
ChaosTargetFilter.NodeTypeInclusionList Property


A list of node types to include in Chaos faults. All types of faults (restart node, restart codepackage, remove replica, restart replica, move primary, and move secondary) are enabled for the nodes of these node types. If a nodetype (say NodeTypeX) does not appear in the NodeTypeInclusionList, then node level faults (like NodeRestart) will never be enabled for the nodes of NodeTypeX, but code package and replica faults can still be enabled for NodeTypeX if an application in the ApplicationInclusionList happens to reside on a node of NodeTypeX. At most 100 node type names can be included in this list, to increase this number, a config upgrade is required for MaxNumberOfNodeTypesInChaosEntityFilter configuration.

public System.Collections.Generic.IList<string> NodeTypeInclusionList { get; set; }
member this.NodeTypeInclusionList : System.Collections.Generic.IList<string> with get, set
Public Property NodeTypeInclusionList As IList(Of String)

Property Value

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