   if ( cl2b != cr2b )
      cout << "The complex numbers cl2b & cr2b are not equal." << endl;
      cout << "The complex numbers cl2b & cr2b are equal." << endl;
   cout << endl;

   // Example of the third member function
   // type double compared with type complex<double>
   double cl3a =3;
   double cl3b =5;
   complex <double> cr3a ( 3, 4 );
   complex <double> cr3b ( 5,0 );

   cout << "The 1st left-side complex number is cl3a = " << cl3a << endl;
   cout << "The 1st right-side complex number is cr3a = " << cr3a << endl;
   if ( cl3a != cr3a )
      cout << "The complex numbers cl3a & cr3a are not equal." << endl;
      cout << "The complex numbers cl3a & cr3a are equal." << endl;

   cout << "The 2nd left-side complex number is cl3b = " << cl3b << endl;
   cout << "The 2nd right-side complex number is cr3b = " << cr3b << endl;
   if ( cl3b != cr3b )
      cout << "The complex numbers cl3b & cr3b are not equal." << endl;
      cout << "The complex numbers cl3b & cr3b are equal." << endl;
   cout << endl;
The left-side complex number is cl1 = (2.59808,1.5)
The 1st right-side complex number is cr1a = (2.59808,1.5)
The 2nd right-side complex number is cr1b = (1,1.73205)
The complex numbers cl1 & cr1a are equal.
The complex numbers cl1 & cr1b are not equal.

The 1st left-side complex number is cl2a = (3,4)
The 1st right-side complex number is cr2a = 3
The complex numbers cl2a & cr2a are not equal.
The 2nd left-side complex number is cl2b = (5,0)
The 2nd right-side complex number is cr2b = 5
The complex numbers cl2b & cr2b are equal.

The 1st left-side complex number is cl3a = 3
The 1st right-side complex number is cr3a = (3,4)
The complex numbers cl3a & cr3a are not equal.
The 2nd left-side complex number is cl3b = 5
The 2nd right-side complex number is cr3b = (5,0)
The complex numbers cl3b & cr3b are equal.



template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator*(
    const complex<Type>& left,
    const complex<Type>& right);

template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator*(
    const complex<Type>& left,
    const Type& right);

template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator*(
    const Type& left,
    const complex<Type>& right);


兩個複數的第一個或某個數字 (其為要以 * 運算相乘之複數的參數類型)。

兩個複數的第二個或某個數字 (其為要以 * 運算相乘之複數的參數類型)。






// complex_op_mult.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;

   // Example of the first member function
   // type complex<double> times type complex<double>
   complex <double> cl1 ( polar (3.0, pi / 6 ) );
   complex <double> cr1 ( polar (2.0, pi / 3 ) );
   complex <double> cs1 = cl1 * cr1;

   cout << "The left-side complex number is cl1 = " << cl1 << endl;
   cout << "The right-side complex number is cr1 = " << cr1 << endl;
   cout << "Product of two complex numbers is: cs1 = " << cs1 << endl;
   double abscs1 = abs ( cs1 );
   double argcs1 = arg ( cs1 );
   cout << "The modulus of cs1 is: " << abscs1 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of cs1 is: "<< argcs1 << " radians, which is "
        << argcs1 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // Example of the second member function
   // type complex<double> times type double
   complex <double> cl2 ( polar ( 3.0, pi / 6 ) );
   double cr2 =5;
   complex <double> cs2 = cl2 * cr2;

   cout << "The left-side complex number is cl2 = " << cl2 << endl;
   cout << "The right-side complex number is cr2 = " << cr2 << endl;
   cout << "Product of two complex numbers is: cs2 = " << cs2 << endl;
   double abscs2 = abs ( cs2 );
   double argcs2 = arg ( cs2 );
   cout << "The modulus of cs2 is: " << abscs2 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of cs2 is: "<< argcs2 << " radians, which is "
        << argcs2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // Example of the third member function
   // type double times type complex<double>
   double cl3 = 5;
   complex <double> cr3 ( polar (3.0, pi / 6 ) );
   complex <double> cs3 = cl3 * cr3;

   cout << "The left-side complex number is cl3 = " << cl3 << endl;
   cout << "The right-side complex number is cr3 = " << cr3 << endl;
   cout << "Product of two complex numbers is: cs3 = " << cs3 << endl;
   double abscs3 = abs ( cs3 );
   double argcs3 = arg ( cs3 );
   cout << "The modulus of cs3 is: " << abscs3 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of cs3 is: "<< argcs3 << " radians, which is "
        << argcs3 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;



template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator+(
    const complex<Type>& left,
    const complex<Type>& right);

template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator+(
    const complex<Type>& left,
    const Type& right);

template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator+(
    const Type& left,
    const complex<Type>& right);

template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator+(const complex<Type>& left);


兩個複數的第一個或某個數字 (其為要以 + 運算相加之複數的參數類型)。

兩個複數的第二個或某個數字 (其為要以 + 運算相加之複數的參數類型)。




系統會將運算多載以執行簡單的算數運算,而無須將資料轉換成特定格式。 一元運算符會 傳回左方。


// complex_op_add.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;

   // Example of the first member function
   // type complex<double> plus type complex<double>
   complex <double> cl1 ( 3.0, 4.0 );
   complex <double> cr1 ( 2.0, 5.0 );
   complex <double> cs1 = cl1 + cr1;

   cout << "The left-side complex number is cl1 = " << cl1 << endl;
   cout << "The right-side complex number is cr1 = " << cr1 << endl;
   cout << "The sum of the two complex numbers is: cs1 = " << cs1 << endl;
   double abscs1 = abs ( cs1 );
   double argcs1 = arg ( cs1 );
   cout << "The modulus of cs1 is: " << abscs1 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of cs1 is: "<< argcs1 << " radians, which is "
        << argcs1 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // Example of the second member function
   // type complex<double> plus type double
   complex <double> cl2 ( 3.0, 4.0 );
   double cr2 =5.0;
   complex <double> cs2 = cl2 + cr2;

   cout << "The left-side complex number is cl2 = " << cl2 << endl;
   cout << "The right-side complex number is cr2 = " << cr2 << endl;
   cout << "The sum of the two complex numbers is: cs2 = " << cs2 << endl;
   double abscs2 = abs ( cs2 );
   double argcs2 = arg ( cs2 );
   cout << "The modulus of cs2 is: " << abscs2 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of cs2 is: "<< argcs2 << " radians, which is "
        << argcs2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // Example of the third member function
   // type double plus type complex<double>
   double cl3 = 5.0;
   complex <double> cr3 ( 3.0, 4.0 );
   complex <double> cs3 = cl3 + cr3;

   cout << "The left-side complex number is cl3 = " << cl3 << endl;
   cout << "The right-side complex number is cr3 = " << cr3 << endl;
   cout << "The sum of the two complex numbers is: cs3 = " << cs3 << endl;
   double abscs3 = abs ( cs3 );
   double argcs3 = arg ( cs3 );
   cout << "The modulus of cs3 is: " << abscs3 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of cs3 is: "<< argcs3 << " radians, which is "
        << argcs3 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // Example of the fourth member function
   // plus type complex<double>
   complex <double> cr4 ( 3.0, 4.0 );
   complex <double> cs4 = + cr4;

   cout << "The right-side complex number is cr4 = " << cr4 << endl;
   cout << "The result of the unary application of + to the right-side"
        << "\n complex number is: cs4 = " << cs4 << endl;
   double abscs4 = abs ( cs4 );
   double argcs4 = arg ( cs4 );
   cout << "The modulus of cs4 is: " << abscs4 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of cs4 is: "<< argcs4 << " radians, which is "
        << argcs4 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
The left-side complex number is cl1 = (3,4)
The right-side complex number is cr1 = (2,5)
The sum of the two complex numbers is: cs1 = (5,9)
The modulus of cs1 is: 10.2956
The argument of cs1 is: 1.0637 radians, which is 60.9454 degrees.

The left-side complex number is cl2 = (3,4)
The right-side complex number is cr2 = 5
The sum of the two complex numbers is: cs2 = (8,4)
The modulus of cs2 is: 8.94427
The argument of cs2 is: 0.463648 radians, which is 26.5651 degrees.

The left-side complex number is cl3 = 5
The right-side complex number is cr3 = (3,4)
The sum of the two complex numbers is: cs3 = (8,4)
The modulus of cs3 is: 8.94427
The argument of cs3 is: 0.463648 radians, which is 26.5651 degrees.

The right-side complex number is cr4 = (3,4)
The result of the unary application of + to the right-side
complex number is: cs4 = (3,4)
The modulus of cs4 is: 5
The argument of cs4 is: 0.927295 radians, which is 53.1301 degrees.



template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator-(
    const complex<Type>& left,
    const complex<Type>& right);

template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator-(
    const complex<Type>& left,
    const Type& right);

template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator-(
    const Type& left,
    const complex<Type>& right);

template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator-(const complex<Type>& left);


兩個複數的第一個或某個數字 (其為要以 - 運算相減之複數的參數類型)。

兩個複數的第二個或某個數字 (其為要以 - 運算相減之複數的參數類型)。







// complex_op_sub.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;

   // Example of the first member function
   // type complex<double> minus type complex<double>
   complex <double> cl1 ( 3.0, 4.0 );
   complex <double> cr1 ( 2.0, 5.0 );
   complex <double> cs1 = cl1 - cr1;

   cout << "The left-side complex number is cl1 = " << cl1 << endl;
   cout << "The right-side complex number is cr1 = " << cr1 << endl;
   cout << "Difference of two complex numbers is: cs1 = " << cs1 << endl;
   double abscs1 = abs ( cs1 );
   double argcs1 = arg ( cs1 );
   cout << "The modulus of cs1 is: " << abscs1 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of cs1 is: "<< argcs1 << " radians, which is "
        << argcs1 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // Example of the second member function
   // type complex<double> minus type double
   complex <double> cl2 ( 3.0, 4.0 );
   double cr2 =5.0;
   complex <double> cs2 = cl2 - cr2;

   cout << "The left-side complex number is cl2 = " << cl2 << endl;
   cout << "The right-side complex number is cr2 = " << cr2 << endl;
   cout << "Difference of two complex numbers is: cs2 = " << cs2 << endl;
   double abscs2 = abs ( cs2 );
   double argcs2 = arg ( cs2 );
   cout << "The modulus of cs2 is: " << abscs2 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of cs2 is: "<< argcs2 << " radians, which is "
        << argcs2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // Example of the third member function
   // type double minus type complex<double>
   double cl3 = 5.0;
   complex <double> cr3 ( 3.0, 4.0 );
   complex <double> cs3 = cl3 - cr3;

   cout << "The left-side complex number is cl3 = " << cl3 << endl;
   cout << "The right-side complex number is cr3 = " << cr3 << endl;
   cout << "Difference of two complex numbers is: cs3 = " << cs3 << endl;
   double abscs3 = abs ( cs3 );
   double argcs3 = arg ( cs3 );
   cout << "The modulus of cs3 is: " << abscs3 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of cs3 is: "<< argcs3 << " radians, which is "
        << argcs3 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // Example of the fourth member function
   // minus type complex<double>
   complex <double> cr4 ( 3.0, 4.0 );
   complex <double> cs4 = - cr4;

   cout << "The right-side complex number is cr4 = " << cr4 << endl;
   cout << "The result of the unary application of - to the right-side"
        << "\n complex number is: cs4 = " << cs4 << endl;
   double abscs4 = abs ( cs4 );
   double argcs4 = arg ( cs4 );
   cout << "The modulus of cs4 is: " << abscs4 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of cs4 is: "<< argcs4 << " radians, which is "
        << argcs4 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
The left-side complex number is cl1 = (3,4)
The right-side complex number is cr1 = (2,5)
Difference of two complex numbers is: cs1 = (1,-1)
The modulus of cs1 is: 1.41421
The argument of cs1 is: -0.785398 radians, which is -45 degrees.

The left-side complex number is cl2 = (3,4)
The right-side complex number is cr2 = 5
Difference of two complex numbers is: cs2 = (-2,4)
The modulus of cs2 is: 4.47214
The argument of cs2 is: 2.03444 radians, which is 116.565 degrees.

The left-side complex number is cl3 = 5
The right-side complex number is cr3 = (3,4)
Difference of two complex numbers is: cs3 = (2,-4)
The modulus of cs3 is: 4.47214
The argument of cs3 is: -1.10715 radians, which is -63.4349 degrees.

The right-side complex number is cr4 = (3,4)
The result of the unary application of - to the right-side
complex number is: cs4 = (-3,-4)
The modulus of cs4 is: 5
The argument of cs4 is: -2.2143 radians, which is -126.87 degrees.



template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator*(
    const complex<Type>& left,
    const complex<Type>& right);

template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator*(
    const complex<Type>& left,
    const Type& right);

template <class Type>
complex<Type> operator*(
    const Type& left,
    const complex<Type>& right);


某個複數或數字 (其為要以 / 運算相除之複數分子的參數類型)。

某個複數或數字 (其為要以 / 運算相除之複數分母的參數類型)。






// complex_op_div.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;

   // Example of the first member function
   // type complex<double> divided by type complex<double>
   complex <double> cl1 ( polar ( 3.0, pi / 6 ) );
   complex <double> cr1 ( polar ( 2.0, pi / 3 ) );
   complex <double> cs1 = cl1 / cr1;

   cout << "The left-side complex number is cl1 = " << cl1 << endl;
   cout << "The right-side complex number is cr1 = " << cr1 << endl;
   cout << "The quotient of the two complex numbers is: cs1 = cl1 /cr1 = "
        << cs1 << endl;
   double abscs1 = abs ( cs1 );
   double argcs1 = arg ( cs1 );
   cout << "The modulus of cs1 is: " << abscs1 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of cs1 is: "<< argcs1 << " radians, which is "
        << argcs1 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // example of the second member function
   // type complex<double> divided by type double
   complex <double> cl2 ( polar (3.0, pi / 6 ) );
   double cr2 =5;
   complex <double> cs2 = cl2 / cr2;

   cout << "The left-side complex number is cl2 = " << cl2 << endl;
   cout << "The right-side complex number is cr2 = " << cr2 << endl;
   cout << "The quotient of the two complex numbers is: cs2 = cl2 /cr2 = "
        << cs2 << endl;
   double abscs2 = abs ( cs2 );
   double argcs2 = arg ( cs2 );
   cout << "The modulus of cs2 is: " << abscs2 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of cs2 is: "<< argcs2 << " radians, which is "
        << argcs2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // Example of the third member function
   // type double divided by type complex<double>
   double cl3 = 5;
   complex <double> cr3 ( polar ( 3.0, pi / 6 ) );
   complex <double> cs3 = cl3 / cr3;

   cout << "The left-side complex number is cl3 = " << cl3 << endl;
   cout << "The right-side complex number is cr3 = " << cr3 << endl;
   cout << "The quotient of the two complex numbers is: cs3 = cl3 /cr2 = "
        << cs3 << endl;
   double abscs3 = abs ( cs3 );
   double argcs3 = arg ( cs3 );
   cout << "The modulus of cs3 is: " << abscs3 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of cs3 is: "<< argcs3 << " radians, which is "
        << argcs3 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
The left-side complex number is cl1 = (2.59808,1.5)
The right-side complex number is cr1 = (1,1.73205)
The quotient of the two complex numbers is: cs1 = cl1 /cr1 = (1.29904,-0.75)
The modulus of cs1 is: 1.5
The argument of cs1 is: -0.523599 radians, which is -30 degrees.

The left-side complex number is cl2 = (2.59808,1.5)
The right-side complex number is cr2 = 5
The quotient of the two complex numbers is: cs2 = cl2 /cr2 = (0.519615,0.3)
The modulus of cs2 is: 0.6
The argument of cs2 is: 0.523599 radians, which is 30 degrees.

The left-side complex number is cl3 = 5
The right-side complex number is cr3 = (2.59808,1.5)
The quotient of the two complex numbers is: cs3 = cl3 /cr2 = (1.44338,-0.833333)
The modulus of cs3 is: 1.66667
The argument of cs3 is: -0.523599 radians, which is -30 degrees.



template <class Type, class Elem, class Traits>
basic_ostream<Elem, Traits>& operator<<(
    basic_ostream<Elem, Traits>& Ostr,
    const complex<Type>& right);





以笛卡兒格式將指定複數 的值寫入 Ostr :( 實際部分、虛數部分 )。




// complex_op_insert.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;

   complex <double> c1 ( 3.0, 4.0 );
   cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;

   complex <double> c2  ( polar ( 2.0, pi / 6 ) );
   cout << "Complex number c2 = " << c2 << endl;

   // To display in polar form
   double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
   double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
   cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
        << argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
Complex number c1 = (3,4)
Complex number c2 = (1.73205,1)
The modulus of c2 is: 2
The argument of c2 is: 0.523599 radians, which is 30 degrees.



template <class Type>
bool operator==(
    const complex<Type>& left,
    const complex<Type>& right);

template <class Type>
bool operator==(
    const complex<Type>& left,
    const Type& right);

template <class Type>
bool operator==(
    const Type& left,
    const complex<Type>& right);





true 如果數位相等則為 ; false 如果數位不相等,則為 。


唯有在其實數部分相等且虛數部分也相等時,兩個複數才為相等。 反之則為不相等。



// complex_op_EQ.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;

   // Example of the first member function
   // type complex<double> compared with type complex<double>
   complex <double> cl1 ( polar ( 3.0, pi / 6 ) );
   complex <double> cr1a ( polar ( 3.0, pi /6 ) );
   complex <double> cr1b ( polar ( 2.0, pi / 3 ) );

   cout << "The left-side complex number is cl1 = " << cl1 << endl;
   cout << "The 1st right-side complex number is cr1a = " << cr1a << endl;
   cout << "The 2nd right-side complex number is cr1b = " << cr1b << endl;
   if ( cl1 == cr1a )
      cout << "The complex numbers cl1 & cr1a are equal." << endl;
      cout << "The complex numbers cl1 & cr1a are not equal." << endl;
   if ( cl1 == cr1b )
      cout << "The complex numbers cl1 & cr1b are equal." << endl;
      cout << "The complex numbers cl1 & cr1b are not equal." << endl;
   cout << endl;

   // Example of the second member function
   // type complex<int> compared with type int
   complex <int> cl2a ( 3, 4 );
   complex <int> cl2b ( 5,0 );
   int cr2a =3;
   int cr2b =5;

   cout << "The 1st left-side complex number is cl2a = " << cl2a << endl;
   cout << "The 1st right-side complex number is cr2a = " << cr2a << endl;
   if ( cl2a == cr2a )
      cout << "The complex numbers cl2a & cr2a are equal." << endl;
      cout << "The complex numbers cl2a & cr2a are not equal." << endl;

   cout << "The 2nd left-side complex number is cl2b = " << cl2b << endl;
   cout << "The 2nd right-side complex number is cr2b = " << cr2b << endl;
   if ( cl2b == cr2b )
      cout << "The complex numbers cl2b & cr2b are equal." << endl;
      cout << "The complex numbers cl2b & cr2b are not equal." << endl;
   cout << endl;

   // Example of the third member function
   // type double compared with type complex<double>
   double cl3a =3;
   double cl3b =5;
   complex <double> cr3a (3, 4 );
   complex <double> cr3b (5,0 );

   cout << "The 1st left-side complex number is cl3a = " << cl3a << endl;
   cout << "The 1st right-side complex number is cr3a = " << cr3a << endl;
   if ( cl3a == cr3a )
      cout << "The complex numbers cl3a & cr3a are equal." << endl;
      cout << "The complex numbers cl3a & cr3a are not equal." << endl;

   cout << "The 2nd left-side complex number is cl3b = " << cl3b << endl;
   cout << "The 2nd right-side complex number is cr3b = " << cr3b << endl;
   if ( cl3b == cr3b )
      cout << "The complex numbers cl3b & cr3b are equal." << endl;
      cout << "The complex numbers cl3b & cr3b are not equal." << endl;
   cout << endl;
The left-side complex number is cl1 = (2.59808,1.5)
The 1st right-side complex number is cr1a = (2.59808,1.5)
The 2nd right-side complex number is cr1b = (1,1.73205)
The complex numbers cl1 & cr1a are equal.
The complex numbers cl1 & cr1b are not equal.

The 1st left-side complex number is cl2a = (3,4)
The 1st right-side complex number is cr2a = 3
The complex numbers cl2a & cr2a are not equal.
The 2nd left-side complex number is cl2b = (5,0)
The 2nd right-side complex number is cr2b = 5
The complex numbers cl2b & cr2b are equal.

The 1st left-side complex number is cl3a = 3
The 1st right-side complex number is cr3a = (3,4)
The complex numbers cl3a & cr3a are not equal.
The 2nd left-side complex number is cl3b = 5
The 2nd right-side complex number is cr3b = (5,0)
The complex numbers cl3b & cr3b are equal.



template <class Type, class Elem, class Traits>
basic_istream<Elem, Traits>& operator>>(
   basic_istream<Elem, Traits>& Istr,
   complex<Type>& right);





Istr 讀取指定複數的值,並將它 傳回右邊



  • ( 實數部分, 虛數部分 )

  • ( 實數部分 )

  • 實數部分


// complex_op_extract.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;

   complex <double> c2;

   cout << "Input a complex number ( try: 2.0 ): ";
   cin >> c2;
   cout << c2 << endl;
Input a complex number ( try: 2.0 ): 2.0