

Returns an XSystemDeviceType value corresponding to the device currently being used.


XSystemDeviceType XSystemGetDeviceType(  



Return value

Type: XSystemDeviceType

XSystemDeviceType enumeration value corresponding to the device currently being used.


This function has no explicit error state, but will return a value of XSystemDeviceType::Unknown if it is not possible to determine the device type in use.


This query will return the console mode, as opposed to the actual hardware type, meaning that it is possible for a developer console to masquerade as a different device type when polled by a title.


A Microsoft Game Development Kit (GDK) title built for the Xbox One family will not return a device code within the Xbox Series consoles unless the XboxCompatibility setting in the MicrosoftGame.config file is set to Scarlett. Instead, it will return a code from the Xbox One family based on the current device.

Actual Device / Mode Built for Xbox One family Built for Xbox Series consoles
Xbox Series X Dev Kit XboxOneXDevkit XboxScarlettDevkit
Xbox Series X
Anaconda Profiling Mode
XboxOneX XboxScarlettAnaconda
Xbox Series S
Lockhart Profiling Mode
Xbox Series S Test Kit
XboxOneS XboxScarlettLockhart

For more information on the target device family usage, see MicrosoftGame.config overview.

It is possible to execute this query before calling XGameRuntimeInitialize in order to allow its usage during early title initialization.

This example gets the type of the device currently being used. If it is running on a devkit, it runs custom code to enable developer features within the game.

const XSystemDeviceType deviceType = XSystemGetDeviceType(); 
const bool deviceIsDevkit = 
    deviceType == XSystemDeviceType::XboxOneXDevkit || 
    deviceType == XSystemDeviceType::XboxScarlettDevkit; 
if (deviceIsDevkit) 


Header: XSystem.h

Library: xgameruntime.lib

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also
