System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource 類別

本文提供此 API 參考文件的補充備註。

類別 EventSource 是要由使用者類別繼承,該類別會提供要用於事件追蹤的特定事件。 系統會 EventSource.WriteEvent 呼叫 方法來記錄事件。

的基本功能 EventSource 對大多數應用程式都已足夠。 如果您想要進一步控制所建立的事件元數據,您可以將 屬性套用 EventAttribute 至 方法。 針對進階事件來源應用程式,可以攔截傳送至衍生事件來源並變更篩選的命令,或讓繼承者執行動作(例如傾印數據結構)。 事件來源可以使用 EventPipe 型工具來啟動同進程 EventListener 內和跨進程,例如 dotnet-trace 或 Windows 事件追蹤 (ETW) 型工具,例如 PerfViewLogman。 您也可以以程式設計方式控制及攔截數據發送器。 類別 EventListener 提供其他功能。



  • 使用者定義的類別應該實作單一模式。 單一實體傳統上命名為 Log。 依延伸模組,使用者不應該手動呼叫 IDisposable.Dispose ,並允許運行時間清除Managed程式碼執行結束時的單一實例。
  • 除非其實作進階使用方式一節中所討論的進階 「Utility EventSource」 組態,否則應該將使用者定義的衍生類別標示為 sealed
  • 執行與引發事件相關的任何資源密集工作之前呼叫 IsEnabled()
  • 您可以使用具有命名模式<EventName>Start<EventName>Stop的後續事件標識碼來宣告兩個事件方法,以隱含方式建立EventTask物件。 這些事件 必須在 類別定義中彼此旁邊宣告,而且 <EventName>Start 方法 必須 先行。
  • 嘗試讓 EventSource 物件回溯相容,並適當地加以版本設定。 事件的預設版本為 0。 您可以藉由設定 Version來變更版本。 每當您變更承載的屬性時,請變更事件的版本。 一律將新的承載屬性新增至事件宣告的結尾。 如果無法這樣做,請使用新的標識碼建立新的事件,以取代舊的標識碼。
  • 宣告事件方法時,請在可變大小的屬性之前指定固定大小的承載屬性。
  • EventKeywords 當訂閱提供者時,會做為指定特定事件的位掩碼。 您可以藉由定義 public static class Keywords 具有 public const EventKeywords 成員的成員類別來指定關鍵詞。
  • 使用 將昂貴的事件與 EventKeywordsEventAttribute產生關聯。 此模式可讓使用者 EventSource 退出宣告這些昂貴的作業。

自我描述 (tracelogging) 與指令清單事件格式

EventSource 可以根據所使用的建構函式,或在 上 EventSourceOptions設定哪些旗標,設定成兩種不同的模式。

在過去,這兩種格式衍生自使用 Windows 事件追蹤 (ETW) 的兩種格式。 雖然這兩種模式不會影響您使用 Windows 事件追蹤 (ETW) 或 EventPipe 型接聽程式的能力,但它們會以不同的方式產生事件的元數據。

預設事件格式為 EtwManifestEventFormat,如果未在 上 EventSourceSettings指定,則會設定此格式。 指令清單型 EventSource 物件會產生 XML 檔,代表初始化時在 類別上定義的事件。 這需要 EventSource 反映本身,才能產生提供者和事件元數據。

若要使用自我描述 (tracelogging) 事件格式,請使用建構函式、建構函式,或在 上EventSourceSettings設定 EtwSelfDescribingEventFormat 旗標來建構您的 EventSourceEventSource(String)EventSource(String, EventSourceSettings) 自我描述來源會在初始化時產生最少的提供者元數據,而且只會在呼叫 時 Write(String) 產生事件元數據。

實際上,這些事件格式設定只會根據 Windows 事件追蹤 (ETW) 影響讀者的使用方式。 不過,由於反映和產生元數據所需的時間,它們對於初始化時間和每個事件寫入時間的影響很小。


下列範例示範 類別的簡單實作 EventSource

using System.Diagnostics.Tracing;

namespace Demo1
    sealed class MyCompanyEventSource : EventSource
        public static MyCompanyEventSource Log = new MyCompanyEventSource();

        public void Startup() { WriteEvent(1); }
        public void OpenFileStart(string fileName) { WriteEvent(2, fileName); }
        public void OpenFileStop() { WriteEvent(3); }

    class Program1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // ...
            // ...
Imports System.Diagnostics.Tracing

Class MyCompanyEventSource
    Inherits EventSource
    Public Shared Log As New MyCompanyEventSource()

    Public Sub Startup()
    End Sub

    Public Sub OpenFileStart(ByVal fileName As String)
        WriteEvent(2, fileName)
    End Sub

    Public Sub OpenFileStop()
    End Sub
End Class

Class Program

    Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
        ' ...
        ' ...

    End Sub
End Class

下列範例示範 類別的更複雜實作 EventSource

using System;
using System.Diagnostics.Tracing;

namespace Demo2
    enum MyColor { Red, Yellow, Blue };

    [EventSource(Name = "MyCompany")]
    sealed class MyCompanyEventSource : EventSource
        public static class Keywords
            public const EventKeywords Page = (EventKeywords)1;
            public const EventKeywords DataBase = (EventKeywords)2;
            public const EventKeywords Diagnostic = (EventKeywords)4;
            public const EventKeywords Perf = (EventKeywords)8;

        public static class Tasks
            public const EventTask Page = (EventTask)1;
            public const EventTask DBQuery = (EventTask)2;

        [Event(1, Message = "Application Failure: {0}", Level = EventLevel.Error, Keywords = Keywords.Diagnostic)]
        public void Failure(string message) { WriteEvent(1, message); }

        [Event(2, Message = "Starting up.", Keywords = Keywords.Perf, Level = EventLevel.Informational)]
        public void Startup() { WriteEvent(2); }

        [Event(3, Message = "loading page {1} activityID={0}", Opcode = EventOpcode.Start,
            Task = Tasks.Page, Keywords = Keywords.Page, Level = EventLevel.Informational)]
        public void PageStart(int ID, string url) { if (IsEnabled()) WriteEvent(3, ID, url); }

        [Event(4, Opcode = EventOpcode.Stop, Task = Tasks.Page, Keywords = Keywords.Page, Level = EventLevel.Informational)]
        public void PageStop(int ID) { if (IsEnabled()) WriteEvent(4, ID); }

        [Event(5, Opcode = EventOpcode.Start, Task = Tasks.DBQuery, Keywords = Keywords.DataBase, Level = EventLevel.Informational)]
        public void DBQueryStart(string sqlQuery) { WriteEvent(5, sqlQuery); }

        [Event(6, Opcode = EventOpcode.Stop, Task = Tasks.DBQuery, Keywords = Keywords.DataBase, Level = EventLevel.Informational)]
        public void DBQueryStop() { WriteEvent(6); }

        [Event(7, Level = EventLevel.Verbose, Keywords = Keywords.DataBase)]
        public void Mark(int ID) { if (IsEnabled()) WriteEvent(7, ID); }

        public void LogColor(MyColor color) { WriteEvent(8, (int)color); }

        public static MyCompanyEventSource Log = new MyCompanyEventSource();

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Starting up");

            MyCompanyEventSource.Log.DBQueryStart("Select * from MYTable");
            var url = "http://localhost";
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                MyCompanyEventSource.Log.PageStart(i, url);

            MyCompanyEventSource.Log.Failure("This is a failure 1");
            MyCompanyEventSource.Log.Failure("This is a failure 2");
            MyCompanyEventSource.Log.Failure("This is a failure 3");
Imports System.Diagnostics.Tracing

Enum MyColor
End Enum 'MyColor
Class MyCompanyEventSource1
    Inherits EventSource

    Public Class Keywords
        Public Const Page As EventKeywords = CType(1, EventKeywords)
        Public Const DataBase As EventKeywords = CType(2, EventKeywords)
        Public Const Diagnostic As EventKeywords = CType(4, EventKeywords)
        Public Const Perf As EventKeywords = CType(8, EventKeywords)
    End Class

    Public Class Tasks
        Public Const Page As EventTask = CType(1, EventTask)
        Public Const DBQuery As EventTask = CType(1, EventTask)
    End Class

    <[Event](1, Message:="Application Failure: {0}", Level:=EventLevel.Error, Keywords:=Keywords.Diagnostic)>
    Public Sub Failure(ByVal message As String)
        WriteEvent(1, message)
    End Sub

    <[Event](2, Message:="Starting up.", Keywords:=Keywords.Perf, Level:=EventLevel.Informational)>
    Public Sub Startup()
    End Sub

    <[Event](3, Message:="loading page {1} activityID={0}", Opcode:=EventOpcode.Start, Task:=Tasks.Page, Keywords:=Keywords.Page, Level:=EventLevel.Informational)>
    Public Sub PageStart(ByVal ID As Integer, ByVal url As String)
        If IsEnabled() Then
            WriteEvent(3, ID, url)
        End If
    End Sub

    <[Event](4, Opcode:=EventOpcode.Stop, Task:=Tasks.Page, Keywords:=Keywords.Page, Level:=EventLevel.Informational)>
    Public Sub PageStop(ByVal ID As Integer)
        If IsEnabled() Then
            WriteEvent(4, ID)
        End If
    End Sub

    <[Event](5, Opcode:=EventOpcode.Start, Task:=Tasks.DBQuery, Keywords:=Keywords.DataBase, Level:=EventLevel.Informational)>
    Public Sub DBQueryStart(ByVal sqlQuery As String)
        WriteEvent(5, sqlQuery)
    End Sub

    <[Event](6, Opcode:=EventOpcode.Stop, Task:=Tasks.DBQuery, Keywords:=Keywords.DataBase, Level:=EventLevel.Informational)>
    Public Sub DBQueryStop()
    End Sub

    <[Event](7, Level:=EventLevel.Verbose, Keywords:=Keywords.DataBase)>
    Public Sub Mark(ByVal ID As Integer)
        If IsEnabled() Then
            WriteEvent(7, ID)
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub LogColor(ByVal color As MyColor)
        WriteEvent(8, Fix(color))
    End Sub
    Public Shared Log As New MyCompanyEventSource1()
End Class

Class Program1

    Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
        Console.WriteLine("Starting up")
        MyCompanyEventSource1.Log.DBQueryStart("Select * from MYTable")
        Dim url As String = "http:'localhost"
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To 9
            MyCompanyEventSource1.Log.PageStart(i, url)
        Next i

        MyCompanyEventSource1.Log.Failure("This is a failure 1")
        MyCompanyEventSource1.Log.Failure("This is a failure 2")
        MyCompanyEventSource1.Log.Failure("This is a failure 3")
    End Sub
End Class


傳統上,使用者定義 EventSource 物件預期會直接繼承自 EventSource。 不過,針對進階案例,您可以建立 abstractEventSource 物件、稱為 公用程式來源,以及實作介面。 使用其中一種或兩種技術,可讓您在不同的衍生來源之間共享程序代碼。


抽象 EventSource 對象無法定義關鍵詞、工作、opcode、通道或事件。


若要避免在運行時間產生事件元數據時發生名稱衝突,請勿在使用 介面搭配 EventSource時明確實作介面方法。

下列範例示範 使用介面的 EventSource 實作。

public interface IMyLogging
    void Error(int errorCode, string message);
    void Warning(string message);

public sealed class MySource : EventSource, IMyLogging
    public static MySource Log = new();

    public void Error(int errorCode, string message) => WriteEvent(1, errorCode, message);

    public void Warning(string message) => WriteEvent(2, message);

下列範例示範 使用Utility EventSource模式的 EventSource 實作。

public abstract class UtilBaseEventSource : EventSource
    protected UtilBaseEventSource()
        : base()
    { }

    protected UtilBaseEventSource(bool throwOnEventWriteErrors)
        : base(throwOnEventWriteErrors)
    { }

    // helper overload of WriteEvent for optimizing writing an event containing
    // payload properties that don't align with a provided overload. This prevents
    // EventSource from using the object[] overload which is expensive.
    protected unsafe void WriteEvent(int eventId, int arg1, short arg2, long arg3)
        if (IsEnabled())
            EventSource.EventData* descrs = stackalloc EventSource.EventData[3];
            descrs[0] = new EventData { DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&arg1), Size = 4 };
            descrs[1] = new EventData { DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&arg2), Size = 2 };
            descrs[2] = new EventData { DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&arg3), Size = 8 };
            WriteEventCore(eventId, 3, descrs);

public sealed class OptimizedEventSource : UtilBaseEventSource
    public static OptimizedEventSource Log = new();

    public static class Keywords
        public const EventKeywords Kwd1 = (EventKeywords)1;

    [Event(1, Keywords = Keywords.Kwd1, Level = EventLevel.Informational, Message = "LogElements called {0}/{1}/{2}.")]
    public void LogElements(int n, short sh, long l) => WriteEvent(1, n, sh, l); // uses the overload we added!

下列範例示範 的實 EventSource 作,以追蹤連結庫中元件的相關信息。

public class ComplexComponent : IDisposable
    internal static Dictionary<string, string> _internalState = new();

    private string _name;

    public ComplexComponent(string name)
        _name = name ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));

    public void SetState(string key, string value)
        lock (_internalState)
            _internalState[key] = value;
            ComplexSource.Log.SetState(_name, key, value);

    private void ExpensiveWork1() => System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250));
    private void ExpensiveWork2() => System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250));
    private void ExpensiveWork3() => System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250));
    private void ExpensiveWork4() => System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250));

    public void DoWork()



    public void Dispose()

internal sealed class ComplexSource : EventSource
    public static ComplexSource Log = new();

    public static class Keywords
        public const EventKeywords ComponentLifespan = (EventKeywords)1;
        public const EventKeywords StateChanges = (EventKeywords)(1 << 1);
        public const EventKeywords Performance = (EventKeywords)(1 << 2);
        public const EventKeywords DumpState = (EventKeywords)(1 << 3);
        // a utility keyword for a common combination of keywords users might enable
        public const EventKeywords StateTracking = ComponentLifespan & StateChanges & DumpState;

    protected override void OnEventCommand(EventCommandEventArgs args)

        if (args.Command == EventCommand.Enable)

    [Event(1, Keywords = Keywords.ComponentLifespan, Message = "New component with name '{0}'.")]
    public void NewComponent(string name) => WriteEvent(1, name);

    [Event(2, Keywords = Keywords.ComponentLifespan, Message = "Component with name '{0}' disposed.")]
    public void ComponentDisposed(string name) => WriteEvent(2, name);

    [Event(3, Keywords = Keywords.StateChanges)]
    public void SetState(string name, string key, string value) => WriteEvent(3, name, key, value);

    [Event(4, Keywords = Keywords.Performance)]
    public void ExpensiveWorkStart(string name) => WriteEvent(4, name);

    [Event(5, Keywords = Keywords.Performance)]
    public void ExpensiveWorkStop(string name) => WriteEvent(5, name);

    [Event(6, Keywords = Keywords.DumpState)]
    public void ComponentState(string key, string value) => WriteEvent(6, key, value);

    public void DumpComponentState()
        if (IsEnabled(EventLevel.Informational, Keywords.DumpState))
            lock (ComplexComponent._internalState)
                foreach (var (key, value) in ComplexComponent._internalState)
                    ComponentState(key, value);