

cloudPcPartnerAgentInstallResult resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


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Describes installation results for a partner agent on a Cloud PC.


Property Type Description
installStatus cloudPcPartnerAgentInstallStatus The status of a partner agent installation. Possible values are: installed, installFailed, installing, uninstalling, uninstallFailed and licensed. Read-Only.
isThirdPartyPartner Boolean Indicates whether the partner agent is a third party. When true, the agent is a third-party (non-Microsoft) agent and when false, the agent is a Microsoft agent or isn't known. The default value is false.
partnerAgentName cloudPcPartnerAgentName The name of the first-party or third-party partner agent. Possible values for third-party partners are Citrix, VMware and HP. Read-Only.
retriable Boolean Indicates whether the partner agent installation should be retried. The default value is false.
errorMessage string Contains a detailed error message when the partner agent installation failed.

cloudPcPartnerAgentName values

Member Description
citrix A third-party partner named Citrix.
unknownFutureValue Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.
vMware A third-party partner named VMware.
hp A third-party partner named HP.

cloudPcPartnerAgentInstallStatus values

Member Description
installed The partner agent is installed.
installFailed The partner agent installation failed, although the license is assigned.
installing The partner agent is installing.
uninstalling The partner agent is removed when there's no third-party-partner license but the third-party-partner agent was previously installed.
uninstallFailed Indicates the partner agent uninstallation failed, although a license was already unassigned.
licensed The partner license was assigned to this Cloud PC, but the third-party partner agent isn't yet installed.
unknownFutureValue Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.cloudPcPartnerAgentInstallResult",
  "errorMessage": "String",
  "installStatus": "String",
  "isThirdPartyPartner": "Boolean",
  "partnerAgentName": "String",
  "retriable": "Boolean"