

StreamWriterStreamReader 會在資料流中寫入字元和讀取字元。 下列程式碼範例會開啟用於輸入的 log.txt 檔案,或者,如果該檔案不存在,則會建立它,並將記錄資訊附加至檔案的結尾。 此範例接著會將檔案的內容寫入標準輸出以供顯示。

此範例的替代方法是,您可以將資訊儲存成單一字串或字串陣列,並使用 File.WriteAllTextFile.WriteAllLines 方法來達成相同的功能。


Visual Basic 使用者可以選擇使用 Log 類別或 FileSystem 類別所提供的方法和屬性來建立或寫入記錄檔。


using System;
using System.IO;

class DirAppend
    public static void Main()
        using (StreamWriter w = File.AppendText("log.txt"))
            Log("Test1", w);
            Log("Test2", w);

        using (StreamReader r = File.OpenText("log.txt"))

    public static void Log(string logMessage, TextWriter w)
        w.Write("\r\nLog Entry : ");
        w.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()} {DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()}");
        w.WriteLine("  :");
        w.WriteLine($"  :{logMessage}");
        w.WriteLine ("-------------------------------");

    public static void DumpLog(StreamReader r)
        string line;
        while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null)
// The example creates a file named "log.txt" and writes the following lines to it,
// or appends them to the existing "log.txt" file:

// Log Entry : <current long time string> <current long date string>
//  :
//  :Test1
// -------------------------------

// Log Entry : <current long time string> <current long date string>
//  :
//  :Test2
// -------------------------------

// It then writes the contents of "log.txt" to the console.
Imports System.IO

Class DirAppend
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Using w As StreamWriter = File.AppendText("log.txt")
            Log("Test1", w)
            Log("Test2", w)
        End Using

        Using r As StreamReader = File.OpenText("log.txt")
        End Using
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub Log(logMessage As String, w As TextWriter)
        w.Write(vbCrLf + "Log Entry : ")
        w.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()} {DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()}")
        w.WriteLine("  :")
        w.WriteLine($"  :{logMessage}")
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub DumpLog(r As StreamReader)
        Dim line As String
        line = r.ReadLine()
        While Not (line Is Nothing)
            line = r.ReadLine()
        End While
    End Sub
End Class

' The example creates a file named "log.txt" and writes the following lines to it,
' or appends them to the existing "log.txt" file:

' Log Entry : <current long time string> <current long date string>
'  :
'  :Test1
' -------------------------------

' Log Entry : <current long time string> <current long date string>
'  :
'  :Test2
' -------------------------------

' It then writes the contents of "log.txt" to the console.
