修復更新訊息會由 Exchange Server 中的 TimeZoneMatchCheck 失敗觸發

原始 KB 編號: 3019798


在 Exchange Server 2016、Exchange Server 2013 或 2010 Exchange Server,您會在 iOS 8 上收到一或多個修復更新訊息。x 或 iOS 7。x 裝置。 這些訊息表示行事曆修復小幫手 (CRA) 已更新會議。


Your meeting was found to be out of date and has been automatically updated.

Updated meeting details:
Meeting Recurrence

CRA 記錄的分析顯示 TimeZoneMatchCheck 程式失敗:

<Attendee EmailAddress="jim@tailspintoys.com">
<ConsistencyCheck Type="CanValidateOwnerCheck" Result="Passed">
<Description>Checks whether the counterpart user can be validated or not.</Description>
<ConsistencyCheck Type="ValidateStoreObjectCheck" Result="Passed">
<Description>Calls Validate() on the base calendar item.</Description>
<ConsistencyCheck Type="MeetingExistenceCheck" Result="Passed">
<Description>Checkes whether the item can be found in the owner's calendar or not.</Description>
<ConsistencyCheck Type="MeetingCancellationCheck" Result="Passed">
<Description>Checkes to make sure that the meeting cancellations statuses match.</Description>
<ConsistencyCheck Type="TimeZoneMatchCheck" Result="Failed">
<Description>Checks to make sure that the attendee has correct recurring time zone information with the organizer.</Description>
<Inconsistency Owner="Attendee" ShouldFix="True" Flag="RecurringTimeZone" />
<ConsistencyCheck Type="MeetingPropertiesMatchCheck" Result="Passed">
<Description>Checks to make sure that the attendee has the correct critical properties for the meeting.</Description>
<RUM IsOccurrence="False" Type="Update" Sent="True" Time="DateTime">
<Meeting Subject="Test Recurring TimeZone Meeting" MeetingType="RecurringMaster" StartTime="DateTime" EndTime="DateTime" Organizer="sarah@tailspintoys.com">


CRA 記錄的預設位置是 %ExchangeInstallPath%\Logging\Calendar Repair Assistant。


在出席者於 iOS 8 上更新會議 12-48 小時後,會議修復更新訊息可能會出現在出席者的收件匣中。x 或 iOS 7。x 裝置。 CRA 正嘗試將 iOS 裝置所導入的不一致性更正為出席者會議複本的時區屬性。


此問題已在 iOS 8.3 更新中解決。


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