

Native-sized integers


This article is a feature specification. The specification serves as the design document for the feature. It includes proposed specification changes, along with information needed during the design and development of the feature. These articles are published until the proposed spec changes are finalized and incorporated in the current ECMA specification.

There may be some discrepancies between the feature specification and the completed implementation. Those differences are captured in the pertinent language design meeting (LDM) notes.

You can learn more about the process for adopting feature speclets into the C# language standard in the article on the specifications.


Language support for a native-sized signed and unsigned integer types.

The motivation is for interop scenarios and for low-level libraries.


The identifiers nint and nuint are new contextual keywords that represent native signed and unsigned integer types. The identifiers are only treated as keywords when name lookup does not find a viable result at that program location.

nint x = 3;
string y = nameof(nuint);
_ = nint.Equals(x, 3);

The types nint and nuint are represented by the underlying types System.IntPtr and System.UIntPtr with compiler surfacing additional conversions and operations for those types as native ints.


Constant expressions may be of type nint or nuint. There is no direct syntax for native int literals. Implicit or explicit casts of other integral constant values can be used instead: const nint i = (nint)42;.

nint constants are in the range [ int.MinValue, int.MaxValue ].

nuint constants are in the range [ uint.MinValue, uint.MaxValue ].

There are no MinValue or MaxValue fields on nint or nuint because, other than nuint.MinValue, those values cannot be emitted as constants.

Constant folding is supported for all unary operators { +, -, ~ } and binary operators { +, -, *, /, %, ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=, &, |, ^, <<, >> }. Constant folding operations are evaluated with Int32 and UInt32 operands rather than native ints for consistent behavior regardless of compiler platform. If the operation results in a constant value in 32-bits, constant folding is performed at compile-time. Otherwise the operation is executed at runtime and not considered a constant.


There is an identity conversion between nint and IntPtr, and between nuint and UIntPtr. There is an identity conversion between compound types that differ by native ints and underlying types only: arrays, Nullable<>, constructed types, and tuples.

The tables below cover the conversions between special types. (The IL for each conversion includes the variants for unchecked and checked contexts if different.)

General notes on the table below:

  • conv.u is a zero-extending conversion to native integer and conv.i is sign-extending conversion to native integer.
  • checked contexts for both widening and narrowing are:
    • conv.ovf.* for signed to *
    • conv.ovf.*.un for unsigned to *
  • unchecked contexts for widening are:
    • conv.i* for signed to * (where * is the target width)
    • conv.u* for unsigned to * (where * is the target width)
  • unchecked contexts for narrowing are:
    • conv.i* for any to signed * (where * is the target width)
    • conv.u* for any to unsigned * (where * is the target width)

Taking a few examples:

  • sbyte to nint and sbyte to nuint use conv.i while byte to nint and byte to nuint use conv.u because they are all widening.
  • nint to byte and nuint to byte use conv.u1 while nint to sbyte and nuint to sbyte use conv.i1. For byte, sbyte, short, and ushort the "stack type" is int32. So conv.i1 is effectively "downcast to a signed byte and then sign-extend up to int32" while conv.u1 is effectively "downcast to an unsigned byte and then zero-extend up to int32".
  • checked void* to nint uses conv.ovf.i.un the same way that checked void* to long uses conv.ovf.i8.un.
Operand Target Conversion IL
object nint Unboxing unbox
void* nint PointerToVoid nop / conv.ovf.i.un
sbyte nint ImplicitNumeric conv.i
byte nint ImplicitNumeric conv.u
short nint ImplicitNumeric conv.i
ushort nint ImplicitNumeric conv.u
int nint ImplicitNumeric conv.i
uint nint ExplicitNumeric conv.u / conv.ovf.i.un
long nint ExplicitNumeric conv.i / conv.ovf.i
ulong nint ExplicitNumeric conv.i / conv.ovf.i.un
char nint ImplicitNumeric conv.u
float nint ExplicitNumeric conv.i / conv.ovf.i
double nint ExplicitNumeric conv.i / conv.ovf.i
decimal nint ExplicitNumeric long decimal.op_Explicit(decimal) conv.i / ... conv.ovf.i
IntPtr nint Identity
UIntPtr nint None
object nuint Unboxing unbox
void* nuint PointerToVoid nop
sbyte nuint ExplicitNumeric conv.i / conv.ovf.u
byte nuint ImplicitNumeric conv.u
short nuint ExplicitNumeric conv.i / conv.ovf.u
ushort nuint ImplicitNumeric conv.u
int nuint ExplicitNumeric conv.i / conv.ovf.u
uint nuint ImplicitNumeric conv.u
long nuint ExplicitNumeric conv.u / conv.ovf.u
ulong nuint ExplicitNumeric conv.u / conv.ovf.u.un
char nuint ImplicitNumeric conv.u
float nuint ExplicitNumeric conv.u / conv.ovf.u
double nuint ExplicitNumeric conv.u / conv.ovf.u
decimal nuint ExplicitNumeric ulong decimal.op_Explicit(decimal) conv.u / ... conv.ovf.u.un
IntPtr nuint None
UIntPtr nuint Identity
Enumeration nint ExplicitEnumeration
Enumeration nuint ExplicitEnumeration
Operand Target Conversion IL
nint object Boxing box
nint void* PointerToVoid nop / conv.ovf.u
nint nuint ExplicitNumeric conv.u (can be omitted) / conv.ovf.u
nint sbyte ExplicitNumeric conv.i1 / conv.ovf.i1
nint byte ExplicitNumeric conv.u1 / conv.ovf.u1
nint short ExplicitNumeric conv.i2 / conv.ovf.i2
nint ushort ExplicitNumeric conv.u2 / conv.ovf.u2
nint int ExplicitNumeric conv.i4 / conv.ovf.i4
nint uint ExplicitNumeric conv.u4 / conv.ovf.u4
nint long ImplicitNumeric conv.i8
nint ulong ExplicitNumeric conv.i8 / conv.ovf.u8
nint char ExplicitNumeric conv.u2 / conv.ovf.u2
nint float ImplicitNumeric conv.r4
nint double ImplicitNumeric conv.r8
nint decimal ImplicitNumeric conv.i8 decimal decimal.op_Implicit(long)
nint IntPtr Identity
nint UIntPtr None
nint Enumeration ExplicitEnumeration
nuint object Boxing box
nuint void* PointerToVoid nop
nuint nint ExplicitNumeric conv.i(can be omitted) / conv.ovf.i.un
nuint sbyte ExplicitNumeric conv.i1 / conv.ovf.i1.un
nuint byte ExplicitNumeric conv.u1 / conv.ovf.u1.un
nuint short ExplicitNumeric conv.i2 / conv.ovf.i2.un
nuint ushort ExplicitNumeric conv.u2 / conv.ovf.u2.un
nuint int ExplicitNumeric conv.i4 / conv.ovf.i4.un
nuint uint ExplicitNumeric conv.u4 / conv.ovf.u4.un
nuint long ExplicitNumeric conv.u8 / conv.ovf.i8.un
nuint ulong ImplicitNumeric conv.u8
nuint char ExplicitNumeric conv.u2 / conv.ovf.u2.un
nuint float ImplicitNumeric conv.r.un conv.r4
nuint double ImplicitNumeric conv.r.un conv.r8
nuint decimal ImplicitNumeric conv.u8 decimal decimal.op_Implicit(ulong)
nuint IntPtr None
nuint UIntPtr Identity
nuint Enumeration ExplicitEnumeration

Conversion from A to Nullable<B> is:

  • an implicit nullable conversion if there is an identity conversion or implicit conversion from A to B;
  • an explicit nullable conversion if there is an explicit conversion from A to B;
  • otherwise invalid.

Conversion from Nullable<A> to B is:

  • an explicit nullable conversion if there is an identity conversion or implicit or explicit numeric conversion from A to B;
  • otherwise invalid.

Conversion from Nullable<A> to Nullable<B> is:

  • an identity conversion if there is an identity conversion from A to B;
  • an explicit nullable conversion if there is an implicit or explicit numeric conversion from A to B;
  • otherwise invalid.


The predefined operators are as follows. These operators are considered during overload resolution based on normal rules for implicit conversions if at least one of the operands is of type nint or nuint.

(The IL for each operator includes the variants for unchecked and checked contexts if different.)

Unary Operator Signature IL
+ nint operator +(nint value) nop
+ nuint operator +(nuint value) nop
- nint operator -(nint value) neg
~ nint operator ~(nint value) not
~ nuint operator ~(nuint value) not
Binary Operator Signature IL
+ nint operator +(nint left, nint right) add / add.ovf
+ nuint operator +(nuint left, nuint right) add / add.ovf.un
- nint operator -(nint left, nint right) sub / sub.ovf
- nuint operator -(nuint left, nuint right) sub / sub.ovf.un
* nint operator *(nint left, nint right) mul / mul.ovf
* nuint operator *(nuint left, nuint right) mul / mul.ovf.un
/ nint operator /(nint left, nint right) div
/ nuint operator /(nuint left, nuint right) div.un
% nint operator %(nint left, nint right) rem
% nuint operator %(nuint left, nuint right) rem.un
== bool operator ==(nint left, nint right) beq / ceq
== bool operator ==(nuint left, nuint right) beq / ceq
!= bool operator !=(nint left, nint right) bne
!= bool operator !=(nuint left, nuint right) bne
< bool operator <(nint left, nint right) blt / clt
< bool operator <(nuint left, nuint right) blt.un / clt.un
<= bool operator <=(nint left, nint right) ble
<= bool operator <=(nuint left, nuint right) ble.un
> bool operator >(nint left, nint right) bgt / cgt
> bool operator >(nuint left, nuint right) bgt.un / cgt.un
>= bool operator >=(nint left, nint right) bge
>= bool operator >=(nuint left, nuint right) bge.un
& nint operator &(nint left, nint right) and
& nuint operator &(nuint left, nuint right) and
| nint operator |(nint left, nint right) or
| nuint operator |(nuint left, nuint right) or
^ nint operator ^(nint left, nint right) xor
^ nuint operator ^(nuint left, nuint right) xor
<< nint operator <<(nint left, int right) shl
<< nuint operator <<(nuint left, int right) shl
>> nint operator >>(nint left, int right) shr
>> nuint operator >>(nuint left, int right) shr.un

For some binary operators, the IL operators support additional operand types (see ECMA-335 III.1.5 Operand type table). But the set of operand types supported by C# is limited for simplicity and for consistency with existing operators in the language.

Lifted versions of the operators, where the arguments and return types are nint? and nuint?, are supported.

Compound assignment operations x op= y where x or y are native ints follow the same rules as with other primitive types with pre-defined operators. Specifically the expression is bound as x = (T)(x op y) where T is the type of x and where x is only evaluated once.

The shift operators should mask the number of bits to shift - to 5 bits if sizeof(nint) is 4, and to 6 bits if sizeof(nint) is 8. (see §11.10) in C# spec).

The C#9 compiler will report errors binding to predefined native integer operators when compiling with an earlier language version, but will allow use of predefined conversions to and from native integers.

csc -langversion:9 -t:library A.cs

public class A
    public static nint F;

csc -langversion:8 -r:A.dll B.cs

class B : A
    static void Main()
        F = F + 1; // error: nint operator+ not available with -langversion:8
        F = (System.IntPtr)F + 1; // ok

Pointer arithmetic

There are no predefined operators in C# for pointer addition or subtraction with native integer offsets. Instead, nint and nuint values are promoted to long and ulong and pointer arithmetic uses predefined operators for those types.

static T* AddLeftS(nint x, T* y) => x + y;   // T* operator +(long left, T* right)
static T* AddLeftU(nuint x, T* y) => x + y;  // T* operator +(ulong left, T* right)
static T* AddRightS(T* x, nint y) => x + y;  // T* operator +(T* left, long right)
static T* AddRightU(T* x, nuint y) => x + y; // T* operator +(T* left, ulong right)
static T* SubRightS(T* x, nint y) => x - y;  // T* operator -(T* left, long right)
static T* SubRightU(T* x, nuint y) => x - y; // T* operator -(T* left, ulong right)

Binary numeric promotions

The binary numeric promotions informative text (see § in C# spec) is updated as follows:

  • Otherwise, if either operand is of type ulong, the other operand is converted to type ulong, or a binding-time error occurs if the other operand is of type sbyte, short, int, nint, or long.
  • Otherwise, if either operand is of type nuint, the other operand is converted to type nuint, or a binding-time error occurs if the other operand is of type sbyte, short, int, nint, or long.
  • Otherwise, if either operand is of type long, the other operand is converted to type long.
  • Otherwise, if either operand is of type uint and the other operand is of type sbyte, short, nint, or int, both operands are converted to type long.
  • Otherwise, if either operand is of type uint, the other operand is converted to type uint.
  • Otherwise, if either operand is of type nint, the other operand is converted to type nint.
  • Otherwise, both operands are converted to type int.


The conversions and operators are synthesized by the compiler and are not part of the underlying IntPtr and UIntPtr types. As a result those conversions and operators are not available from the runtime binder for dynamic.

nint x = 2;
nint y = x + x; // ok
dynamic d = x;
nint z = d + x; // RuntimeBinderException: '+' cannot be applied 'System.IntPtr' and 'System.IntPtr'

Type members

The only constructor for nint or nuint is the parameter-less constructor.

The following members of System.IntPtr and System.UIntPtr are explicitly excluded from nint or nuint:

// constructors
// arithmetic operators
// implicit and explicit conversions
public static readonly IntPtr Zero; // use 0 instead
public static int Size { get; }     // use sizeof() instead
public static IntPtr Add(IntPtr pointer, int offset);
public static IntPtr Subtract(IntPtr pointer, int offset);
public int ToInt32();
public long ToInt64();
public void* ToPointer();

The remaining members of System.IntPtr and System.UIntPtr are implicitly included in nint and nuint. For .NET Framework 4.7.2:

public override bool Equals(object obj);
public override int GetHashCode();
public override string ToString();
public string ToString(string format);

Interfaces implemented by System.IntPtr and System.UIntPtr are implicitly included in nint and nuint, with occurrences of the underlying types replaced by the corresponding native integer types. For instance if IntPtr implements ISerializable, IEquatable<IntPtr>, IComparable<IntPtr>, then nint implements ISerializable, IEquatable<nint>, IComparable<nint>.

Overriding, hiding, and implementing

nint and System.IntPtr, and nuint and System.UIntPtr, are considered equivalent for overriding, hiding, and implementing.

Overloads cannot differ by nint and System.IntPtr, and nuint and System.UIntPtr, alone. Overrides and implementations may differ by nint and System.IntPtr, or nuint and System.UIntPtr, alone. Methods hide other methods that differ by nint and System.IntPtr, or nuint and System.UIntPtr, alone.


nint and nuint expressions used as array indices are emitted without conversion.

static object GetItem(object[] array, nint index)
    return array[index]; // ok

nint and nuint cannot be used as an enum base type from C#.

enum E : nint // error: byte, sbyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, or ulong expected

Reads and writes are atomic for nint and nuint.

Fields may be marked volatile for types nint and nuint. ECMA-334 15.5.4 does not include enum with base type System.IntPtr or System.UIntPtr however.

default(nint) and new nint() are equivalent to (nint)0; default(nuint) and new nuint() are equivalent to (nuint)0.

typeof(nint) is typeof(IntPtr); typeof(nuint) is typeof(UIntPtr).

sizeof(nint) and sizeof(nuint) are supported but require compiling in an unsafe context (as required for sizeof(IntPtr) and sizeof(UIntPtr)). The values are not compile-time constants. sizeof(nint) is implemented as sizeof(IntPtr) rather than IntPtr.Size; sizeof(nuint) is implemented as sizeof(UIntPtr) rather than UIntPtr.Size.

Compiler diagnostics for type references involving nint or nuint report nint or nuint rather than IntPtr or UIntPtr.


nint and nuint are represented in metadata as System.IntPtr and System.UIntPtr.

Type references that include nint or nuint are emitted with a System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NativeIntegerAttribute to indicate which parts of the type reference are native ints.

namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
        AttributeTargets.Class |
        AttributeTargets.Event |
        AttributeTargets.Field |
        AttributeTargets.GenericParameter |
        AttributeTargets.Parameter |
        AttributeTargets.Property |
        AllowMultiple = false,
        Inherited = false)]
    public sealed class NativeIntegerAttribute : Attribute
        public NativeIntegerAttribute()
            TransformFlags = new[] { true };
        public NativeIntegerAttribute(bool[] flags)
            TransformFlags = flags;
        public readonly bool[] TransformFlags;

The encoding of type references with NativeIntegerAttribute is covered in NativeIntegerAttribute.md.


An alternative to the "type erasure" approach above is to introduce new types: System.NativeInt and System.NativeUInt.

public readonly struct NativeInt
    public IntPtr Value;

Distinct types would allow overloading distinct from IntPtr and would allow distinct parsing and ToString(). But there would be more work for the CLR to handle these types efficiently which defeats the primary purpose of the feature - efficiency. And interop with existing native int code that uses IntPtr would be more difficult.

Another alternative is to add more native int support for IntPtr in the framework but without any specific compiler support. Any new conversions and arithmetic operations would be supported by the compiler automatically. But the language would not provide keywords, constants, or checked operations.

Design meetings