
BRItemType Enum


Contains values specifying the selected business rule condition or action.

public enum class BRItemType
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("System.Runtime.Serialization", "")]
[System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContract(Name="BRItemType", Namespace="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/masterdataservices/2009/09")]
public enum BRItemType
[<System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("System.Runtime.Serialization", "")>]
[<System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContract(Name="BRItemType", Namespace="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/masterdataservices/2009/09")>]
type BRItemType = 
Public Enum BRItemType


AllowableValues 23

An attribute is invalid if not equal to one of the allowed values.

Contains 3

The attribute contains one of the following values.

ContainsPattern 30

The attribute contains a specified pattern.

ContainsSubset 6

The attribute value contains a substring.

DefaultsToConcatenatedValue 28

Set the attribute to a value concatenated from multiple other attributes/values if the attribute is blank.

DefaultsToGeneratedValue 13

Set the attribute to a generated (incremental) value when it is blank.

DefaultsToValue 12

Set the attribute to a value when it is blank.

EndsWith 5

The attribute value ends with a value.

EqualsConcatenatedValue 15

Set the attribute to a value concatenated from multiple other attributes/values.

EqualsValue 14

Set the attribute to a value.

HasChanged 33

An attribute has changed.

Invalid 27

An attribute is invalid.

IsBetween 11

An attribute value is between specified values.

IsEqual 1

An attribute value is equal to a specified value.

IsGreaterThan 7

An attribute value is greater than a specified value.

IsGreaterThanOrEqual 8

An attribute value is greater than or equal to a specified value.

IsLessThan 9

An attribute value is less than a specified value.

IsLessThanOrEqual 10

An attribute value is less than or equal to a specified value.

IsNotEqual 2

An attribute value is not equal to a specified value.

Mandatory 25

An attribute is invalid if blank.

MaximumLength 22

An attribute is invalid if not greater than or equal to a maximum length.

MinimumLength 21

An attribute is invalid if not greater than or equal to a minimum length.

MustBeBetween 20

An attribute is invalid if not between two values.

MustBeEqual 29

An attribute is invalid if not equal to a value.

MustBeGreaterThan 16

An attribute is invalid if not greater than a value.

MustBeGreaterThanOrEqual 17

An attribute is invalid if not greater than or equal to a value.

MustBeLessThan 18

An attribute is invalid if not less than a value.

MustBeLessThanOrEqual 19

An attribute is invalid if not less than or equal to a value.

MustContainPattern 31

An attribute is invalid if it does not contain a specified pattern.

NotSpecified 0

The business rule item type is not specified.

StartSiteWorkflow 32

Launch a SharePoint workflow.

StartsWith 4

The attribute value starts with a value.

Unique 24

An attribute is invalid if not unique across all entity members.

Applies to