
如何列印 XPS 檔案 (WPF .NET)

有時候您會想要將新的列印工作新增至列印佇列,而不需開啟列印對話方塊。 您可以使用其中 PrintQueue.AddJob 一種方法來執行此動作。 方法如下。


.NET 7 和 .NET 6 的桌面指南檔正在建置中。

在下列範例中,我們使用 AddJob(String, String, Boolean) 方法,其中一個 是 的 AddJob 數個多載,來:

  • 將 XML 紙張規格 (XPS) 檔的新列印工作新增至預設列印佇列。
  • 將新作業命名為 。
  • 指定是否應該驗證 XPS 檔(使用 fastCopy 參數)。

使用 AddJob(String, String, Boolean) 方法時,參數的值 fastCopy 是一個關鍵考慮:

  • 如果您將 fastCopy 參數設定為 true ,則會略過 XPS 驗證,而且列印工作會快速多工緩衝處理,而不會逐頁處理進度意見反應。
  • 如果您將 fastCopy 參數設定為 false ,則呼叫 方法的 AddJob 執行緒必須具有 單一執行緒 Apartment 狀態 ,否則將會擲回例外狀況。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 AddJob(String, String, Boolean) 一節。


此範例會將一或多個 XPS 檔新增至預設佇列。 程式碼會:

  1. 使用 Task.Run 來避免封鎖 UI 執行緒,因為 沒有非同步版本的 AddJob
  2. fastCopy如果參數值為 false ,請在具有 單一執行緒 Apartment 狀態 的執行緒上執行 AddJob(String, String, Boolean)
  3. 取得 預設值 PrintQueueLocalPrintServer 參考。
  4. 在列印佇列參考上呼叫 AddJob(String, String, Boolean) 、傳入作業名稱、XPS 檔路徑和 fastCopy 參數。



若要避免將列印工作新增至預設佇列時[ 將輸出檔案儲存為 ] 對話方塊,請確定您的預設印表機不是 Microsoft XPS 檔寫入 器、 Microsoft Print 至 PDF 或其他列印到檔案選項。

/// <summary>
/// Asyncronously, add a batch of XPS documents to the print queue using a PrintQueue.AddJob method.
/// Handle the thread apartment state required by the PrintQueue.AddJob method.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xpsFilePaths">A collection of XPS documents.</param>
/// <param name="fastCopy">Whether to validate the XPS documents.</param>
/// <returns>Whether all documents were added to the print queue.</returns>
public static async Task<bool> BatchAddToPrintQueueAsync(IEnumerable<string> xpsFilePaths, bool fastCopy = false)
    bool allAdded = true;

    // Queue some work to run on the ThreadPool.
    // Wait for completion without blocking the calling thread.
    await Task.Run(() =>
        if (fastCopy)
            allAdded = BatchAddToPrintQueue(xpsFilePaths, fastCopy);
            // Create a thread to call the PrintQueue.AddJob method.
            Thread newThread = new(() =>
                allAdded = BatchAddToPrintQueue(xpsFilePaths, fastCopy);

            // Set the thread to single-threaded apartment state.

            // Start the thread.

            // Wait for thread completion. Blocks the calling thread,
            // which is a ThreadPool thread.

    return allAdded;

/// <summary>
/// Add a batch of XPS documents to the print queue using a PrintQueue.AddJob method.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xpsFilePaths">A collection of XPS documents.</param>
/// <param name="fastCopy">Whether to validate the XPS documents.</param>
/// <returns>Whether all documents were added to the print queue.</returns>
public static bool BatchAddToPrintQueue(IEnumerable<string> xpsFilePaths, bool fastCopy)
    bool allAdded = true;

    // To print without getting the "Save Output File As" dialog, ensure
    // that your default printer is not the Microsoft XPS Document Writer,
    // Microsoft Print to PDF, or other print-to-file option.

    // Get a reference to the default print queue.
    PrintQueue defaultPrintQueue = LocalPrintServer.GetDefaultPrintQueue();

    // Iterate through the document collection.
    foreach (string xpsFilePath in xpsFilePaths)
        // Get document name.
        string xpsFileName = Path.GetFileName(xpsFilePath);

            // The AddJob method adds a new print job for an XPS
            // document into the print queue, and assigns a job name.
            // Use fastCopy to skip XPS validation and progress notifications.
            // If fastCopy is false, the thread that calls PrintQueue.AddJob
            // must have a single-threaded apartment state.
            PrintSystemJobInfo xpsPrintJob =
                    defaultPrintQueue.AddJob(jobName: xpsFileName, documentPath: xpsFilePath, fastCopy);

            // If the queue is not paused and the printer is working, then jobs will automatically begin printing.
            Debug.WriteLine($"Added {xpsFileName} to the print queue.");
        catch (PrintJobException e)
            allAdded = false;
            Debug.WriteLine($"Failed to add {xpsFileName} to the print queue: {e.Message}\r\n{e.InnerException}");

    return allAdded;
''' <summary>
''' Asyncronously, add a batch of XPS documents to the print queue using a PrintQueue.AddJob method.
''' Handle the thread apartment state required by the PrintQueue.AddJob method.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="xpsFilePaths">A collection of XPS documents.</param>
''' <param name="fastCopy">Whether to validate the XPS documents.</param>
''' <returns>Whether all documents were added to the print queue.</returns>
Public Shared Async Function BatchAddToPrintQueueAsync(xpsFilePaths As IEnumerable(Of String), Optional fastCopy As Boolean = False) As Task(Of Boolean)

    Dim isAllPrinted As Boolean = True

    ' Queue some work to run on the ThreadPool.
    ' Wait for completion without blocking the calling thread.
    Await Task.Run(
            If fastCopy Then
                isAllPrinted = BatchAddToPrintQueue(xpsFilePaths, fastCopy)
                ' Create a thread to call the PrintQueue.AddJob method.
                Dim newThread As New Thread(
                        isAllPrinted = BatchAddToPrintQueue(xpsFilePaths, fastCopy)
                    End Sub

                ' Set the thread to single-threaded apartment state.

                ' Start the thread.

                ' Wait for thread completion. Blocks the calling thread,
                ' which is a ThreadPool thread.
            End If
        End Sub

    Return isAllPrinted

End Function

''' <summary>
''' Add a batch of XPS documents to the print queue using a PrintQueue.AddJob method.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="xpsFilePaths">A collection of XPS documents.</param>
''' <param name="fastCopy">Whether to validate the XPS documents.</param>
''' <returns>Whether all documents were added to the print queue.</returns>
Public Shared Function BatchAddToPrintQueue(xpsFilePaths As IEnumerable(Of String), fastCopy As Boolean) As Boolean

    Dim isAllPrinted As Boolean = True

    ' To print without getting the "Save Output File As" dialog, ensure
    ' that your default printer is not the Microsoft XPS Document Writer,
    ' Microsoft Print to PDF, or other print-to-file option.

    ' Get a reference to the default print queue.
    Dim defaultPrintQueue As PrintQueue = LocalPrintServer.GetDefaultPrintQueue()

    ' Iterate through the document collection.
    For Each xpsFilePath As String In xpsFilePaths

        ' Get document name.
        Dim xpsFileName As String = Path.GetFileName(xpsFilePath)

            ' The AddJob method adds a new print job for an XPS
            ' document into the print queue, and assigns a job name.
            ' Use fastCopy to skip XPS validation and progress notifications.
            ' If fastCopy is false, the thread that calls PrintQueue.AddJob
            ' must have a single-threaded apartment state.
            Dim xpsPrintJob As PrintSystemJobInfo = defaultPrintQueue.AddJob(jobName:=xpsFileName, documentPath:=xpsFilePath, fastCopy)

            ' If the queue is not paused and the printer is working, then jobs will automatically begin printing.
            Debug.WriteLine($"Added {xpsFileName} to the print queue.")
        Catch e As PrintJobException
            isAllPrinted = False
            Debug.WriteLine($"Failed to add {xpsFileName} to the print queue: {e.Message}\r\n{e.InnerException}")
        End Try

    Return isAllPrinted

End Function


您也可以使用下列專案來列印 XPS 檔案:

如需詳細資訊,請參閱 如何顯示列印對話方塊 列印檔案概觀
