
KeyChain.CreateManageCredentialsIntent(AppUriAuthenticationPolicy) Method


Returns an Intent that should be used by an app to request to manage the user's credentials.

[Android.Runtime.Register("createManageCredentialsIntent", "(Landroid/security/AppUriAuthenticationPolicy;)Landroid/content/Intent;", "", ApiSince=31)]
public static Android.Content.Intent CreateManageCredentialsIntent (Android.Security.AppUriAuthenticationPolicy policy);
[<Android.Runtime.Register("createManageCredentialsIntent", "(Landroid/security/AppUriAuthenticationPolicy;)Landroid/content/Intent;", "", ApiSince=31)>]
static member CreateManageCredentialsIntent : Android.Security.AppUriAuthenticationPolicy -> Android.Content.Intent



The authentication policy determines which alias for a private key and certificate pair should be used for authentication.




Returns an Intent that should be used by an app to request to manage the user's credentials. This is limited to unmanaged devices. The authentication policy must be provided to be able to make this request successfully.

This intent should be started using Activity#startActivityForResult(Intent, int) to verify whether the request was successful and whether the user accepted or denied the request. If the user successfully receives and accepts the request, the result code will be Activity#RESULT_OK, otherwise the result code will be Activity#RESULT_CANCELED.

KeyChain#isCredentialManagementApp(Context) should be used to determine whether an app is already the credential management app.

Java documentation for android.security.KeyChain.createManageCredentialsIntent(android.security.AppUriAuthenticationPolicy).

Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution License.

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