

Gets the results for a call to XStoreCanAcquireLicenseForStoreIdAsync.


HRESULT XStoreCanAcquireLicenseForStoreIdResult(  
         XAsyncBlock* async,  
         XStoreCanAcquireLicenseResult* storeCanAcquireLicense  


async   _Inout_
Type: XAsyncBlock*

The XAsyncBlock that was passed to XStoreCanAcquireLicenseForStoreIdAsync. The XAsyncBlock can be used to poll for the call's status and retrieve call results. See XAsyncBlock for more information.

storeCanAcquireLicense   _Out_
Type: XStoreCanAcquireLicenseResult*

On return indicates if the user would be able to license the requested product. This product can be a game, durable, or durable with package. It will also return a result if the product can be licensed by an inserted disc. The result will indicate what SKU the user would be able to license. Note that no SKU will be returned in the case where content is able to be licensed via disc.

Return value


S_OK on success; otherwise, returns an error code.

The following error codes may be returned by XStoreCanAcquireLicenseForStoreIdResult:

Error code Meaning
0x803f6108 IAP_E_BAD_LICENSE The package for this product is not installed
0x803f9006 LM_E_ENTITLED_USER_SIGNED_OUT Owner of the product is not signed in.


This result function allows you to retrieve the execution results of XStoreCanAcquireLicenseForStoreIdAsync, as well as the preview license that was called for if the execution was successful. This function should be called after XStoreCanAcquireLicenseForStoreIdAsync has been called, usually in the context of a callback function. See XStoreCanAcquireLicenseForStoreIdAsync for a usage example.


Header: XStore.h (included in XGameRuntime.h)

Library: xgameruntime.lib

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also
