

messageRulePredicates resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents the set of conditions and exceptions that are available for a rule.


Property Type Description
bodyContains Collection(String) Represents the strings that should appear in the body of an incoming message in order for the condition or exception to apply.
bodyOrSubjectContains Collection(String) Represents the strings that should appear in the body or subject of an incoming message in order for the condition or exception to apply.
categories Collection(String) Represents the categories that an incoming message should be labeled with in order for the condition or exception to apply.
fromAddresses Collection(recipient) Represents the specific sender email addresses of an incoming message in order for the condition or exception to apply.
hasAttachments Boolean Indicates whether an incoming message must have attachments in order for the condition or exception to apply.
headerContains Collection(String) Represents the strings that appear in the headers of an incoming message in order for the condition or exception to apply.
importance importance The importance that is stamped on an incoming message in order for the condition or exception to apply: low, normal, high.
isApprovalRequest Boolean Indicates whether an incoming message must be an approval request in order for the condition or exception to apply.
isAutomaticForward Boolean Indicates whether an incoming message must be automatically forwarded in order for the condition or exception to apply.
isAutomaticReply Boolean Indicates whether an incoming message must be an auto reply in order for the condition or exception to apply.
isEncrypted Boolean Indicates whether an incoming message must be encrypted in order for the condition or exception to apply.
isMeetingRequest Boolean Indicates whether an incoming message must be a meeting request in order for the condition or exception to apply.
isMeetingResponse Boolean Indicates whether an incoming message must be a meeting response in order for the condition or exception to apply.
isNonDeliveryReport Boolean Indicates whether an incoming message must be a non-delivery report in order for the condition or exception to apply.
isPermissionControlled Boolean Indicates whether an incoming message must be permission controlled (RMS-protected) in order for the condition or exception to apply.
isReadReceipt Boolean Indicates whether an incoming message must be a read receipt in order for the condition or exception to apply.
isSigned Boolean Indicates whether an incoming message must be S/MIME-signed in order for the condition or exception to apply.
isVoicemail Boolean Indicates whether an incoming message must be a voice mail in order for the condition or exception to apply.
messageActionFlag messageActionFlag Represents the flag-for-action value that appears on an incoming message in order for the condition or exception to apply. The possible values are: any, call, doNotForward, followUp, fyi, forward, noResponseNecessary, read, reply, replyToAll, review.
notSentToMe Boolean Indicates whether the owner of the mailbox must not be a recipient of an incoming message in order for the condition or exception to apply.
recipientContains Collection(String) Represents the strings that appear in either the toRecipients or ccRecipients properties of an incoming message in order for the condition or exception to apply.
senderContains Collection(String) Represents the strings that appear in the from property of an incoming message in order for the condition or exception to apply.
sensitivity sensitivity Represents the sensitivity level that must be stamped on an incoming message in order for the condition or exception to apply. The possible values are: normal, personal, private, confidential.
sentCcMe Boolean Indicates whether the owner of the mailbox must be in the ccRecipients property of an incoming message in order for the condition or exception to apply.
sentOnlyToMe Boolean Indicates whether the owner of the mailbox must be the only recipient in an incoming message in order for the condition or exception to apply.
sentToAddresses Collection(recipient) Represents the email addresses that an incoming message must have been sent to in order for the condition or exception to apply.
sentToMe Boolean Indicates whether the owner of the mailbox must be in the toRecipients property of an incoming message in order for the condition or exception to apply.
sentToOrCcMe Boolean Indicates whether the owner of the mailbox must be in either a toRecipients or ccRecipients property of an incoming message in order for the condition or exception to apply.
subjectContains Collection(String) Represents the strings that appear in the subject of an incoming message in order for the condition or exception to apply.
withinSizeRange sizeRange Represents the minimum and maximum sizes (in kilobytes) that an incoming message must fall in between in order for the condition or exception to apply.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "bodyContains": ["String"],
  "bodyOrSubjectContains": ["String"],
  "categories": ["String"],
  "fromAddresses": [{"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.recipient"}],
  "hasAttachments": "Boolean",
  "headerContains": ["String"],
  "importance": "String",
  "isApprovalRequest": "Boolean",
  "isAutomaticForward": "Boolean",
  "isAutomaticReply": "Boolean",
  "isEncrypted": "Boolean",
  "isMeetingRequest": "Boolean",
  "isMeetingResponse": "Boolean",
  "isNonDeliveryReport": "Boolean",
  "isPermissionControlled": "Boolean",
  "isReadReceipt": "Boolean",
  "isSigned": "Boolean",
  "isVoicemail": "Boolean",
  "messageActionFlag": "String",
  "notSentToMe": "Boolean",
  "recipientContains": ["String"],
  "senderContains": ["String"],
  "sensitivity": "String",
  "sentCcMe": "Boolean",
  "sentOnlyToMe": "Boolean",
  "sentToAddresses": [{"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.recipient"}],
  "sentToMe": "Boolean",
  "sentToOrCcMe": "Boolean",
  "subjectContains": ["String"],
  "withinSizeRange": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.sizeRange"}