
IDkmFramePseudoLocalResultProvider Interface


Allows providing additional nodes to be included in frame locals, identifiable by the pseudo register name.

Implementations of this interface may restrict when they are called using a filter defined in their component configuration. The following properties may be used: CompilerVendorId, EngineId, LanguageId, RuntimeId.

This API was introduced in Visual Studio 15 Update 8 (DkmApiVersion.VS15Update8).

public interface class IDkmFramePseudoLocalResultProvider
public interface IDkmFramePseudoLocalResultProvider
type IDkmFramePseudoLocalResultProvider = interface
Public Interface IDkmFramePseudoLocalResultProvider


GetChildren(DkmEvaluationResult, DkmWorkList, Int32, DkmInspectionContext, DkmCompletionRoutine<DkmGetChildrenAsyncResult>)

Gets an enumeration context used to obtain the children of this evaluation result. This is used in all expression evaluation windows.

GetItems(DkmEvaluationResultEnumContext, DkmWorkList, Int32, Int32, DkmCompletionRoutine<DkmEvaluationEnumAsyncResult>)

Obtain DkmEvaluationResult items from this enumeration context. This is used to obtain local variables of a stack frame or child members from an evaluation result.

GetResult(DkmFramePseudoLocal, DkmWorkList, DkmInspectionContext, DkmStackWalkFrame, DkmCompletionRoutine<DkmEvaluationAsyncResult>)

Gets the evaluation result for the pseudo local to be included among the frame locals.


This method is used for evaluation results that include DkmEvaluationResultFlags.RawString to obtain the the underlying string, with no enclosing quotes or escape sequences. This is method is invoked to display one of the various string visualizers in an expression evaluation window (click the magnifying glass icon).

Applies to