

GRPixelConfig Enum



Use SKColorType instead.

Various pixel configurations supported.

public enum GRPixelConfig
[System.Obsolete("Use SKColorType instead.")]
public enum GRPixelConfig


Alpha16 22
Alpha8 1

8-bit Alpha.

Alpha8AsAlpha 15
Alpha8AsRed 16
AlphaHalf 13

Single 16-bit float channel.

AlphaHalfAsLum 17
AlphaHalfAsRed 18
Bgra8888 7

Premultiplied 32-bit channel. Byte order is BGRA.

Gray8 2

8-bit grayscale color channel.

Gray8AsLum 19
Gray8AsRed 20
Rg1616 23
Rg88 26
Rgb565 3

16-bit channel. Byte order is RGB.

Rgb888 6

Premultiplied, opaque 32-bit color with the format RGB, with 8 bits per color component.

Rgb888x 27
Rgba1010102 10

Premultiplied 32-bit color with the format RGBA, with 10 bits per color component and 2 bits for the alpha component.

Rgba16161616 24
Rgba4444 4

Premultiplied 16-bit channel. Byte order is RGBA.

Rgba8888 5

Premultiplied 32-bit channel. Byte order is RGBA.

Rgba8888SInt 9

Premultiplied 32-bit (signed) channel. Byte order is BGRA.

RgbaFloat 11

32-bit channel. Byte order is RGBA.

RgbaHalf 14

16-bit channel. Byte order is RGBA.

RgbaHalfClamped 21
RgbEtc1 28
RgFloat 12

32-bit channel. Byte order is RG.

RgHalf 25
Sbgra8888 9

Premultiplied and sRGB. Byte order is BGRA.

Srgba8888 8

Premultiplied and sRGB. Byte order is RGBA.

Unknown 0

The pixel configuration is not known or not set.

Applies to