

Set up bank account numbers for Brazil

When you create a bank account, the bank account number that you enter must follow a specific format (mask). This mask includes all the attributes that are required to identify a bank account number according to the regulations from the Brazilian Central Bank.

Follow these steps to create a bank account number in the required format.

  1. Go to Cash and Bank Management > Bank accounts > Bank accounts.

  2. Select an existing bank account, or select New to create a new bank account.

  3. In the Bank account number field, enter the bank account number in the following format:

    123 1234-1 012345678901-12

    Here is an explanation of the digits in the mask:

    • 123 – The bank code that is defined by the Brazilian Central Bank.
    • 1234 – The bank branch number.
    • 1 – The check digit for the bank branch number.
    • 012345678901 – The bank account number.
    • 12 – The check digit for the bank account number.


    The spaces between the block of digits must be provided according to the mask. If the bank account number that you enter doesn't follow the mask, you receive the following validation message: "Invalid bank account format. Expected format is "<Bank code> <branch number> <account number>"."

    The localization design doesn't automatically extract the elements of the bank account number from the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) code. You must manually extract the elements and enter them in the Bank account number field.

  4. Select Save.