
XamlDataDrivenToolTask Class


Part of the base class for tasks generated by the Xaml task factory.

public ref class XamlDataDrivenToolTask abstract : Microsoft::Build::Utilities::ToolTask
public abstract class XamlDataDrivenToolTask : Microsoft.Build.Utilities.ToolTask
type XamlDataDrivenToolTask = class
    inherit ToolTask
Public MustInherit Class XamlDataDrivenToolTask
Inherits ToolTask


XamlDataDrivenToolTask(String[], ResourceManager)

Constructor called by the generated task.



Retrieves the list of acceptable non-zero exit codes.


The list of all the switches that have been set


Gets or set the dictionary of active tool switch values.


The additional options that have been set. These are raw switches that go last on the command line.


The build engine automatically sets this property to allow tasks to call back into it.

(Inherited from Task)

The build engine automatically sets this property to allow tasks to call back into it. This is a convenience property so that task authors inheriting from this class do not have to cast the value from IBuildEngine to IBuildEngine2.

(Inherited from Task)

Retrieves the IBuildEngine3 version of the build engine interface provided by the host.

(Inherited from Task)

Retrieves the IBuildEngine4 version of the build engine interface provided by the host.

(Inherited from Task)

Retrieves the IBuildEngine5 version of the build engine interface provided by the host.

(Inherited from Task)

Retrieves the IBuildEngine6 version of the build engine interface provided by the host.

(Inherited from Task)

Retrieves the IBuildEngine7 version of the build engine interface provided by the host.

(Inherited from Task)

Retrieves the IBuildEngine8 version of the build engine interface provided by the host.

(Inherited from Task)

Retrieves the IBuildEngine9 version of the build engine interface provided by the host.

(Inherited from Task)

ToolTask is not incremental by default. When a derived class overrides SkipTaskExecution, then Question feature can take into effect.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

The command-line template to use, if any.


When set to true, it passes /Q to the cmd.exe command line such that the command line does not get echo-ed on stdout

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Gets the Path override value.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Array of equals-separated pairs of environment variables that should be passed to the spawned executable, in addition to (or selectively overriding) the regular environment block.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

The return code of the spawned process. If the task logged any errors, but the process had an exit code of 0 (success), this will be set to -1.

(Inherited from ToolTask)
FailIfNotIncremental (Inherited from ToolTask)

Whether this ToolTask has logged any errors

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Gets or sets the prefix used to compose help keywords from string resource names. If a task does not have help keywords associated with its messages, it can ignore this property or set it to null. If the prefix is set to an empty string, then string resource names will be used verbatim as help keywords. For an example of how this prefix is used, see the TaskLoggingHelper.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources(string, object[]) method.

(Inherited from Task)

The build engine sets this property if the host IDE has associated a host object with this particular task.

(Inherited from Task)

Gets an instance of a TaskLoggingHelper class containing task logging methods. The taskLoggingHelper is a MarshallByRef object which needs to have MarkAsInactive called if the parent task is making the appdomain and marshaling this object into it. If the appdomain is not unloaded at the end of the task execution and the MarkAsInactive method is not called this will result in a leak of the task instances in the appdomain the task was created within.

(Inherited from Task)

Should ALL messages received on the standard error stream be logged as errors.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Overridden to use UTF16, which works better than UTF8 for older versions of CL, LIB, etc.


Overridable property specifying the encoding of the captured task standard error stream

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Task Parameter: Importance with which to log text from the standard error stream.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

The actual importance at which standard error messages will be logged.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Importance with which to log text from the standard error stream.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Overridable property specifying the encoding of the captured task standard output stream

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Task Parameter: Importance with which to log text from the standard out stream.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

The actual importance at which standard out messages will be logged.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Importance with which to log text from in the standard out stream.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

A timeout to wait for a task to terminate before killing it. In milliseconds.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Gets or sets the task's culture-specific resources. Derived classes should register their resources either during construction, or via this property, if they have localized strings.

(Inherited from Task)

Project visible property that allows the user to specify an amount of time after which the task executable is terminated.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Used to signal when a tool has been cancelled.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Projects may set this to override a task's ToolName. Tasks may override this to prevent that.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Implemented by the derived class. Returns a string which is the name of the underlying .EXE to run e.g. "resgen.exe" Only used by the ToolExe getter.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Project-visible property allows the user to override the path to the executable.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

When set to true, the tool task will create a batch file for the command-line and execute that using the command-processor, rather than executing the command directly.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Whether or not to use UTF8 encoding for the cmd file and console window. Values: Always, Never, Detect If set to Detect, the current code page will be used unless it cannot represent the Command string. In that case, UTF-8 is used.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

When set to true, this task will yield the node when its task is executing.

(Inherited from ToolTask)



Add the value for a switch to the list of active values


Replace backslashes with OS-specific path separators, except when likely that the backslash is intentional.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

We expect the tasks to override this method, if they support host objects. The implementation should call into the host object to perform the real work of the task. For example, for compiler tasks like Csc and Vbc, this method would call Compile() on the host object.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Cancels the process executing the task by asking it to close nicely, then after a short period, forcing termination.

(Inherited from ToolTask)
CreateSwitchValue(String, String, String, Tuple<String,Boolean>[])

Gets a switch value by concatenating the switch's base value (usually the switch itself) with its argument, if any.


Delete temporary file. If the delete fails for some reason (e.g. file locked by anti-virus) then the call will not throw an exception. Instead a warning will be logged, but the build will not fail.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Override Execute so that we can close the event handle we've created

ExecuteTool(String, String, String)

Writes out a temporary response file and shell-executes the tool requested. Enables concurrent logging of the output of the tool.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Generate the command line if it is less than 32k.


This method is called to find the tool if ToolPath wasn't specified. We just return the name of the tool so it can be found on the path. Deriving classes can choose to do something else.


Creates the command line and returns it as a string by:

  1. Adding all switches with the default set to the active switch list
  2. Customizing the active switch list (overridden in derived classes)
  3. Iterating through the list and appending switches
GetProcessStartInfo(String, String, String)

Initializes the information required to spawn the process executing the tool.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Returns the command line switch used by the tool executable to specify the response file. Will only be called if the task returned a non empty string from GetResponseFileCommands Called after ValidateParameters, SkipTaskExecution and GetResponseFileCommands

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Gets the working directory to use for the process. Should return null if ToolTask should use the current directory.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Allows tool to handle the return code. This method will only be called with non-zero exitCode. If the non zero code is an acceptable one then we return true


We expect tasks to override this method if they support host objects. The implementation should make sure that the host object is ready to perform the real work of the task.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Returns true if the property has a value in the list of active tool switches

LogEventsFromTextOutput(String, MessageImportance)

Calls a method on the TaskLoggingHelper to parse a single line of text to see if there are any errors or warnings in canonical format. This can be overridden by the derived class if necessary.

(Inherited from ToolTask)
LogPathToTool(String, String)

Logs the tool name and the path from where it is being run.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Logs the actual command line about to be executed (or what the task wants the log to show)

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Overridable function called after Start() in ExecuteTool(String, String, String)

(Inherited from ToolTask)
ReadSwitchMap(String, String[][], String)

A method for the enumerated values a property can have This method checks the value a property is set to, and finds the corresponding switch

ReadSwitchMap2(String, Tuple<String,String,Tuple<String,Boolean>[]>[], String)

A method for the enumerated values a property can have This method checks the value a property is set to, and finds the corresponding switch

ReceiveExitNotification(Object, EventArgs)

Signals when the tool exits. The Process object executing the tool calls this method when the tool exits.

(Inherited from ToolTask)
ReceiveStandardErrorData(Object, DataReceivedEventArgs)

Queues up the output from the stderr stream of the process executing the tool, and signals the availability of the data. The Process object executing the tool calls this method for every line of text that the tool writes to stderr.

(Inherited from ToolTask)
ReceiveStandardOutputData(Object, DataReceivedEventArgs)

Queues up the output from the stdout stream of the process executing the tool, and signals the availability of the data. The Process object executing the tool calls this method for every line of text that the tool writes to stdout.

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Replace an existing switch with the specifed one of the same name.


Overridable method to escape content of the response file

(Inherited from ToolTask)

Returns true if task execution is not necessary. Executed after ValidateParameters

(Inherited from ToolTask)

We expect tasks to override this method if they need information about the tool process or its process events during task execution. Implementation should make sure that the task is started in this method. Starts the process during task execution.

(Inherited from ToolTask)
ValidateInteger(String, Int32, Int32, Int32)

A method that will validate the integer type arguments If the min or max is set, and the value a property is set to is not within the range, the build fails


Validates all of the set properties that have either a string type or an integer type

Applies to