

CKErrorCode Enum


Enumerates CloudKit error conditions.

[ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.WatchOS, 3, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
[ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
[ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 10, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
public enum CKErrorCode
type CKErrorCode = 


AlreadyShared 30

Indicates that the CKRecord or CKShare hierarchy already exists in another share.

AssetFileModified 17

The specified asset file was modified during the save operation.

AssetFileNotFound 16

The specified asset file could not be found.

AssetNotAvailable 35
BadContainer 5

The specified container is unknown or unauthorized.

BadDatabase 24

The operation could not be completed. Common cause: attempt to modify zones on public database.

BatchRequestFailed 22

An item failed in a zone with atomic updates, so the batch was rejected.

ChangeTokenExpired 21

Indicates the PreviousServerChangeToken expired and the client must resynchronize.

ConstraintViolation 19

The request was rejected because of a conflict in a unique field.

IncompatibleVersion 18

The app version is less than the CloudKit-specified minimum acceptable version.

InternalError 1

A CloudKit internal error. Non-recoverable.

InvalidArguments 12

Indicates an error in the form or content of the request.

LimitExceeded 27

Indicates the request was too large. Suggested change: Refactor request into smaller batches.

ManagedAccountRestricted 32

Indicates an error due to a managed account restriction.

MissingEntitlement 8

The app is missing the required entitlement.

NetworkFailure 4

The network returned an error during processing.

NetworkUnavailable 3

Indicates that the user is not online.

None 0

The operation succeeded.

NotAuthenticated 9

The user is not currently authenticated. Common cause: User is not logged in to iCloud.

OperationCancelled 20

Indicates the operation was cancelled programmatically by the app.

PartialFailure 2

Indicates that some items failed but the overall operation succeeded.

ParticipantMayNeedVerification 33

The user is not yet partificipating in the share..

PermissionFailure 10

Indicates the user has not allowed access for the data in the fetch or save.

QuotaExceeded 25

Indicates that the requested operation would have exceeded the user's storage quota.

ReferenceViolation 31

Indicates the CKRecord object's parent reference or it's share reference could not be found.

RequestRateLimited 7

Indicates that the client is currently rate-limited.

ResponseLost 34

Indicates that the response was lost.

ResultsTruncated 13

This error message is deprecated. Indicates that results were truncated by the server.

ServerRecordChanged 14

The record was rejected because the server's values were different.

ServerRejectedRequest 15

Server rejected request. Non-recoverable.

ServiceUnavailable 6

CloudKit is not available.

TooManyParticipants 29

Indicates that there are too many participants attached to the share.

UnknownItem 11

Indicates the requested record does not exist.

UserDeletedZone 28

Indicates the user deleted the zone. Suggested action: Remove local copy of zone data or ask user if app may upload data again.

ZoneBusy 23

Indicates that the zone is currently too busy. Suggested action is a delayed retry.

ZoneNotFound 26

The specified zone is not recognized by the server.

Applies to