
Registration and notification functionality for Denmark


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically - Nov 1, 2023

Business value

Danish companies can be notified for registration in the Nemhandelsregisteret as required by the new Danish Bookkeeping Act.

Feature details

The new Danish Bookkeeping Act requires you to register companies that use Dynamics 365 Business Central as their bookkeeping system in the Nemhandelsregisteret. If there are companies that aren't registered, Business Central will notify them and provide registration instructions. This feature is enabled for the Danish localization of Business Central.

This functionality will be enabled by default begining in 2024. The Registered with Nemhandel field on the Company Information page is marked automatically when a user registers with NemHandel. If this field isn't marked, the system provides a notification that this software isn't registered in the Nemhandelsregisteret yet. Before a user can register with NemHandel, the company must have properly populated the Registration No. field on the Company Information page with an accurate CVR number.

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See also

Notification and registration for the NemHandelsregisteret in Denmark (docs)