
Enum.CompareTo(Object) 方法



 virtual int CompareTo(System::Object ^ target);
public int CompareTo (object target);
public int CompareTo (object? target);
abstract member CompareTo : obj -> int
override this.CompareTo : obj -> int
Public Function CompareTo (target As Object) As Integer



要比較的物件或 null



帶正負號的數字,指出這個執行個體與 target 的相對值。

小於零 這個執行個體的值小於 target 的值。
這個執行個體的值等於 target 的值。
大於零 這個執行個體的值大於 null 的值,或者 targettarget



target 與這個執行個體的類型不同。

這個執行個體不是類型 SByteInt16Int32Int64ByteUInt16UInt32UInt64

這個執行個體是 Null。


下列範例說明如何 CompareTo 在的內容中使用 Enum

using namespace System;

public enum class VehicleDoors
   Motorbike = 0,
   Sportscar = 2,
   Sedan = 4,
   Hatchback = 5

int main()
   VehicleDoors myVeh = VehicleDoors::Sportscar;
   VehicleDoors yourVeh = VehicleDoors::Motorbike;
   VehicleDoors otherVeh = VehicleDoors::Sedan;
   Console::WriteLine(  "Does a {0} have more doors than a {1}?", myVeh, yourVeh );
   Int32 iRes = myVeh.CompareTo( yourVeh );
   Console::WriteLine(  "{0}{1}", iRes > 0 ? (String^)"Yes" : "No", Environment::NewLine );
   Console::WriteLine(  "Does a {0} have more doors than a {1}?", myVeh, otherVeh );
   iRes = myVeh.CompareTo( otherVeh );
   Console::WriteLine(  "{0}", iRes > 0 ? (String^)"Yes" : "No" );
// The example displays the following output:
//       Does a Sportscar have more doors than a Motorbike?
//       Yes
//       Does a Sportscar have more doors than a Sedan?
//       No
using System;

public class CompareToTest {
    enum VehicleDoors { Motorbike = 0, Sportscar = 2, Sedan = 4, Hatchback = 5 };

    public static void Main() {
        VehicleDoors myVeh = VehicleDoors.Sportscar;
        VehicleDoors yourVeh = VehicleDoors.Motorbike;
        VehicleDoors otherVeh = VehicleDoors.Sedan;

        Console.WriteLine("Does a {0} have more doors than a {1}?", myVeh, yourVeh);
        Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", myVeh.CompareTo(yourVeh) > 0 ? "Yes" : "No", Environment.NewLine );

        Console.WriteLine("Does a {0} have more doors than a {1}?", myVeh, otherVeh);
        Console.WriteLine( "{0}", myVeh.CompareTo(otherVeh) > 0 ? "Yes" : "No" );
// The example displays the following output:
//       Does a Sportscar have more doors than a Motorbike?
//       Yes
//       Does a Sportscar have more doors than a Sedan?
//       No
Public Class CompareToTest
    Enum VehicleDoors
        Motorbike = 0
        Sportscar = 2
        Sedan = 4
        Hatchback = 5
    End Enum
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim myVeh As VehicleDoors = VehicleDoors.Sportscar
        Dim yourVeh As VehicleDoors = VehicleDoors.Motorbike
        Dim otherVeh As VehicleDoors = VehicleDoors.Sedan
        Dim output as String

        If myVeh.CompareTo(yourVeh) > 0 Then output = "Yes" Else output = "No"
        Console.WriteLine("Does a {0} have more doors than a {1}?", myVeh, yourVeh)
        Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", output, Environment.NewLine)
        Console.WriteLine("Does a {0} have more doors than a {1}?", myVeh, otherVeh)
        If myVeh.CompareTo(otherVeh) > 0 Then output = "Yes" Else output = "No"
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", output)
    End Sub
End Class
' The example displays the following output:
'       Does a Sportscar have more doors than a Motorbike?
'       Yes
'       Does a Sportscar have more doors than a Sedan?
'       No

