如何使用 System.Text.Json 序列化衍生類別的屬性

在此文章中,您將了解如何使用 System.Text.Json 命名空間序列化衍生類別的屬性。


在 .NET 7 之前的版本中,System.Text.Json不支援多型型別階層的序列化。 例如,如果屬性的型別為介面或抽象類別,即使執行階段型別具有其他屬性,也只會序列化介面或抽象類別上定義的屬性。 此節將說明此行為的例外狀況。 如需 .NET 7 中支援的相關資訊,請參閱 .NET 7 中的多型序列化

例如,假設您有 WeatherForecast 類別和衍生類別 WeatherForecastDerived

public class WeatherForecast
    public DateTimeOffset Date { get; set; }
    public int TemperatureCelsius { get; set; }
    public string? Summary { get; set; }
Public Class WeatherForecast
    Public Property [Date] As DateTimeOffset
    Public Property TemperatureCelsius As Integer
    Public Property Summary As String
End Class
public class WeatherForecastDerived : WeatherForecast
    public int WindSpeed { get; set; }
Public Class WeatherForecastDerived
    Inherits WeatherForecast
    Public Property WindSpeed As Integer
End Class

此外,假設在編譯時間,Serialize 方法的型別引數為 WeatherForecast

var options = new JsonSerializerOptions
    WriteIndented = true
jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize<WeatherForecast>(weatherForecast, options);
Dim options As JsonSerializerOptions = New JsonSerializerOptions With {
    .WriteIndented = True
jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(weatherForecast1, options)

在此案例中,即使 weatherForecast 物件是 WeatherForecastDerived 物件,也不會序列化 WindSpeed 屬性。 只會序列化基底類別屬性:

  "Date": "2019-08-01T00:00:00-07:00",
  "TemperatureCelsius": 25,
  "Summary": "Hot"



  • 呼叫 Serialize 的多載,這可讓您在執行階段指定型別:

    options = new JsonSerializerOptions
        WriteIndented = true
    jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(weatherForecast, weatherForecast.GetType(), options);
    options = New JsonSerializerOptions With {
        .WriteIndented = True
    jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(weatherForecast1, weatherForecast1.[GetType](), options)
  • 宣告要序列化為 object 的物件。

    options = new JsonSerializerOptions
        WriteIndented = true
    jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize<object>(weatherForecast, options);
    options = New JsonSerializerOptions With {
        .WriteIndented = True
    jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(Of Object)(weatherForecast1, options)

在上述範例案例中,這兩種方法都會導致 WindSpeed 屬性包含在 JSON 輸出中:

  "WindSpeed": 35,
  "Date": "2019-08-01T00:00:00-07:00",
  "TemperatureCelsius": 25,
  "Summary": "Hot"



如果您將其定義為型別 object,則可以取得較低層級物件的多型序列化。 例如,假設您的 WeatherForecast 類別具有名為 PreviousForecast,且可以定義為型別 WeatherForecastobject 的屬性:

public class WeatherForecastWithPrevious
    public DateTimeOffset Date { get; set; }
    public int TemperatureCelsius { get; set; }
    public string? Summary { get; set; }
    public WeatherForecast? PreviousForecast { get; set; }
Public Class WeatherForecastWithPrevious
    Public Property [Date] As DateTimeOffset
    Public Property TemperatureCelsius As Integer
    Public Property Summary As String
    Public Property PreviousForecast As WeatherForecast
End Class
public class WeatherForecastWithPreviousAsObject
    public DateTimeOffset Date { get; set; }
    public int TemperatureCelsius { get; set; }
    public string? Summary { get; set; }
    public object? PreviousForecast { get; set; }
Public Class WeatherForecastWithPreviousAsObject
    Public Property [Date] As DateTimeOffset
    Public Property TemperatureCelsius As Integer
    Public Property Summary As String
    Public Property PreviousForecast As Object
End Class

如果 PreviousForecast 屬性包含 WeatherForecastDerived 的執行個體:

  • 序列化 WeatherForecastWithPrevious 的 JSON 輸出不包含WindSpeed
  • 序列化 WeatherForecastWithPreviousAsObject 的 JSON 輸出包含WindSpeed

若要序列化 WeatherForecastWithPreviousAsObject,則不需要呼叫 Serialize<object>GetType,因為根物件不是可能屬於衍生型別的根物件。 下列程式碼範例不會呼叫 Serialize<object>GetType

options = new JsonSerializerOptions
    WriteIndented = true
jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(weatherForecastWithPreviousAsObject, options);
options = New JsonSerializerOptions With {
    .WriteIndented = True
jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(weatherForecastWithPreviousAsObject1, options)

上述程式碼會正確序列化 WeatherForecastWithPreviousAsObject

  "Date": "2019-08-01T00:00:00-07:00",
  "TemperatureCelsius": 25,
  "Summary": "Hot",
  "PreviousForecast": {
    "WindSpeed": 35,
    "Date": "2019-08-01T00:00:00-07:00",
    "TemperatureCelsius": 25,
    "Summary": "Hot"

定義屬性的方法與 object 使用介面的方法相同。 假設您有下列介面和實作,而且想要使用包含實作執行個體的屬性來序列化類別:

namespace SystemTextJsonSamples
    public interface IForecast
        public DateTimeOffset Date { get; set; }
        public int TemperatureCelsius { get; set; }
        public string? Summary { get; set; }

    public class Forecast : IForecast
        public DateTimeOffset Date { get; set; }
        public int TemperatureCelsius { get; set; }
        public string? Summary { get; set; }
        public int WindSpeed { get; set; }

    public class Forecasts
        public IForecast? Monday { get; set; }
        public object? Tuesday { get; set; }
Namespace SystemTextJsonSamples

    Public Interface IForecast
        Property [Date] As DateTimeOffset
        Property TemperatureCelsius As Integer
        Property Summary As String
    End Interface

    Public Class Forecast
        Implements IForecast
        Public Property [Date] As DateTimeOffset Implements IForecast.[Date]
        Public Property TemperatureCelsius As Integer Implements IForecast.TemperatureCelsius
        Public Property Summary As String Implements IForecast.Summary
        Public Property WindSpeed As Integer
    End Class

    Public Class Forecasts
        Public Property Monday As IForecast
        Public Property Tuesday As Object
    End Class

End Namespace

當您序列化 Forecasts 的執行個體時,只有 Tuesday 會顯示 WindSpeed 屬性,因為 Tuesday 定義為 object

var forecasts = new Forecasts
    Monday = new Forecast
        Date = DateTime.Parse("2020-01-06"),
        TemperatureCelsius = 10,
        Summary = "Cool",
        WindSpeed = 8
    Tuesday = new Forecast
        Date = DateTime.Parse("2020-01-07"),
        TemperatureCelsius = 11,
        Summary = "Rainy",
        WindSpeed = 10

options = new JsonSerializerOptions
    WriteIndented = true
jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(forecasts, options);
Dim forecasts1 As New Forecasts With {
    .Monday = New Forecast With {
        .[Date] = Date.Parse("2020-01-06"),
        .TemperatureCelsius = 10,
        .Summary = "Cool",
        .WindSpeed = 8
    .Tuesday = New Forecast With {
        .[Date] = Date.Parse("2020-01-07"),
        .TemperatureCelsius = 11,
        .Summary = "Rainy",
        .WindSpeed = 10

options = New JsonSerializerOptions With {
    .WriteIndented = True
jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(forecasts1, options)

下列範例顯示上述程式碼所產生的 JSON:

  "Monday": {
    "Date": "2020-01-06T00:00:00-08:00",
    "TemperatureCelsius": 10,
    "Summary": "Cool"
  "Tuesday": {
    "Date": "2020-01-07T00:00:00-08:00",
    "TemperatureCelsius": 11,
    "Summary": "Rainy",
    "WindSpeed": 10


此文章是關於序列化,而不是還原序列化。 .NET 7 之前的版本不支援多型還原序列化,但因應措施是您可以撰寫自訂轉換器,例如支援多型還原序列化中的範例。 如需有關 .NET 7 如何支援多型序列化和還原序列化的詳細資訊,請參閱如何在 .NET 7 中使用 System.Text.Json 來序列化衍生類別的屬性

從 .NET 7 開始,System.Text.Json 支援使用屬性註釋進行多型型別階層序列化和還原序列化。

屬性 描述
JsonDerivedTypeAttribute 放在型別宣告上時,指出指定的子型別應該選擇加入多型序列化。 其也會公開指定型別鑑別子的功能。
JsonPolymorphicAttribute 放在型別宣告上時,指出型別應該以多型方式序列化。 其也會公開各種選項,以設定該型別的多型序列化和還原序列化。

例如,假設您有 WeatherForecastBase 類別和衍生類別 WeatherForecastWithCity

public class WeatherForecastBase
    public DateTimeOffset Date { get; set; }
    public int TemperatureCelsius { get; set; }
    public string? Summary { get; set; }
Public Class WeatherForecastBase
    Public Property [Date] As DateTimeOffset
    Public Property TemperatureCelsius As Integer
    Public Property Summary As String
End Class
public class WeatherForecastWithCity : WeatherForecastBase
    public string? City { get; set; }
Public Class WeatherForecastWithCity
    Inherits WeatherForecastBase
    Public Property City As String
End Class

此外,假設在編譯時間,Serialize<TValue> 方法的型別引數為 WeatherForecastBase

options = new JsonSerializerOptions
    WriteIndented = true
jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize<WeatherForecastBase>(weatherForecastBase, options);
options = New JsonSerializerOptions With {
    .WriteIndented = True
jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(WeatherForecastBase, options)

在此案例中,weatherForecastBase 物件實際上是 WeatherForecastWithCity 物件,因此不會序列化 City 屬性。 此設定會啟用 WeatherForecastBase 的多型序列化,特別是當執行階段型別為 WeatherForecastWithCity 時:

  "City": "Milwaukee",
  "Date": "2022-09-26T00:00:00-05:00",
  "TemperatureCelsius": 15,
  "Summary": "Cool"

雖然支援承載為 WeatherForecastBase 的往返,但其不會具體化為 WeatherForecastWithCity 的執行階段型別。 但是,其會具體化為 WeatherForecastBase 的執行階段型別:

WeatherForecastBase value = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<WeatherForecastBase>("""
      "City": "Milwaukee",
      "Date": "2022-09-26T00:00:00-05:00",
      "TemperatureCelsius": 15,
      "Summary": "Cool"

Console.WriteLine(value is WeatherForecastWithCity); // False
Dim value As WeatherForecastBase = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(@"
      "City": "Milwaukee",
      "Date": "2022-09-26T00:00:00-05:00",
      "TemperatureCelsius": 15,
      "Summary": "Cool"

Console.WriteLine(value is WeatherForecastWithCity) // False




[JsonDerivedType(typeof(WeatherForecastBase), typeDiscriminator: "base")]
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(WeatherForecastWithCity), typeDiscriminator: "withCity")]
public class WeatherForecastBase
    public DateTimeOffset Date { get; set; }
    public int TemperatureCelsius { get; set; }
    public string? Summary { get; set; }

public class WeatherForecastWithCity : WeatherForecastBase
    public string? City { get; set; }
<JsonDerivedType(GetType(WeatherForecastBase), "base")>
<JsonDerivedType(GetType(WeatherForecastWithCity), "withCity")>
Public Class WeatherForecastBase
    Public Property [Date] As DateTimeOffset
    Public Property TemperatureCelsius As Integer
    Public Property Summary As String
End Class

Public Class WeatherForecastWithCity
    Inherits WeatherForecastBase
    Public Property City As String
End Class

透過新增的中繼資料,特別是型別鑑別子,序列化程式可以將承載序列化和還原序列化為其基底型別 WeatherForecastBase 中的 WeatherForecastWithCity 型別。 序列化將會發出 JSON 以及型別鑑別子中繼資料:

WeatherForecastBase weather = new WeatherForecastWithCity
    City = "Milwaukee",
    Date = new DateTimeOffset(2022, 9, 26, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.FromHours(-5)),
    TemperatureCelsius = 15,
    Summary = "Cool"
var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize<WeatherForecastBase>(weather, options);
// Sample output:
//   {
//     "$type" : "withCity",
//     "City": "Milwaukee",
//     "Date": "2022-09-26T00:00:00-05:00",
//     "TemperatureCelsius": 15,
//     "Summary": "Cool"
//   }
Dim weather As WeatherForecastBase = New WeatherForecastWithCity With
    .City = "Milwaukee",
    .[Date] = New DateTimeOffset(2022, 9, 26, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.FromHours(-5)),
    .TemperatureCelsius = 15,
    .Summary = "Cool"
Dim json As String = JsonSerializer.Serialize(weather, options)
' Sample output:
'   {
'     "$type" : "withCity",
'     "City": "Milwaukee",
'     "Date": "2022-09-26T00:00:00-05:00",
'     "TemperatureCelsius": 15,
'     "Summary": "Cool"
'   }

使用型別鑑別子,序列化程式能以多型方式將承載還原序列化為 WeatherForecastWithCity

WeatherForecastBase value = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<WeatherForecastBase>(json);
Console.WriteLine(value is WeatherForecastWithCity); // True


型別鑑別子必須放在 JSON 物件的開頭,並與其他中繼資料屬性 (例如 $id$ref) 一起組成群組。

Dim value As WeatherForecastBase = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(json)
Console.WriteLine(value is WeatherForecastWithCity) // True


型別鑑別子識別碼不論是 stringint 格式都有效,因此下列是有效的:

[JsonDerivedType(typeof(WeatherForecastWithCity), 0)]
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(WeatherForecastWithTimeSeries), 1)]
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(WeatherForecastWithLocalNews), 2)]
public class WeatherForecastBase { }

var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize<WeatherForecastBase>(new WeatherForecastWithTimeSeries());
// Sample output:
//   {
//    "$type" : 1,
//    Omitted for brevity...
//   }
<JsonDerivedType(GetType(WeatherForecastWithCity), 0)>
<JsonDerivedType(GetType(WeatherForecastWithTimeSeries), 1)>
<JsonDerivedType(GetType(WeatherForecastWithLocalNews), 2)>
Public Class WeatherForecastBase
End Class

Dim json As String = JsonSerializer.Serialize(Of WeatherForecastBase)(New WeatherForecastWithTimeSeries())
' Sample output:
'  {
'    "$type" : 1,
'    Omitted for brevity...
'  }

雖然 API 支援混合和比對型別鑑別子設定,但不建議這麼做。 一般建議是使用所有 string 型別鑑別子、所有 int 型別鑑別子,或完全不使用鑑別子。 下列範例示範如何混合和比對型別鑑別子設定:

[JsonDerivedType(typeof(ThreeDimensionalPoint), typeDiscriminator: 3)]
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(FourDimensionalPoint), typeDiscriminator: "4d")]
public class BasePoint
    public int X { get; set; }
    public int Y { get; set; }

public class ThreeDimensionalPoint : BasePoint
    public int Z { get; set; }

public sealed class FourDimensionalPoint : ThreeDimensionalPoint
    public int W { get; set; }
<JsonDerivedType(GetType(ThreeDimensionalPoint), 3)>
<JsonDerivedType(GetType(FourDimensionalPoint), "4d")>
Public Class BasePoint
    Public Property X As Integer
    Public Property Y As Integer
End Class

Public Class ThreeDimensionalPoint
    Inherits BasePoint
    Public Property Z As Integer
End Class

Public NotInheritable Class FourDimensionalPoint
    Inherits ThreeDimensionalPoint
    Public Property W As Integer
End Class

在上述範例中,BasePoint 型別沒有型別鑑別子,而 ThreeDimensionalPoint 型別有 int 型別鑑別子,而且 FourDimensionalPointstring 型別鑑別子。


若要讓多型序列化能夠運作,序列化值的型別應該屬於多型基底類型。 這包括在序列化根層級值時,使用基底類型作為泛型型別參數、作為序列化屬性的宣告型別,或作為列化集合中的集合元素。

using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;


static void PerformRoundTrip<T>() where T : BasePoint, new()
    var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize<BasePoint>(new T());

    BasePoint? result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<BasePoint>(json);
    Console.WriteLine($"result is {typeof(T)}; // {result is T}");
// Sample output:
//   { "X": 541, "Y": 503 }
//   result is BasePoint; // True
//   { "$type": 3, "Z": 399, "X": 835, "Y": 78 }
//   result is ThreeDimensionalPoint; // True
//   { "$type": "4d", "W": 993, "Z": 427, "X": 508, "Y": 741 }
//   result is FourDimensionalPoint; // True
Imports System.Text.Json
Imports System.Text.Json.Serialization

Module Program
    Sub Main()
        PerformRoundTrip(Of BasePoint)()
        PerformRoundTrip(Of ThreeDimensionalPoint)()
        PerformRoundTrip(Of FourDimensionalPoint)()
    End Sub

    Private Sub PerformRoundTrip(Of T As {BasePoint, New})()
        Dim json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(Of BasePoint)(New T())

        Dim result As BasePoint = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(Of BasePoint)(json)
        Console.WriteLine($"result is {GetType(T)}; // {TypeOf result Is T}")
    End Sub
End Module
' Sample output:
'   { "X": 649, "Y": 754 }
'   result is BasePoint; // True
'   { "$type": 3, "Z": 247, "X": 814, "Y": 56 }
'   result is ThreeDimensionalPoint; // True
'   { "$type": "4d", "W": 427, "Z": 193, "X": 112, "Y": 935 }
'   result is FourDimensionalPoint; // True


型別鑑別子的預設屬性名稱為 $type。 若要自訂屬性名稱,請使用 JsonPolymorphicAttribute,如下列範例所示:

[JsonPolymorphic(TypeDiscriminatorPropertyName = "$discriminator")]
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(ThreeDimensionalPoint), typeDiscriminator: "3d")]
public class BasePoint
    public int X { get; set; }
    public int Y { get; set; }

public sealed class ThreeDimensionalPoint : BasePoint
    public int Z { get; set; }
<JsonDerivedType(GetType(ThreeDimensionalPoint), "3d")>
Public Class BasePoint
    Public Property X As Integer
    Public Property Y As Integer
End Class

Public Class ThreeDimensionalPoint
    Inherits BasePoint
    Public Property Z As Integer
End Class

在上述程式碼中,JsonPolymorphic 屬性會將 TypeDiscriminatorPropertyName 設定為 "$discriminator" 值。 設定型別鑑別子名稱後,下列範例會顯示序列化為 JSON 的 ThreeDimensionalPoint 型別:

BasePoint point = new ThreeDimensionalPoint { X = 1, Y = 2, Z = 3 };
var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize<BasePoint>(point);
// Sample output:
//  { "$discriminator": "3d", "X": 1, "Y": 2, "Z": 3 }
Dim point As BasePoint = New ThreeDimensionalPoint With { .X = 1, .Y = 2, .Z = 3 }
Dim json As String = JsonSerializer.Serialize(Of BasePoint)(point)
' Sample output:
'  { "$discriminator": "3d", "X": 1, "Y": 2, "Z": 3 }


請避免在型別階層中使用與屬性衝突的 JsonPolymorphicAttribute.TypeDiscriminatorPropertyName


若要處理未知的衍生型別,您必須在基底型別上使用註釋選擇加入這類支援。 請考慮以下型別階層:

public class BasePoint
    public int X { get; set; }
    public int Y { get; set; }

public class ThreeDimensionalPoint : BasePoint
    public int Z { get; set; }

public class FourDimensionalPoint : ThreeDimensionalPoint
    public int W { get; set; }
Public Class BasePoint
    Public Property X As Integer
    Public Property Y As Integer
End Class

Public Class ThreeDimensionalPoint
    Inherits BasePoint
    Public Property Z As Integer
End Class

Public NotInheritable Class FourDimensionalPoint
    Inherits ThreeDimensionalPoint
    Public Property W As Integer
End Class

由於設定未明確選擇加入 FourDimensionalPoint 的支援,因此嘗試將 FourDimensionalPoint 的執行個體序列化為 BasePoint 將會導致執行階段例外狀況:

JsonSerializer.Serialize<BasePoint>(new FourDimensionalPoint()); // throws NotSupportedException
JsonSerializer.Serialize(Of BasePoint)(New FourDimensionalPoint()) ' throws NotSupportedException

您可以使用 JsonUnknownDerivedTypeHandling 列舉來變更預設行為,其可指定如下:

    UnknownDerivedTypeHandling = JsonUnknownDerivedTypeHandling.FallBackToBaseType)]
public class BasePoint
    public int X { get; set; }
    public int Y { get; set; }

public class ThreeDimensionalPoint : BasePoint
    public int Z { get; set; }

public class FourDimensionalPoint : ThreeDimensionalPoint
    public int W { get; set; }
Public Class BasePoint
    Public Property X As Integer
    Public Property Y As Integer
End Class

Public Class ThreeDimensionalPoint
    Inherits BasePoint
    Public Property Z As Integer
End Class

Public NotInheritable Class FourDimensionalPoint
    Inherits ThreeDimensionalPoint
    Public Property W As Integer
End Class

您可以使用 FallBackToNearestAncestor 設定來切換回最接近宣告衍生型別的合約,而不是切換回基底類型:

    UnknownDerivedTypeHandling = JsonUnknownDerivedTypeHandling.FallBackToNearestAncestor)]
public interface IPoint { }

public class BasePoint : IPoint { }

public class ThreeDimensionalPoint : BasePoint { }
    UnknownDerivedTypeHandling = JsonUnknownDerivedTypeHandling.FallBackToNearestAncestor)>
Public Interface IPoint
End Interface

Public Class BasePoint
    Inherits IPoint
End Class

Public Class ThreeDimensionalPoint
    Inherits BasePoint
End Class

使用如上述範例的設定時,ThreeDimensionalPoint 型別會序列化為 BasePoint

// Serializes using the contract for BasePoint
JsonSerializer.Serialize<IPoint>(new ThreeDimensionalPoint());
' Serializes using the contract for BasePoint
JsonSerializer.Serialize(Of IPoint)(New ThreeDimensionalPoint())

不過,切換回最接近的上階會准許「鑽石」模棱兩可的可能性。 請考慮下列型別階層作為範例:

    UnknownDerivedTypeHandling = JsonUnknownDerivedTypeHandling.FallBackToNearestAncestor)]
public interface IPoint { }

public interface IPointWithTimeSeries : IPoint { }

public class BasePoint : IPoint { }

public class BasePointWithTimeSeries : BasePoint, IPointWithTimeSeries { }
Public Interface IPoint
End Interface

Public Interface IPointWithTimeSeries
    Inherits IPoint
End Interface

Public Class BasePoint
    Implements IPoint
End Class

Public Class BasePointWithTimeSeries
    Inherits BasePoint
    Implements IPointWithTimeSeries
End Class

在此情況下,BasePointWithTimeSeries 型別可以序列化為 BasePointIPointWithTimeSeries,因為這兩者都是直接上階。 嘗試將 BasePointWithTimeSeries 的執行個體序列化為 IPoint 時,這個模棱兩可的情況會導致擲回 NotSupportedException

// throws NotSupportedException
JsonSerializer.Serialize<IPoint>(new BasePointWithTimeSeries());
' throws NotSupportedException
JsonSerializer.Serialize(Of IPoint)(New BasePointWithTimeSeries())


對於屬性註釋不切實際或不可能的使用案例 (例如大型領域模型、跨組件階層,或第三方相依性中的階層),設定多型使用合約模型。 合約模型是一組 API,可用來在型別階層中設定多型,方法是建立可為每個型別動態提供多型設定的自訂 DefaultJsonTypeInfoResolver 子類別,如下列範例所示:

public class PolymorphicTypeResolver : DefaultJsonTypeInfoResolver
    public override JsonTypeInfo GetTypeInfo(Type type, JsonSerializerOptions options)
        JsonTypeInfo jsonTypeInfo = base.GetTypeInfo(type, options);

        Type basePointType = typeof(BasePoint);
        if (jsonTypeInfo.Type == basePointType)
            jsonTypeInfo.PolymorphismOptions = new JsonPolymorphismOptions
                TypeDiscriminatorPropertyName = "$point-type",
                IgnoreUnrecognizedTypeDiscriminators = true,
                UnknownDerivedTypeHandling = JsonUnknownDerivedTypeHandling.FailSerialization,
                DerivedTypes =
                    new JsonDerivedType(typeof(ThreeDimensionalPoint), "3d"),
                    new JsonDerivedType(typeof(FourDimensionalPoint), "4d")

        return jsonTypeInfo;
Public Class PolymorphicTypeResolver
    Inherits DefaultJsonTypeInfoResolver

    Public Overrides Function GetTypeInfo(
        ByVal type As Type,
        ByVal options As JsonSerializerOptions) As JsonTypeInfo

        Dim jsonTypeInfo As JsonTypeInfo = MyBase.GetTypeInfo(type, options)
        Dim basePointType As Type = GetType(BasePoint)

        If jsonTypeInfo.Type = basePointType Then
            jsonTypeInfo.PolymorphismOptions = New JsonPolymorphismOptions With {
                .TypeDiscriminatorPropertyName = "$point-type",
                .IgnoreUnrecognizedTypeDiscriminators = True,
                .UnknownDerivedTypeHandling =
                New JsonDerivedType(GetType(ThreeDimensionalPoint), "3d"))
                New JsonDerivedType(GetType(FourDimensionalPoint), "4d"))
        End If

        Return jsonTypeInfo
    End Function
End Class


  • 多型序列化支援透過 JsonDerivedTypeAttribute 明確選擇加入的衍生型別。 未宣告的型別將會導致執行階段例外狀況。 您可以設定 JsonPolymorphicAttribute.UnknownDerivedTypeHandling 屬性來變更此行為。
  • 基底型別中的多型設定不會繼承衍生型別中指定的多型設定。 您必須獨立設定基底型別。
  • interfaceclass 型別都支援多型階層。
  • 使用型別鑑別子的多型僅支援使用物件、集合和字典型別之預設轉換器的型別階層。
  • 中繼資料型來源產生支援多型,但不支援快速路徑來源產生。
