
IDataOutput.WriteDouble(Double) Method


Writes a double value, which is comprised of eight bytes, to the output stream.

[Android.Runtime.Register("writeDouble", "(D)V", "GetWriteDouble_DHandler:Java.IO.IDataOutputInvoker, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null")]
public void WriteDouble (double v);
[<Android.Runtime.Register("writeDouble", "(D)V", "GetWriteDouble_DHandler:Java.IO.IDataOutputInvoker, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null")>]
abstract member WriteDouble : double -> unit



the double value to be written.



if an I/O error occurs while writing.


Writes a double value, which is comprised of eight bytes, to the output stream. It does this as if it first converts this double value to a long in exactly the manner of the Double.doubleToLongBits method and then writes the long value in exactly the manner of the writeLong method. The bytes written by this method may be read by the readDouble method of interface DataInput, which will then return a double equal to v.

Java documentation for java.io.DataOutput.writeDouble(double).

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See also