

TextDecoration物件是您可以新增至文字的視覺裝飾。 文字裝飾有四種類型:底線、底線、刪除線和超線。 下列範例顯示文字裝飾相對於文字的位置。

Diagram of text decoration types

若要將文字裝飾新增至文字,請 TextDecoration 建立 物件並修改其屬性。 Location使用 屬性來指定文字裝飾出現的位置,例如底線。 Pen使用 屬性來指定文字裝飾的外觀,例如純色填滿或漸層色彩。 如果您未指定 屬性的值 Pen ,裝飾會預設為與文字相同的色彩。 TextDecoration定義 物件之後,請將它新增至 TextDecorations 所需文字物件的集合。


Text decoration with linear gradient underline

物件 Hyperlink 是內嵌層級的流程內容專案,可讓您在流程內容中裝載超連結。 根據預設, Hyperlink 會使用 TextDecoration 物件來顯示底線。 TextDecoration 物件可能需要大量效能才能具現化,特別是如果您有許多 Hyperlink 物件。 如果您廣泛使用 Hyperlink 元素,您可能只想在觸發事件時顯示底線,例如 MouseEnter 事件。

在下列範例中,「我的 MSN」連結的底線是動態的,它只會在觸發事件時 MouseEnter 出現。

Hyperlinks displaying TextDecorations




// Use the default font values for the strikethrough text decoration.
private void SetDefaultStrikethrough()
    // Set the underline decoration directly to the text block.
    TextBlock1.TextDecorations = TextDecorations.Strikethrough;
' Use the default font values for the strikethrough text decoration.
Private Sub SetDefaultStrikethrough()
    ' Set the underline decoration directly to the text block.
    TextBlock1.TextDecorations = TextDecorations.Strikethrough
End Sub
<!-- Use the default font values for the strikethrough text decoration. -->
  FontSize="36" >
  The quick red fox


// Use a Red pen for the underline text decoration.
private void SetRedUnderline()
    // Create an underline text decoration. Default is underline.
    TextDecoration myUnderline = new TextDecoration();

    // Create a solid color brush pen for the text decoration.
    myUnderline.Pen = new Pen(Brushes.Red, 1);
    myUnderline.PenThicknessUnit = TextDecorationUnit.FontRecommended;

    // Set the underline decoration to a TextDecorationCollection and add it to the text block.
    TextDecorationCollection myCollection = new TextDecorationCollection();
    TextBlock2.TextDecorations = myCollection;
' Use a Red pen for the underline text decoration.
Private Sub SetRedUnderline()
    ' Create an underline text decoration. Default is underline.
    Dim myUnderline As New TextDecoration()

    ' Create a solid color brush pen for the text decoration.
    myUnderline.Pen = New Pen(Brushes.Red, 1)
    myUnderline.PenThicknessUnit = TextDecorationUnit.FontRecommended

    ' Set the underline decoration to a TextDecorationCollection and add it to the text block.
    Dim myCollection As New TextDecorationCollection()
    TextBlock2.TextDecorations = myCollection
End Sub
<!-- Use a Red pen for the underline text decoration -->
  FontSize="36" >
  jumps over
          <Pen Brush="Red" Thickness="1" />


// Use a linear gradient pen for the underline text decoration.
private void SetLinearGradientUnderline()
    // Create an underline text decoration. Default is underline.
    TextDecoration myUnderline = new TextDecoration();

    // Create a linear gradient pen for the text decoration.
    Pen myPen = new Pen();
    myPen.Brush = new LinearGradientBrush(Colors.Yellow, Colors.Red, new Point(0, 0.5), new Point(1, 0.5));
    myPen.Brush.Opacity = 0.5;
    myPen.Thickness = 1.5;
    myPen.DashStyle = DashStyles.Dash;
    myUnderline.Pen = myPen;
    myUnderline.PenThicknessUnit = TextDecorationUnit.FontRecommended;

    // Set the underline decoration to a TextDecorationCollection and add it to the text block.
    TextDecorationCollection myCollection = new TextDecorationCollection();
    TextBlock3.TextDecorations = myCollection;
' Use a linear gradient pen for the underline text decoration.
Private Sub SetLinearGradientUnderline()
    ' Create an underline text decoration. Default is underline.
    Dim myUnderline As New TextDecoration()

    ' Create a linear gradient pen for the text decoration.
    Dim myPen As New Pen()
    myPen.Brush = New LinearGradientBrush(Colors.Yellow, Colors.Red, New Point(0, 0.5), New Point(1, 0.5))
    myPen.Brush.Opacity = 0.5
    myPen.Thickness = 1.5
    myPen.DashStyle = DashStyles.Dash
    myUnderline.Pen = myPen
    myUnderline.PenThicknessUnit = TextDecorationUnit.FontRecommended

    ' Set the underline decoration to a TextDecorationCollection and add it to the text block.
    Dim myCollection As New TextDecorationCollection()
    TextBlock3.TextDecorations = myCollection
End Sub
<!-- Use a linear gradient pen for the underline text decoration. -->
<TextBlock FontSize="36">the lazy brown dog.
          <Pen Thickness="1.5">
              <LinearGradientBrush Opacity="0.5"
                StartPoint="0,0.5"  EndPoint="1,0.5">
                  <GradientStop Color="Yellow" Offset="0" />
                  <GradientStop Color="Red" Offset="1" />
              <DashStyle Dashes="2"/>
