

New GSTR Offline Tool for ANX-1 and Purchase Register

In the newly proposed system for Goods and Services Tax Return (GSTR) filing, the taxpayer will have to file Form GST RET-1 (Normal), Form GST RET-2 (Sahaj), or Form GST RET-3 (Sugam) either monthly or quarterly. The Annexure of Supplies (GST ANX-1) and the Annexure of Inward Supplies (GST ANX-2) will be filed as part of these returns.

GST ANX-1 contains details about all outward and inward supplies that are liable for tax on the basis of reverse charges. These outward and inward supplies include imports and the inward supply of goods from special economic zones (SEZs). GST ANX-2 contains details about inward supplies only. These details are automatically filled in, mainly from suppliers' GST ANX-1. GST ANX-1 also contains details that are automatically filled in from Form GSTR-5 and Form GSTR-6.

The taxpayer must provide details about the inward supplies that are listed in GST ANX-2 by accepting or rejecting the entries. The taxpayer can also keep the documents pending by marking them accordingly.

Based on the details that are uploaded in GST ANX-1, and the actions that the taxpayer takes in GST ANX-2, the relevant fields in Form GST RET-1 are automatically updated. The taxpayer can then view and enter details in the relevant columns, save the information, and download a copy of the form in PDF format.

The Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) has released a trial version of the New Returns Offline Tool for Form GST ANX-1, Form GST ANX-2 (the Matching Tool is built in), and a template for the Purchase Register. The Purchase Register is used to import Purchase Register data so that it can be matched with GST ANX-2 data.

This article provides information about how to set up and use Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance to generate comma-separate values (CSV) files by using the New GSTR Offline Tool. It includes information about how to import the configuration, generate GST ANX-1, and generate the Purchase Register.

Generated GST ANX-1 and Purchase register reports are supported in the following version:

Finance version Build number
10.0.13 10.0.569.10002

The solution that supports the reporting capabilities of the New Returns Offline Tool is based on Electronic reporting (ER) functionality. This functionality provides a flexible approach for setting up and supporting reporting processes.


Complete the following tasks to prepare Finance to report GST ANX-1:

  1. Import and set up ER configurations.

  2. Map the reporting configuration in the tax setup.

  3. Provide report data for report generation.

    • Generate the ANX-1 report which contains 10 CSV files.
  4. Provide report data for report generation:

    • Generate the Purchase Register in a Microsoft Excel file format.

Import the tax configuration

  • Taxable Document.version.82
  • Taxable Document (India).version 82.155
  • Tax (India GST).version.82.155.300

Import and set up ER configurations

To prepare Finance for GSTR reporting, you must import the following versions of ER configurations, or later versions, in the order that they are listed in.

ER configuration name Type Format Version
GST returns model Model XML 16
GST returns model mapping Model XML 16.7
GSTR-1 for old return Model XML 16.32
GSTR-1 for new return Model XML 16.41
GSTR-2 for old return Model XML 16.36
GSTR-2 for new return Model XML 16.40
GST Returns govt. model mapping Model XML 19.10
GST Returns govt. model Model XML 19.0
GST Returns govt. model mapping Model XML 19.12
GST ANX-1 Govt. offline tool Model XML 19.22
Purchase Register Model XML 19.7
ANX-1 Format (exporting) CSV N/A
Purchase Register Format (exporting) Excel N/A
GSTR-1 (new) Format (exporting) CSV N/A
GSTR-2 (new) Format (exporting) CSV N/A

Import the latest versions of these configurations. The description of each configuration version usually includes information about the changes that were introduced in that version.


After all the ER configurations from the preceding table are imported, you must map the report configuration in the tax setup.

Name Version Report controller Description (Pl)
GST ANX-1 Govt. Offline Tool 19.22 GST ANX-1 Govt. offline Tool New GSTR return applicable from 1.4.2020 onward
GSTR-1 CSV (old) 16.32 GSTR-1 (old) Existing GSTR-1 format
GSTR-1 Govt. Offline Tool CSV 19.10 GSTR-1 Govt. Offline Tool Existing GSTR-1 offline tool. (Ineffective from 1.4.2020)
GSTR-2 CSV (old) 16.36 GSTR-2 (old) Existing GSTR-2 format
Purchase register 19.7 Purchase Register New register for inward transaction applicable from 1.4.2020

Important transactions for ANX-1

Name Report File format Description Fields that are covered
B2C CSV ANX-1 CSV Supplies that are made to consumers and unregistered persons (the net total of debit and credit notes).
  • Place of supply
  • Differential % of Tax Rate
  • Taxable value
  • Supply Covered Under Sec 7 of IGST Act Rate
  • Integrated tax
  • Central tax
  • State Tax
  • Cess
B2B CSV ANX-1 CSV Supplies that are made to registered persons. Supplies that attract reverse charges are excluded. This includes editing of rejected documents.
  • GSTIN/UIN of Recipient
  • Trade/Legal Name
  • Document Type (Debit note, Credit note, or Invoice)
  • Document number
  • Document date
  • Document value
  • Place of supply
  • Differential % of tax rate
  • Supply covered under section 7 of IGST Act
  • HSN
  • Rate
  • Taxable value
  • Integrated tax
  • Central tax
  • State Tax/UT
  • Cess
EXP ANX-1 CSV Exports that include payment of tax and exports that exclude payment of tax. These transactions aren't supported by the current tax configuration version, 82.143.xxx, or earlier versions.
SEZ ANX-1 CSV Supplies to SEZ units and developers that include payment of tax and those that exclude payment of tax. This includes editing of rejected documents. These transactions aren't supported by the current tax configuration version, 82.143.xxx, or earlier versions.
DE ANX-1 CSV Deemed exports. These transactions aren't supported by the current tax configuration version, 82.143.xxx, or earlier versions.
RV ANX-1 CSV Inward supplies that attract reverse charges that must be reported by the recipient, GSTIN-wise, the net of debit/credit notes, and any paid advances.
  • GSTIN/PAN of supplier
  • Trade/Legal name
  • Place of supply
  • Differential % of tax rate
  • Supply covered under section 7 of IGST Act
  • Supply Type (Inter-state or Intra-state)
  • HSN code
  • Rate
  • Taxable value
  • Integrated tax
  • Central tax
  • State Tax/UT
  • Cess
IMPS ANX-1 CSV Import of services (the net total of credit and debit notes, and any paid advances).
  • Place of supply
  • HSN code Rate
  • Taxable value
  • Integrated tax Central tax
  • State Tax/UT
  • Cess
IMPG ANX-1 CSV Import of services (the net total of credit and debit notes, and any paid advances).
  • Place of supply
  • HSN code
  • Rate
  • Taxable value
  • Integrated tax
  • Central tax
  • State Tax/UT
  • Cess
IMPGSEZ ANX-1 CSV Import of goods from SEZ units on a bill of entry. These transactions aren't supported by the current tax configuration version, 82.143.xxx, or earlier versions.
ECOM ANX-1 CSV Details of supplies that are made through e-commerce operators that are liable to collect Tax Collection at Source (TCS) under section 52.
  • GSTIN of E-com
  • Trade/Legal Name
  • Value of supplies
  • Value of supplies returned
  • Net value of supplies Integrated tax
  • Central tax
  • State Tax/UT
  • Cess

Important transactions for the Purchase Register

Name Report File format Description Fields that are covered
Purchase Register PR XLSX Inward supplies from the following sources:
  • B2B
  • DE
  • GSTIN of supplier
  • Trade/Legal name
  • Type of inward supplies
  • Document type
  • Document number
  • Document date
  • Taxable value
  • Total tax
  • Integrated tax
  • Central tax
  • State/UT tax
  • Cess

Generate data in a CSV file

Load the report configuration into workspaces

Follow these steps to load the report configuration into workspaces.

  1. Go to Workspaces > Electronic reporting, and select the Reporting configurations tile.

  2. On the Configurations page, select Exchange > Load from XML file, and load the following configurations:

    • GSTReturnsGovt.version.19
    • GST Returns govt. model mapping.version.19.12
    • GST ANX-1 Govt. offline tool.version.19.22
    • GSTR1GovtCSV.version.19.10
    • Purchase Register.version.19.7
  3. Import the configuration files in the same order that you loaded them in.

Configurations page.

Map the report configuration in the tax setup

Follow these steps to map the report configuration in the tax setup.

  1. Go to Tax > Setup > Tax configuration > Tax setup, and select Configurations.

  2. On the Configurations page, on the Reporting configurations tab, select the report configuration, and then select the Select check box.

    Reporting configurations tab on the Configurations page.

  3. In the Report data provider field, select a value.

  4. Select the Close button.


If you don't select a report in the Report controller field, the report won't be available for selection under Sales tax reports > India in step 1 of the procedures in the next section.

Generate the GST ANX-1 and Purchase Register reports

GST ANX-1 Govt. Offline Tool report data

  1. Go to Tax > Sales tax reports > India > GER export to GSTR CSV.

  2. In the GER export to GSTR CSV dialog box, in the From date and To date fields, define the period that the generated report should include.

  3. In the Registration number field, select the GSTIN registration number.

  4. In the Configuration field, select GST ANX-1 Govt. Offline Tool.

  5. In the File name field, enter a name for the file to save the report in CSV format.

    GER export to GSTR CSV dialog box for the ANX-1 report.

  6. Select OK.

The GST ANX-1 report is generated in CSV format. It will include a total of 10 worksheets:

  • B2C
  • B2B
  • EXP
  • SEZ
  • DE
  • REV
  • IMPG
  • IMPS
  • ECOM

For example, here are some of the columns that the B2B worksheet contains: GSTIN/UIN of Recipient, Trade/Legal Name, Document Type, Document Number, Document Date, Document Value, Place of Supply, Differential % of Tax Rate, Supply Covered Under Sec 7 of IGST Act, and HSN Code.

B2B sheet of the GST ANX-1 report.

Purchase Register report data

  1. Go to Tax > Sales tax reports > India > GER export to GSTR CSV.

  2. In the GER export to GSTR CSV dialog box, in the Financial year field, select the financial year that you're generating the report for.

  3. In the Tax period field, select the tax period.

  4. In the Registration number field, select the GSTIN registration number.

  5. In the Configuration field, select Purchase Register.

  6. In the File name field, enter a name for the file to save the report in CSV format.

    GER export to GSTR CSV dialog box for the Purchase Register report.

  7. Select OK.

The Purchase Register report is generated. This report contains the following columns: GSTIN of supplier, Trade/Legal name, Type of inward supplies, Document type, Document number, Document date, Taxable value, Total tax, Integrated tax, Central tax, State/UT tax, and Cess.

Purchase Register report.