
Restrict users from signing out of the HoloLens app


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically - Apr 13, 2022

Business value

This feature provides another way for customers to protect company information by restricting users from changing user accounts in the HoloLens app.

Feature details

In the January 2022 release of Dynamics 365 Remote Assist, we added the ability to protect company information by preventing users from making private calls, and from accessing files and assets. This feature adds another level of protection by keeping users from signing out of the HoloLens app (and signing in to a different account). Customers can do this by setting up HoloLens kiosk mode.


You can’t use kiosk mode to restrict users of the mobile app from signing out of the app.

See also

Restrict Dynamics 365 Remote Assist users on HoloLens from signing out of the app (docs)