
Make intercompany transactions across Business Central environments


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Sep 1, 2023 Oct 2, 2023

Business value

It's easier for businesses to handle transactions when they have multiple companies. Intercompany postings help you do accounting for multiple companies operating in multiple Business Central tenant environments, eliminating the need to manage files.

Feature details

It's easy to set up an intercompany partnership between companies that operate in different Business Central environments. On the Intercompany Partner Setup page, selecting Connect Externally Setup lets you set up a connection to a company in a different environment. You can select a company that you're allowed to set up as an intercompany partner in that environment. The setup also involves a step where you create and enable a registration application in Azure Portal in the company that you need to give access to from other companies.

When the setup is complete, you'll be able to automatically send and receive transactions for the company even though it's in a different environment.

You can use all intercompany features across environments, including sales and purchase documents, intercompany general journals, and purchase invoice cost distributions. For example, if you've chosen to map accounts to an intercompany chart of accounts, or dimensions or items, transactions can flow even though the partners reside in different Business Central environments.

New setup page for IC Partners from different environments

New action on Intercompany IC Partner Setup page

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See also

Set Up Intercompany Transactions (docs)