
DeadlockPriority Enum


Enumerates the priorities used to resolve deadlocks that occur during snapshot generation.

public enum class DeadlockPriority
public enum DeadlockPriority
type DeadlockPriority = 
Public Enum DeadlockPriority


Eight 8

See the Remarks section.

Five 5

See the Remarks section.

Four 4

See the Remarks section.

High 5

Specifies that the current session will be the deadlock victim if other sessions involved in the deadlock chain have deadlock priority set to an integer value greater than 5, or is eligible to be the deadlock victim if another session has also set deadlock priority to HIGH or to an integer value equal to 5.

Low -5

Specifies that the current session will be the deadlock victim if it is involved in a deadlock and other sessions involved in the deadlock chain have deadlock priority set to either NORMAL or HIGH or to an integer value greater than -5.

MinusEight -8

See the Remarks section.

MinusFive -5

See the Remarks section.

MinusFour -4

See the Remarks section.

MinusNine -9

See the Remarks section.

MinusOne -1

See the Remarks section.

MinusSeven -7

See the Remarks section.

MinusSix -6

See the Remarks section.

MinusTen -10

See the Remarks section.

MinusThree -3

See the Remarks section.

MinusTwo -2

See the Remarks section.

Nine 9

See the Remarks section.

Normal 0

Specifies that the current session will be the deadlock victim if other sessions involved in the deadlock chain have deadlock priority set to HIGH or to an integer value greater than 0, but will not be the deadlock victim if the other sessions have deadlock priority set to LOW or to an integer value less than 0.

One 1

See the Remarks section.

Seven 7

See the Remarks section.

Six 6

See the Remarks section.

Ten 10

See the Remarks section.

Three 3

See the Remarks section.

Two 2

See the Remarks section.

Zero 0

See the Remarks section.


Integer values provide fine-grained control over deadlock priority. Priority values specify that the current session will be the deadlock victim if other sessions in the deadlock chain are running at a higher deadlock priority value, but will not be the deadlock victim if the other sessions are running at a deadlock priority value lower than the value of the current session. It also specifies that the current session is eligible to be the deadlock victim if another session is running with a deadlock priority value that is the same as the current session. LOW maps to -5, NORMAL to 0, and HIGH to 5.

Applies to

See also