

SKColorType Enum


Describes how to interpret the components of a pixel.

public enum SKColorType


Alpha16 16
Alpha8 1

Represents a 8-bit alpha-only color.

AlphaF16 14
Argb4444 3

Represents a 16-bit color with the format ARGB.

Bgr101010x 20
Bgra1010102 19
Bgra8888 6

Represents a 32-bit color with the format BGRA.

Gray8 9

Represents an opaque 8-bit grayscale color.

Index8 6

Represents a 8-bit indexed color.

Rg1616 17
Rg88 13
Rgb101010x 8

Represents an opaque 32-bit color with the format RGB, with 10 bits per color component.

Rgb565 2

Represents an opaque 16-bit color with the format RGB, with the red and blue components being 5 bits and the green component being 6 bits.

Rgb888x 5

Represents an opaque 32-bit color with the format RGB, with 8 bits per color component.

Rgba1010102 7

Represents a 32-bit color with the format RGBA, with 10 bits per color component and 2 bits for the alpha component.

Rgba16161616 18
Rgba8888 4

Represents a 32-bit color with the format RGBA.

RgbaF16 10

Represents a floating-point based color with the format RGBA.

RgbaF16Clamped 11
RgbaF32 12
RgF16 15
Unknown 0

Unknown encoding.

Applies to